?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F70%2F70%2F6cc277cd41ecb0579d1daa4aa384%2Fla-photos-1staff-759234-me-0421-house-fire-venice-gem-001.jpg&profile=RESIZE_400xYou've guessed It! The Dem-run city’s ‘Red Tape Anti-Freedom Laws’ are blocking homeowners and citizen volunteers from recovering the little they have left on this earth! OMG!

Many residents have reported they are unable to return to their properties to assess damage or retrieve belongings. Some have resorted to crossing police lines and hiking up mountains to check on their homes. The fear of losing irreplaceable items, either to fire or looters, is driving some to take matters into their own hands.

Fear is spreading as homeowners are taking drastic measures in protecting their properties! No doubt this will lead to confrontations and possible widespread violence—on top of a enormous, biblical proportions fire from hell!

Will L.A. turn into a lawless combat zone filled with fire, fear, and fighting? No drinkable water, no power, no police available, and firefighting aircraft dropping ocean saltwater on the city and the residents protecting what’s left of their dream homes, many of them armed! 

Authorities claim restrictions are necessary and paper work must be filled out for committee approval!

Beyond the homeowners themselves, volunteers and private security teams aiming to assist in recovery efforts have found themselves blocked, stopped, and halted. Craig Paul, CEO of ASC Private Security, expressed frustration over the obstacles his teams face in gaining access to restricted areas. He spent 45 minutes on hold with the Los Angeles Police Department before giving up, realizing his efforts were likely in vain.

"I’ve got boots on the ground ready to help," Paul said, "but without authorization, there’s nothing we can do."

Residents are afraid to leave their homes unattended, fearing what the fire doesn't destroy could become a target for thieves. David Katz, CEO of Global Security Group, highlighted the dire situation: “People are staying and risking their lives because they know if they leave, they will have their property stolen.” Katz added that he had security personnel ready to deploy, but bureaucratic hurdles make their presence impossible without a special waiver.

Red tape and regulations are stopping salvage efforts. Private security firms, many of which serve the area’s residents, are no strangers to navigating complex red-tape situations. However, the current restrictions have left even seasoned professionals frustrated and angry!

Sorry, you have to fill out the paperwork; we’ll review it and let you know! The demands of government agencies, law enforcement, and homeowners have created a logistical nightmare, as noted by Herman Weisberg, managing director of SAGE Intelligence. "I’ve been up all night trying to work on getting people there and getting appropriate vehicles and supplies," Weisberg said, emphasizing the balance between respecting government mandates and addressing his clients' urgent needs.

Busted! During disasters, the burden of city policies, red tape, regulations, and miles of paperwork increases. Critics argue the failed approach leaves residents feeling abandoned and blocked at a critical time.

Homeowners argue that their ability to retrieve vital items or assess damage is not only a matter of emotional relief but also critical for planning next steps. Meanwhile, private security firms and volunteers, are eager to assist, as allies rather than obstacles.

Final Word: Here are the ingredients, what is this adding up to?  

  • Multimillionaire homeowners able to hire private armies
  • Mountains of Red Tape and Regulations by the Democrat elected government
  • Middleclass homeowners are now homeless
  • Middleclass homeowners now unemployed - employers are burned out
  • Business burned out including medical centers
  • Police defended
  • Fire Fighting defunded
  • DEI/Work Fire Fighters
  • No water
  • No power
  • No internet
  • Deadly air quality
  • Ocean Sea Saltwater raining from the sky from aircraft
  • Sanctuary city over 951,000 Illegal Alien population    Source: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/data/unauthorized-immigrant-population/county/6037

 What do you think is going to happen? Leave your comments below!

Personal Note: Several of our family who lived in LA have escaped with only the clothes on their backs! Our family has taken them in and will help them start over. (They are the lucky ones.) 

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  • Yep, and that's not to mention the new Prop 19 that resets the taxable value to current valuation if the owner doesn't rebuild in two (2) years and also disinherits the families of older homeowners by dramatically increasing the value of their property if transferred in their last wills and testaments. It's just another scam by the California government kleptocracy to confiscate more wealth from its citizens.

    • Step 3 in stealing private property and personal wealth, together. Rats.

  • I would not be surprised if not only these people lost EVERYTHING, but now they may be robbed of the valuables they might still have in the rubble. Precious metals melt down in HOT fires along with the fireproof safe ......all that is there! 

  • What do I think could happen:

    Violent Chaos...  once the people awake to the full impact of this disaster...  Starving children, a general population without the means or materials to sustain an acceptable standard of living.

    Those multi-millionaires won't have enough money to barter for their lives ... when there is no food, shelter or basic support systems in place... the dollar will become worthless and the commodities of life priceless... stock up on ammo while it can be found and remains affordable.

    • I wish that would happen.

    • Agreed

    • You made a valid point, however in just a few days Trump will be sworn in and his posse will take charge. Maybe he will send the 'clean-up crew' to California, but he'll have to start with Sacramento! 

  • Feel bad about the tremendous loss, the lives, the gorgeous properties.....but face it, these people have been voting for this all their lives and didn't think there ever Oulu be consequences! Now they see what their votes created, paying a hell of a price.......but maybe that's what it takes! 



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