

    We address a wide variety of issues. This site and the movement was never just about one issue. Many of us came to the Tea Party because we were already fighting both parties trying to stop amnesty for illegal aliens. 

    Do you vote on only one issue? Most people do not. 

    What was the issue with the original Tea Party?  No taxation without representation

    Without representation is a big issue that encompasses many issues. IF you feel that you are being told one thing by a politician to get elected and then watch them switch direction when they get elected - do you really have representation in Congress if they get bought by the DC swamp as soon as they arrive? 

    Are we over taxed? Yes, but it is only one component of a systemically flawed system created and maintained by the swamp creatures. 


  • The biggest problem we have right now is the DEEP STATE... the SWAMP.  The elimination of radical leftists in government bureaucracy should be Pres. Trump's number 1 priority... Starting with the Department of Justice, the FBI and Federal Judiciary.  Pres. Trump must assume his role as Chief Law Enforcement Officer first... he must remove the garbage from the halls of government before it will be possible to reform it... one doesn't reform old egg-sucking dogs, or corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.  

  • Let me see, you are on a social site sponsored by the Tea Party with over 49k bloggers. sends 1.4 billion emails per month to our subscriber base.

    Tea Party PAC is a super pac and is putting conservative candidates into office.....and a lot of them. 

    Tea Party delivered over 8.9 million votes for Trump in 2016

    Ask yourself, why the hell should we march down Pennsylvania ave. with cardboard signs, get death threats and tomorrow no one will remember, when we have millions of members who are voters and vote! thats where the power is! Not in front of a camera but in the voting booths!

    The Tea Party is bigger than ever .....we just don't need the left to wake up to the fact we control the vote! 

    How do I know this? Because I am the Co-Founder of the movement and talk to Washington on a regular basis. 

    Read my bio:

  • It found a former Democrat businessman from New York who turned Republican, and got behind him to defeat crooked Hillary Clinton and her band of globalist grifters. But unfortunately, too many of the tax and spend socialist Democrats have burroughed into the federal bureacracy (aka the deep state) that it's gong to be very difficult to rout them out.  Why do you think the Democrats are so desperate to get rid of Trump?

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