Time To Declare War Against The Communist Democrat Party

10075392296?profile=RESIZE_400xThe court jester is now the king, and to so many millions of people around the world, Biden is the face of America. 

Hey Dems, you screwed up.

I want the attention of all those who watch CNN or MSNBC, read Wikipedia, or any number of bogus fact checkers or reporters.

Listen Up Dems! 

• I want the ear of those who insist that the 2020 election was the most honest election in our history.

• I want to dispute with those who choose to believe that the arrival of COVID-19 just in time for the 2020 election was a coincidence, and hawk that The Great Reset is just a conspiracy theory.

• I especially want to address those Democrats that know exactly what is going on, have planned and executed our current realities, and are proud of their work.

• In short, I want to address the Left, the Communist Democrat Party. Best all you RINOS listen up as well.

The Oligarchs you worship know The Great Reset is fact and in the implementation stage. There is plenty of information to be found in cyberspace to destroy your fantasy, including the World Economic Forum’s own website.

You have taken up with friends in low places, global criminals and Chinese Communists, and you will go down history’s sewer with them. History tells us that all of you ideologues, you useful idiots, will be done away with by your own heroes. Even BLM has left town and taken the money with them.

The people you look up to have screwed up!

To those billionaire Oligarchs whose bright idea it is to take over the world because you think we need you, and are desperate to turn over everything we own to you and find Xanadu, you’re deranged. Your plan to relegate us lessor beings to being serfs granting your every pleasure, eating only what you allow us, live where you concede us, have only the freedoms you grant us, is a figment of nothing less than your vivid imagination.

Again, you screwed up, big time!

We clearly see the 180 degree turn our country has made since Trump was robbed of his seat in the White House. You won the election by deceit what you couldn’t win by probity. We know Biden, the puppet and fool. We know his background, his corruption, his less than mediocre career, his habit of lying to distinguish himself.

We observe keenly the inflation, the tyranny, the censorship, the jailing of so called insurrectionists. He set out to screw America the day he took office with ‘his’ executive orders, overnight changing America from an energy giant to an energy shrimp begging the Saudis and Russians to pump more oil. There is chaos everywhere. Biden couldn’t come up with 70+ executive orders on his own. He doesn’t have the intellect.

We observe keenly the inflation, the tyranny, the censorship, the jailing of so called insurrectionists for over a year without trial.

We’ve lived through the manufactured pandemic, mandates, experimental vaccines that do nothing but cause death and injury. We continue to see a nothing burger pandemic, only an issue with the frail elderly, sold as a Black Plague, and only for the vaccines. You’ve robbed children of their youth and education, and instilled fear among the populace. You withheld inexpensive, effective treatments to line the pockets of your friends and create a maximum death count. Your toadies have placed thousands of COVID elderly in senior rest homes, suppressed treatment and watched as they infected the other residents. We’re witnessing the withholding of healthcare to those who choose not to take the shot.

We watched the opening wide of our borders, the hundreds of millions of dollars worth of border fence rotting in the desert. We’ve seen the transport of thousands of illegals to battle ground states in the middle of the night with no ID, ready to receive their voter registration cards. We observed a Democrat Congress spending money we do not have, and trying desperately to pass legislation legalizing fraudulent elections.

Democrats—Chaos reigns in your cities and you think you have something to teach us. We watch the news every night observing the massive crime surge taking place in Democrat cities with little or no cost to the perps. Chaos reigns in your cities and you think you have something to teach us.

We are closely following your push for war with Russia to create a distraction of your criminal activity and to our amazement, protect Ukraine’s borders while ignoring ours. We wait as you plan other distractions.

You have your puppet in the most powerful seat in the world. And you chose the biggest screw-up in politics, and a feeble, senile, corrupt one at that.

We know you, the Obama clones who covered up the name of Jesus at Georgetown before Obama would speak. It reminded us of Dracula who cringes at the site of the cross.

America knows the effort you made to demoralize our citizens, to bring them low. Instead of making America great again, you concentrate on gender roles and redefining patriarchy.

Democrats on the Left need to sober up, take a step back and understand the cost
You think we will now agree to your New World Order, and are desperate for despotic change. Think again. America, Canada and much of the free world is awakening. If you think you are going to push us around, you’ll find us very uncooperative. The middle class made this country, not you.

Democrats on the Left need to sober up, take a step back and understand the cost, what is at risk and what people are willing to do to preserve their freedom, and their belief in God.

The court jester is now the king, and to so many millions of people here and around the world, Biden is the face of your movement.

Hey Dems, you screwed up.

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  • Are you sure they are communists.....not just socialists? Did they call themselves communists or are you misguidedly calling them communists, when in reality they are just socialists?

    • ilona Trommler, a rose by any other name will still smell like a COMMUNIST. Like Don Rickels use to say ( He calls them like he sees them) They are communist, and how long did you live in this country, because a life long American know the difference between socialist, and communist.

    • You obviously haven't been following all the posts or you'd realize my sarcasm, since some here think we should not sensationalize and call the leftists  communists. You would be surprised how many Americans until recently had no idea what communism really meant. I lived under  communist rule, so I have no trouble recognizing it. 

    • ADMIN

      The lines between socalism, communism and capitalism has been deliverty blurred. Here is what I see as the differences:

      Communism - the Govt owns everything and administrates all things, people get what the govt decides what they should get. 

      Socialism - the people owns most everything but the govt controls everything for a govt agenda of helping society

      Capitalism - the people own everything including the govt and people only pays the govt in taxes. The taxes should only be used for a benefit the people want and the people can revoke or admend any govt action. 

      • In socialism the government owns most all large business, anything to do with energy and food production. There is small private ownership, and people are able to own property, like a home. 
    • ADMIN

      Yes, look at this string....we all can see how the lines have been blurred leaving the reader confused, which is exactly what the left wants. 

    • ADMIN

      As I see it they are a complex blend of Neo-Confederates, Communists and National Socialist. When you put that in a blender you have the following: 

      1. the govt is G*d

      2. power to control everything

      3. Fiat ownership of all assets 'for the greater good' 

      Walks like a duck, quakes like a duck.....maybe it's a duck!

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