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  • I remember back in the 50's three parties ran for office. Republican, Democrat and The Communist Party. The Communist Party never won. We were not far from WW11. In the eairly 60's the Democrat Party took up the Communist Party's Platform, so the Communist Party stopped running as the Communist Party and joined the Democrat Party. 98% of Democrats in Congress today are card carring members of the American Communist Party. That should tell you all you need to know



  • The communist just keep slipping out of her! She can't help herself.....believes Leninism works! 

  • The TRUMP Campaign needs to play this over and over in commercials with COMMUNIST superimposed!

  • Unfortunately - the mainstream media will make certain many people don't see this!

  • If this broad gets elected this country is DONE!!!

  • In government by tyranny... the government's will (policy) takes precedence over the rule of law... In a Marxist State, it is easier to steal the property (intellectual and real) of others than to expand on one's initiatives.  

    The rule of law is being replaced by the arbitrary dictates (will) of tyrants... leaving the people at the mercy of the lawless.  Small businesses must go in a Marxist tyranny... it is much easier to control a few large corporations than an ever-changing and fluid private market ... full of small businesses.

    Look for the Kamala government to target the removal of small businesses...  and ask no more why Global corporations seem to be silent about the lawless confiscatory policy of the Marxist.  The Globalists believe they can cut a deal with the Devil... and come out on top.

    • Communism has been adopted around the world by one country or another because the politicians promise the masses that once they, the politicians, have total control over the economy and the means of production that they will make it all work for the benefit of the people; however, time and time again, Communism is shown to ONLY work for the politicians in power!  Once the insentive to invest and produce is broken, the entire system spirals down into a situation of equal misery for the masses while the power politicians live high on the hog!  Of course, you know this and you in all likelihood saw this problem during your military career during the Cold War.  The disparity between Western Germany and Eastern Germany was STARK!  If only the masses of stupidity we have for Americans today could have experienced or at least observed that stark contrast, they would be throwing rotten vegetables at all of these Communist Demoncrats instead of applauding them!

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