
  • Why did they do that? Where was the State Guard? 

  • The blocking of fire exits and the physical disruption of government... shoujld have resulted in the NG being called up and the entire assembled group arrested and detained as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. 

    Unless the GOP Leadership... governors, mayors, and legislature demand lawful conduct this sort of activity will only grow... IS IT PLANNED and are the GOP Globalists pushing this to use it as a distraction for remaining doormats for such activity...

  • They have nothing better to do ??? The more they push themselves on me the less I care about them .

  • If they can't figure out if they are either a male or female then their lives don't matter to me they can be anything they want but don't tell us to agree with them they already live in a free country I wonder what will happen to them if they move to N Korea or Iran or wherever they are not free 


    And their objective? They already have total freedom to do as they want to their bodies! So.......?

  • So disgusting

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