So what is in that act? An "impoundment" is any action or inaction by an officer or employee of the federal government that precludes obligation or expenditure of budget authority. The President has no unilateral authority to impound funds. The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (ICA) allows the President to impound funds when he transmits a "special message" in accordance with the ICA. Upon sending the message, amounts proposed for rescission (that is, for permanent cancellation) may be impounded for a period of 45 days of continuous congressional session. At issue here is whether the ICA allows such an impoundment for fixed-period appropriations expiring during this 45-day period to continue through the date on which the funds would expire. We conclude that the ICA does not permit the impoundment of funds through their date of expiration. The plain language of the ICA permits only the temporary withholding of budget authority and provides that unless Congress rescinds the amounts at issue, they must be made available for obligation. Amounts proposed for rescission must be made available for prudent obligation before the amounts expire, even where the 45-day period provided in the ICA approaches or spans the date on which funds would expire.

Here is a link to the entire act:

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  • Unfortunately it still requires the congress to act in accordance with the Presidents wishes.  We have too many RINO's and lying, anti-American Democrats in Congress. 

  • Trump strikes again. He is indeed the world's best negotiator. He ends up getting exactly what he wants and what is good for the country. Watch him get the $2,000 for hard working Americans, too!. As a very successfuyl business man, he sure knows how to run the finances of any organization. 

  • Why so much money included in the bill for dispersment to foreign countries when the issue is COVID relief for our citizens? 

    This suggests the question how is it that so many run for office as middle or upper middle income citizens yet all too often the majority leave office as millionaires.

    • The exact reason they want in & refuse to ever leave.

    • Cute Moniker  

      Bien Sure


    • Yes - more like 50-100 millionaires



  • More bad advice by his cabinet.... funds impounded are held for no more than 45 days... it is supposed to be used to withhold funds where circumstances have changed to a point where the fund's allocated need to be withheld... it gives congress time to act without releasing the funds. It is not a permanent fix... Trump needed to veto the bill or held its past 10 days and if Congress adjourns in those 10 days, the bill dies and must be resubmitted.  see Article 1, section 7, clause 2, of the US Constitution.

    • After 45 days there will be another Congress - perhaps that will help.


    • Sorry Ed... but any new congress will be worse than the former... as the election fraud extended to the election of its members and the GOP stands to lose the Senate.

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