Washington Burning America

depositphotos_52932041-stock-photo-usa-america-burning-fire-flag.jpg?profile=RESIZE_400xBURNED! America is getting burned and all Washington can do is throw gas on the fire!

(PatriotHQ) America has suffered through covid! Many businesses could not afford to close for a month but were forced to close for over a year, never to open again! Then came 87,000 new armed IRS agents targeting small businesses. Then if wasn’t bad enough inflation is devouring saving accounts, investments, and retirement account. The Washington wildfire keep burning!

But wait there’s more!

Burning into a bonfire! Then Washington gives away hundreds of billions of tax dollars to the war in Ukraine, on top it off oil and gas is forbidden and prices are skyrocketing. What about the burned-out cities from the peaceful riots and the influx of tens of millions of Illegal Aliens flowing unchecked into America? No impact?

The Palestine train derailment proves to America Washington just doesn’t care about the American people and proves Washington would rather burn America than properly manage it!

Washington is in high gear turning citizens into tax slaves Think this is a joke? What do you think about the ‘New Proposal?

Proposal: Biden Says "I'm Gonna Increase Some Taxes"

Get this. On Tuesday, Joe Biden said his March 9 budget proposal to Congress will include some additional taxes, notably on billionaires, but will not breach his vow not to raise rates on Individuals making less than $400,000. Of course, Washington will keep it’s word, right!?

"On March the 9th, No one... making less than $400,000 is going to pay a dime more in taxes," Biden told a Virginia Beach audience.

"Clarification. "I'm going to raise some taxes," the Democratic president said, adding “billionaires" "pay more. …and the burn starts!

Under pressure from Republicans, Biden has pledged to lower the deficit by $2 trillion over 10 years in the upcoming budget proposal. Biden promised not to raise taxes on those making under $400,000 in 2020.

Obama stressed the potential economic devastation from an unprecedented U.S. default.

Medicaid and Obamacare were the subject of Tuesday's gathering. Biden pledged to boost federal programs, but with the history of the Biden Regime a slow burn will be ignited and those on social security will be prime targets of invisible taxes and under the cover’s reduction in value.

Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin declined to meet Biden on the tarmac outside Air Force One before the ceremony. Youngkin slammed Biden on Tuesday for visiting Virginia but not Ohio, the site of a political flashpoint train crash and chemical spill.

In conclusion. Billionaires will simple pack up and leave the United States if they are being burned. This means the ‘tax trickle-down trick’ will go into full throttle!

Watch Out! There will be a national crisis and Washington will announce a ‘temporary’ tax increase on people earning less than 400K but the temporary will become a permanent burn.

America has lost faith in Washington, the integrity of their votes and most of all faith in this corrupt system.

What do you think? 

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  • Why would the dead care about the living? The zombie and his regime in Washington care nothing about life in America.  They want to create a dead race of American zombies by burning America.

  • I don't think America can survive 2 more years of this demonic govt

  • A little more gasoline on the fire may be just around the corner... Starting with the current Administration, Congress, and both major political parties ... they all need to feel the heat and the flames of retribution. 

    However, as long as we keep returning to the same well to drink... we will continue to be poisoned.  Wild animals know to avoid poisoned wells and ponds.  Children soon learn that putting their fingers on a hot plate is not smart... What happened to the American Electorate? Why are we putting up with this crap?

    Could it be for the lack of true leadership...  misdirection and betrayal in high places. The failure of the wealthy to understand that the poor and middle class are the targets today... but they are not far behind.  Who will be here to defend the wealthy and their assets? What happens when the poor and middle class no longer have the means, the will, or motivation to stand between the capitalist centers of power and the Marxist hordes... those with empty bellies and foreclosed dreams make poor soldiers.

    One can not hide from the coming storm... God has said that the rulers of this world would be calling on the rocks to cover them as they attempt to escape the coming great tribulation.  Greed and avarice will not work as a bulkhead or bulwark when the hungry storm the gates.  Choose now whom you will serve... as for me and my household we will serve the Lord our God... Jesus Christ and His ways... not those of mankind... for all the ways of men lead to destruction and the grave.

    • AMEN!!

    • GREAT COMMENT COL. We will all stand before the LORD and give account for our actions or inactions, I dont think WASHINGTON understand that.

      Rest assured someday they will understand. 

  • Burning can be a 2 way street. 

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