We must rethink how we deal with RINOs... Primarying them is not working. We need to BAR THEM FROM RUNNING AS REPUBLICANS... deny them MEMBERSHIP in the GOP and keep them off the ballots as Republicans. RINOs consistently fail to support the GOP Party Planks and resist a majority of the Party's legislative efforts... KICK THEM OUT AND LET THEM RUN AS INDEPENDENTS...
Let the Party leadership endorse and support true conservative Republicans for elected Offices... Remove and refuse membership in the GOP for RINOs. Do not let RINOs on the GOP primary ballots and keep them off the State General Election Ballots. Officially, refuse them access to run for any elected office as Republicans.
Refuse to give RINOS legal access to run for public office as members of the Republican party... Remove them as members of the GOP. Strip the current RINOs of their committee and Congressional privileges, and assignments as members of the GOP Caucus... SUMMARILY FIRE THEM...
Stop worrying about losing the majority... as you don't have it NOW, not when it counts, as the RINOs stab us in the back... Identify, isolate, and remove all the RINOs from the Party and rebuild a true conservative party.
Republicans are really, really great at standing for nothing much, and wobbling or equivocating as much as they possibly can. If it takes a 3rd party that is based on our founding beliefs, then let it be so. Neither party stands for much that conforms to our Founders' ideals or standards, which makes both parties frauds to the contract and to the Oath
A purist mindset cannot be compromised. Life should be in that purist mindset. So should be the Bill of Rights: Assembly. Speech. Weapons. Faith. Press. Association. Natural Law SHOULD be on this same list. The Declaraton is not a dead history lesson. The Constitution limits government and therefore IS directed TO government, and the Declaration declares where our liberties to LIVE come from—along with the BROAD expansiveness of those rights. [RIGHTS, not permissions.]
A government that gives permissions is not what we are supposed to be living under. We are not supposed to be living UNDER anything. But we ARE.
The Declaration is where our liberties are both declared and are bound to moral principles. Moral principles are for all time. 'First do no harm,' is the Common Law version. A simple definition of "harm,' then, might ascend to verbal slander, and then physical assaults upon us such as mandating and forcing jxx's, without our permissions—and spraying chemtrails upon us, injecting foods we eat, injecting babies, and changing terminology about everything—in order to make it seem that government is looking out for our best interests.—They prove it by forming an agency, calling it 'for us' and then use it against us while they pretend it is for us. Remember FEMA? See how it works? Everything they do to us is against our lives and liberties. And it is by FORCE. They may not obviously be working against the Constitution—but they ARE obviously working against the Law of Nature and Nature's GOD.
What is Freedom? What is Liberty? Both are broad and wide....
And do we finally understand they are trying to kill us?
Imagine our Founders and Framers loudly quibbling over what age to kill a child—or to kill that child at a national party convention and celebrate that DEATH.
Imagine them quibbling over what is a Citizen. Or what is a woman. Or what is a baby? Or in what state it is ok to kill that baby in and in which states it is not ok to kill that baby in? Stupidity is ruling our courts.
Imagine them allowing John Roberts to alter existing law in order to add special protections for transgenders. They would have removed him in a nano-second and probably shot him publically and asap. Imagine our founders approving of 60-70 jxx's forced into our littlest helpless people. Or of isolating our oldest helpless people, our dear seniors—and force-venting them to death (in the name of something that matters NOT—and during a government created and sponsored plandemic—for money—and lots of it.
So much depends upon which court jester is leading the extraordinaire——"What Is......" Clown Show."
We need a PUNISHMENT for violating moral law. But we have to lift it UP first. Quit ignoring the very thing that is supposed to protect US, our lives, fortunes and sacred honor. If we lift it up, the courts should follow. Lead or follow. We ALL have THAT choice.
One way or the other we need a PUNISHMENT. But at present, the only thing working and at work is—(both parties) layering on the next war to come, or jxx or nonexistant virus to come, or Chinese invasion to come. And what about those drones?
There is exactly NOTHING visible to return us to morality as defined by the Law of Nature and Nature's God, or LONANG. No action by the courts. Only individual parents or victim patients standing alone. We are not supposed to have to fight for our liberties one by one. A stupid country does not realize that.
