I wish I could understand WHY there is so much promotion for medical and surgical "remedies" for agenda confusion. What is to be gained by the elimination of the differences between male and female? Why would the gov. want a unisex or asexual populace?
Diane Logan > valerie eggersApril 8, 2021 at 2:25pm
I have little problem with people expressing themselves in any manner they wish. What I do adamently object to is imposing their deluded belief upon me and especially feeding their propaganda to our kids in a controlled classroom.
The argument to advance transgenderism is simply a political one, not really surgical, for the overwhelming majority of those claiming to be transgender are actually heterosexual transvestites, with a overwhelming fetish syndrome, many married to opposite sex partners (Bruce Jenner as a perfect example). I know that as a fact having worked in a field where from time to time I came acrose those variant behaviors.
As adamantly and spiritually opposed to all of this transgender and homosexual junk, I would like to pose a hypothesis of why, in addition to the demonic element, which I do NOT doubt at all, that there actually might be physical reasons for transgenders to feel like they are in the wrong body.
My point is that Americans live under chemical-laden skies, drink flouride water, eat beef, pork and chicken loaded with antibiotics and hormones to make them fat, they. are kept in inhumane corporate conditions, no fresh air, no freedom. Chickens in worst case scenarios, fall over dead because they are too fat to walk, and other chickens pick at.
Add our medical community that knows nothing about health because med schools get donations from pharma. They think pharma, pharma, pharma. I am.not sure, but we may eat and drink the most man--contaminated food and water in the world. Dutch farmers created megafarms in Indiana and broke sewage laws with sewage ponds ovetflowing. Aaaannnd, male sperm counts are down somewhere between 30% and 60% in America. If the correct figure is 60%, then we would have a projected 0% reproduction rate at some point.
Germany does not let our food in.
Chemicals affect the endrocrine system-the hormones. I am not making excuses for transgender because this is demonic. What I am suggesting is satan used greed to subvert the food, water, soil, food animals, in order to further his attack on sexuality, procreation and the family. We also use plastic bags for food and plastic storage containers. Plastic flakes off, like teflon.
I am suggesting everyone needs to, especially after this Gates/Fauci/Cuomo/FDA/NIH/WHO/chyna/demo and rino crime spree known as CoVid, that we need to reject their food water and chemicals. Buy organic. Eat less beef, etc. Learn about vitamins, demand change in farming techniques, and make lifestyle changes in order to starve the beast.
And start raising some noise with congress critters to protect us from Gates. Gates is now the largest farmland owner in America. Let that sink in.
Excellently proffered... I could not agree more. In fact, when all things rational are considered it is impossible to come to any other conclusion... the human race is being engineered and coached into oblivion, by underlying principalities and powers of darkness. Short of having God's intervention mankind would certainly have no hope of overcoming such an opponent as Satan and his ilk.
Transgender individuals are the product of millennial assaults on God's creation... feelings are not reality, biological fact is reality. Delusion and fantasy are spiritual/illusions... a form of self-deception and societal debauchery. They are the product of external influences in a world going to HELL... in a handbasket. Society is playing with fire when it permits such deviant and Satanic influences to become accepted medical doctrine and practice.
Then please explain why the decrease in sperm count has happened. And only God truly knows. I am only attempting to thread the needle of how satan had accomplished this so far. It is completely reasonable to believe the health of both father and mother matter to the health of a developing in-utero baby. Doctors certainly believe disorders and diseases are inherited. Too much so, actually.
Good for Tucker Carlson. He is one of the very few people I watch on fox news. Carlson, Pirro, Levin, and Ingraham are the only programs I watch since fox moved so far lamestream in the last few years.
I wish I could understand WHY there is so much promotion for medical and surgical "remedies" for agenda confusion. What is to be gained by the elimination of the differences between male and female? Why would the gov. want a unisex or asexual populace?
I have little problem with people expressing themselves in any manner they wish. What I do adamently object to is imposing their deluded belief upon me and especially feeding their propaganda to our kids in a controlled classroom.
The argument to advance transgenderism is simply a political one, not really surgical, for the overwhelming majority of those claiming to be transgender are actually heterosexual transvestites, with a overwhelming fetish syndrome, many married to opposite sex partners (Bruce Jenner as a perfect example). I know that as a fact having worked in a field where from time to time I came acrose those variant behaviors.
As adamantly and spiritually opposed to all of this transgender and homosexual junk, I would like to pose a hypothesis of why, in addition to the demonic element, which I do NOT doubt at all, that there actually might be physical reasons for transgenders to feel like they are in the wrong body.
My point is that Americans live under chemical-laden skies, drink flouride water, eat beef, pork and chicken loaded with antibiotics and hormones to make them fat, they. are kept in inhumane corporate conditions, no fresh air, no freedom. Chickens in worst case scenarios, fall over dead because they are too fat to walk, and other chickens pick at.
Add our medical community that knows nothing about health because med schools get donations from pharma. They think pharma, pharma, pharma. I am.not sure, but we may eat and drink the most man--contaminated food and water in the world. Dutch farmers created megafarms in Indiana and broke sewage laws with sewage ponds ovetflowing. Aaaannnd, male sperm counts are down somewhere between 30% and 60% in America. If the correct figure is 60%, then we would have a projected 0% reproduction rate at some point.
Germany does not let our food in.
Chemicals affect the endrocrine system-the hormones. I am not making excuses for transgender because this is demonic. What I am suggesting is satan used greed to subvert the food, water, soil, food animals, in order to further his attack on sexuality, procreation and the family. We also use plastic bags for food and plastic storage containers. Plastic flakes off, like teflon.
I am suggesting everyone needs to, especially after this Gates/Fauci/Cuomo/FDA/NIH/WHO/chyna/demo and rino crime spree known as CoVid, that we need to reject their food water and chemicals. Buy organic. Eat less beef, etc. Learn about vitamins, demand change in farming techniques, and make lifestyle changes in order to starve the beast.
And start raising some noise with congress critters to protect us from Gates. Gates is now the largest farmland owner in America. Let that sink in.
Excellently proffered... I could not agree more. In fact, when all things rational are considered it is impossible to come to any other conclusion... the human race is being engineered and coached into oblivion, by underlying principalities and powers of darkness. Short of having God's intervention mankind would certainly have no hope of overcoming such an opponent as Satan and his ilk.
Jea9 try telling God that one, plus these people are saying that they are that way from birth not from what they eat...
Transgender individuals are the product of millennial assaults on God's creation... feelings are not reality, biological fact is reality. Delusion and fantasy are spiritual/illusions... a form of self-deception and societal debauchery. They are the product of external influences in a world going to HELL... in a handbasket. Society is playing with fire when it permits such deviant and Satanic influences to become accepted medical doctrine and practice.
Then please explain why the decrease in sperm count has happened. And only God truly knows. I am only attempting to thread the needle of how satan had accomplished this so far. It is completely reasonable to believe the health of both father and mother matter to the health of a developing in-utero baby. Doctors certainly believe disorders and diseases are inherited. Too much so, actually.
This guy used to be a Conservative, NOW just a sorry ass rino!
this transgender nonsense is satanic and dragging our nation to Hell in a hurry!!!!!!!!!!!
Good for Tucker Carlson. He is one of the very few people I watch on fox news. Carlson, Pirro, Levin, and Ingraham are the only programs I watch since fox moved so far lamestream in the last few years.