What Is Your Memorial Day Tribute?

Memorial-Day-Thank-You.jpg?mtime=1683574359&profile=RESIZE_400xOur family fled Germany under impossible circumstances, leaving behind our ancestral home and personal possessions, in order to seek refuge in a country that cherishes freedom. Our children proudly served in various branches of the US military, including the Army Tank Corps, 82nd Airborne, Defense Department, Navy, and United States Army Medical Corps.

Throughout our family's history, we have personally experienced the horrors of living under a fascist dictatorship.

In the dead of winter, my wife managed to escape from behind the Iron Curtain, leaving everything behind, and the United States graciously granted her religious asylum. Through citizen classes, she worked hard to earn her freedom and eventually became a lawful US citizen. She diligently learned English, and today, both she and I are filled with pride for our nation, and are proud of the Red, White, and Blue.

We owe our presence here today to the selfless sacrifice of our nation's bravest and finest. We express our heartfelt gratitude to America and extend our thanks to all the military personnel who have given their lives in service, offering the ultimate sacrifice.

Thank You

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  • Thanks, Steve for your sincere and moving post... may every patriot reflect upon such testimonies and know America was not an accident of history... it is a God-ordained witness to the goodness of His love for a world in turmoil.

    • Agreed

    • 10/4

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