We have even lost the complexity of our beautiful language, if 2/3 of the country can't define democracy or republic. Even Tucker has not said 'Republic.' So, media continues the mind-blinding action of 'repeating a thing often enough so it is seen as the truth.' Tucker does that. And obviously, we can no longer define "health." Or "citizen." Or "body." Or "choice." Or "NO." Or "not." And some of these are tied to a constitutional right or limitation and some are tied to a MORAL right or liberty.
When Freedom Party America tried to rise twice as a 3rd party, we tried twice—our position was that any and all FPA Party delegates were BOUND to the party platform, which was bound to the U.S. Constitution, as a legal and binding contract. Any vote against that platform legally subjected that elected delegate to permanent recall via violation of Oath and Contract. We failed twice to get this party up and running for multiple reasons, one of which was money. So that was that.
The fact of the matter is still this: Our elected "officials" take the OATH to the Constitution. Since they betray it continually and in every way, recall via Oath and Contract should still be possible. We hire them based on that agreement. So, we need our Constitution BOUND to Natural Law. Every single thing we are witnessing has a MORAL component to it. Connect the dots. The government has broken all boundaries and is now shortening our lives, poisoning our lungs, usurping parental rights, controlling our children, killing our elders, and sucking up our wealth while propping up tyrants and all because—THEY ARE TYRANTS.
The problem arises because the Law of Nature and Nature's God is presently invisible to the courts and to the people of the United States. it wasn't always invisible....
When was the last time you heard anyone bring it up? THE DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE IS NOT A DEAD DOCUMENT. IT IS NOT just a history lesson. It is not just a list of grievances,
I don't care how it has been taught. Its incredible POWER lies in our understanding what it—LONANG— means. We must NOW comprehend it and stand upon it, or we lose everything. It is supposed to be our FOUNDATION for FREEDOM's Natural rights. One document is for government. One is for WE THe PEOPLE and it covers everything in a very broad and wide sense and then connects our rights and liberties to morality. Too broad and wide to even be defined.
The Constitution is for binding government to its limitations, while the LONANG is to broadly and widely describe our God-given liberties to LIVE freely,—and to then bind ALL of those natural rights to morality. Which then binds the courts back to morality. It is circular.
They have crossed the border in more than one way, it seems. From boundaries to murder.
Excellent comment Jea9... If only the GOP leadership could agree and act on it. However, if they did they would not be in leadership positions for very long.
Sad to say how right you are, Col. Pathetic as "leaders." And nonexistant as "Representatives."
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”
To defend something one must first know what that something is... Our Elected Officials have a very limited understanding of the US Constitution and many of them see it only as an obstacle to be overcome... outdated and obsolescent. Few are interested in protecting it, and even fewer understand the oath they took to defend it.
However, the principles and precepts contained in our Constitution are timeless maxims... for the establishment of sound government and social justice. Our Constitution was inspired by more than the will of men. It is the fruit of our Christian Fathers, whose very being lived and breathed the essence of God's Word. Those godly men knew what laws and ethics ... what checks and balances ... were needed to restrain the excesses of man. They understood what was needed to create a sound and lasting Godly government. Our Constitution is no ordinary document it is the inspired word of God handed down to our forefathers to create one nation under God... with liberty and justice for all.
America is more than the sum of mankind's best... it is God's gift to a faithful people and the promise of hope to an oppressed world. It established a new world order, in the new world... based on the promise that all men were created equal in the eyes of their creator. However, the current generation has forgotten the source of our liberty, and is blinded to the God of their forefathers... this generation has rejected God and with Him the precepts for a government that guarantees liberty.
To defend our constitution one must first believe in its source and its tenants... “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people” It, therefore, takes a moral and religious people to defend it. Wonder no longer as to the reason our elected officials fail to comprehend their oath of office or embody the will to defend Constitutional government against its enemies... foreign and DOMESTIC. They have forgotten who they are and where they came from.
Update follows:
"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, and he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." Quote: Marcus Tullius Cicero
How do Dems deal with DINO's? They threaten them and cut their funding, remove them from committees and then they run someone else against them in the Primary.
How do Republicans deal with RINO's? ......................(sound of crickets)........................
One of the maxims of leadership is to know your people... those not loyal or whose character permits them to compromise themselves and the party need to be ID'd and removed from the Party. We must demand loyalty and unity if we are to save the Republic