The best estimate was that in the last general election for the Oval Office in 2016 at least 55 percent to 60 percent of those eligible to vote did not vote. These facts and statistics came from our United States Federal Election Commission. These independent and non-partisans most probably refused to enforce the lesser of two evils. nonetheless evil, and have no use for either party. The best estimate a few months ago was that this number has grown to over 75 percent of those eligible to vote who are sick of political bantering and divisiveness. Seemingly never-ending lies and hypocrisies, corruption and cover-ups in Washington DC. And the old adage that absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

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    The Tea Party has always been involved in issues that transend partisan politics. While it is true that our political ideaology generally aligns with the Republicans, it does not mean we believe all Republicans are not corrupt. In 2008, John McCain was a deeply flawed and corrupt candidate. We knew it. The GOP had decided it was his turn. But, his choice of a VP was a breath of fresh air because she was not DC as usual. She was a vote getter for folks that were fed up. What happened? She was demonized by the press and her own party. Everytime a good person attracts the eye of the voters, they have stood no chance against the partisan press and the GOP political apparatus.

     Flashback, the election of 2010. For the two years preceding the election, we were told by Republicans that they could do nothing to stop Pelosi and Obama because they did not have a majority in the House and they needed the House to be able to do something. We gave them the House. What happened? They got the votes but ignored the message that was sent by the voters.

    Governors were elected in the 2010 cycle that were suppose to support conservative principles. What happened? One in particular, got into office and that was the end of their principles.

    If you want to see the naked corruption in the GOP, then check out the election of LIsa Murkowski over Joe Miller for the Senate in the 2010 cycle. 

    By 2012, the Tea Party, as such, had made their influence and votes highly visible to the GOP. What happened? We were fed career politician Mitt to vote for and he was, seriously, nothing more than an alternative to Obama for most voters. Those were the only choices we were given other than some fringe nuts that stood no chance to beat Obama. Yes, we knew who and what Mitt was....but, we knew the same about Obama. 

    By 2014, the GOP had been saying "we need the Senate to stop the Democrats'. The Tea Party motivated voters and we gave them the Senate. What happened afterwards? Some old DC politics. 

    So, yes, the Tea party is well aware of the lies, hypocrisies, coverups and corruption. We have watched it for years and struggled against it all this time. We are not naive because we have been in the trenches fighting every day. What have you been doing?

    Then came Trump. A former Democrat that the GOP establishment hated but the people loved. He wasn't owned by the GOP and he wasn't owned by DC. The media loved him and laughed at him. Until he won. The GOP laughed at him and ridiculed him. Jeb was the chosen one. The people elected him over the non stop pounding he took.

    Was he perfect? Nope. But, the press couldn't break or marginalize him like they did Sarah Palin. And, the GOP machine had no choice but to throw their hat in the ring behind him. He fights back. 

    I frequent several other social sites and can tell you that the increase in independents is Democrats who do not necessarily want to identify as Republicans but that are voting for Trump. Check out the Walk Away movement. Check out Blexit. 

    Also, according to the Census Bureau's voting history:

    the percentage of people voting from 1980 to present has varied little over the years

    By your analyisis, 75% of the people are going to allow a mere 25% of the people to elect their government officials. Historically, as shown by the link above, that will not happen. 

    We are here because #PatriotsFight and continue - even when the system is rigged. Why? Because if you don't you have no chance to change the system itself. 

    Welcome to the fight. 



  • A lot of that is true, but you are doing soemthing by being on this Command Center and being active. 

    I am doing something and....I'm not a Republican! 

  • What about them? When King George was tyrannizing the colonies prior to American independence, about 33% of the population wanted to be free of English rule, another 33% supported the King, and the remaining third didn't reallyt care which way it went, .......... probably while complaining about the political bantering, divisiveness, lies and corruption.  They were the independents and non-partisans, often referred to as "middle of the roaders", but everyone knows what usually happens to critters that stay in the middle of the road too long and don't know what's coming at them.

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