
  • Put them ALL on planes and take them to Gaza, they will cry to come home

    • thought exactly except don't let them come back here.

  • The real insurrectionists are the people financing these protests. These protest crowds are made up of mostly teen age and early twenties “children”. They are the “useful idiots” used so affectively by Lenin and, more recently, by George Soros. Young people are used to prevent the removal of these people by whatever means necessary. Any attempt at forcibly breaking up these crowds would certainly be met with screams of police brutality, defund the police and, save our children on every mainstream network in America.

    The kids in these so-called protests couldn’t find Palestine on a map if you gave them all day. These gatherings are a “happening” and they are getting a paid vacation. As a result they are contributing to an even further divide among people here in America. The greater the divide, the more difficult it becomes to form an organized resistance against The New World Order.


  • In Genesis 12:1-3, God (YHWH) says that He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.  The usefull idiots who protest against Israel and for Hamas are the MOST confused and ignorant people on the Globe and they are all rabid Demoncrats.  Demoncrats are the supporters of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) which is nothing more than Affirmative Action on Steriods.  The reason the Demoncrats support and propogate DEI is because they have no real talents and no morality what so ever.  DEI is designed to elevate the useless idiots to positions of importance and to provide government jobs for those who have no meaningful skills, no motivation, and no righteousness, just like the useful idiots protesting for Hamas and against Israel.  They are all the same, people with NO abilities, NO motivation to study, learn, and work, and NO morality to do what is right.  All they do is seek the path of least resistance and they are leaches on society!!!  Nevertheless, take heart, the LORD God (YHWH) will destroy them from off the face of the Earth and he will use His righteous followers to accomplish their destruction!

    • 12751541496?profile=RESIZE_930x

    • Thomas, I am aware that those exact words do not appear in the Bible; however, I am also intelligent enough to know that the Promise of God (YHWH) given to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3 was passed from Abraham to his 2nd son, Isaac, who then passed it to his 2nd son, Jacob, whom God (YHWH) renamed ISRAEL, thus the Promise of God (YHWH) rested upon the House of Israel and the current Nation of Israel is primarily populated by the descendents of ISRAEL.

    • Being a mere Gentile and Christian and not one of God’s chosen people; I don’t possess that unique ability to interpret and to see what is NOT written.

      Genesis chapter 12

      English Standard Version

      1 Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country and your kindre...

       2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and m...

       3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I wil...

      What does Genesis 12:1 mean? |
      Now the Lord said to Abram, 'Go from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you; - What is…
    • Thomas, Actually Brother, You DO have the ability to interpret and see what is not written.  I, also, am a Gentile Christian, but I know that I have been grafted into the Family of Abraham and now partake of the Promise in Genesis 12:1-3.  Our ability comes from our confession that Jesus Christ is God (YHWH) come in the flesh, that he was hung on a Cross in the City of Jerusalem, that he died physically, was resurrected, and now sits on the right hand of God (YHWH) in the Throne Room of God (YHWH) in Heaven.  Jesus gave us the best mentor we could ever hope for, the Holy Spirit.  It is by the Holy Spirit that we, Christians, can look at the Word of God in the Holy Bible and can then understand the broader meaning of that word.

      Though the Jews rejected the Messiah, God (YHWH) did NOT caste them off nor forget about the Promise He made to Abraham and his descendents.  This is why it remains important for us to continue to bless the Jewish People.

      From a more practical standpoint... the United States was attacked by Terrorists on 9/11/2001 and we expected every nation of the world to join with us to destroy the Terrorists who attacked us.  Should not the tiny State of Israel expect the same when they have been attacked?

    • Sir, I have no desire to engage in any sort of Biblical discussion with you or anyone else. If you have an open mind on the events of 9-11-2001, I’d be happy to discuss that subject with you. I realize that “Our Government” released a statement on the cause of the collapse of the towers. That is supposed to satisfy everyone everywhere. The problem is the story is so full of holes that Swiss cheese would be envious.

      Having worked as an engineer for over 40 years, I’ve gotten used to dealing in facts. Although laws are constantly being broken, God is the only one capable of breaking the laws of physics. Here are the links to two videos relevant to the events of 9-11.

      NWO Exposed ✈️ The Truth About 9/11 WTC Twin Towers Building 7 Controlled Demo Pentagon September 11
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