What would George Washington do given the present condition of the United States today?
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What would George Washington do given the present condition of the United States today?
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We all have to be prepared and committed to giving our lives to save our country!
I know you do not have shoes, and it is cold and I can not pay you, but would you fight for 30 more days?
I think they would hang the traitors, first of all. Then, call for a convention of states and shut the Congress right down, force rthem to stop overspending. We need to pass legislation to make it completely illegal to go over budget, and to make illegal to raise or add on any new taxes!
Absolutely! Traitors must held to accountibality!
No doubt....
George Washington would do what he did best... call for a CONVENTION OF STATES to discuss the means necessary to regain control of the Republic. He would assemble the leadership in each state under a single roof to consider the recourse left to resolve the soverignty and power issues between the States and Federal Government.
He would not accept the warped and corrupt rulings of the Federal Courts... or the regulatory powers of the Administrative State. He may well issue a mandate such as the Declaration of Independence once more... establishing the basis for a new government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
He would not yield to the threats of a corrupt President or either political party... Washington was a man of his word and a man whose honor was more important than propping up a failed state. He would not capitulate on our founding father's principles for governing.
Yes., and when it came to war he would kill them all and let G*d sort them out!
When it is darkest and the sky seems to be falling... that is the time to call on the innate instinct of the Patriot; too, muster the nations' strength by calling for a national convention of states, to consider all the viable venues for restoringa Constitutional Government... without the interference of Congress or a compromised President.
The solutions to our nation's problems WILL NOT COME FROM THOSE WHO CREATED THE PROBLEMS. It is the several State's lawul and innate soverign right to meet at will, to discuss solutions to reign in a rouge Federal Government.
A point, Col. Nelson. But since a number of our problems are not due to any problem with the law of the land as is, but due to deliberate obfuscations, what would keep the people of the time from simply doing the same thing?? Two main points in particular. 1) There is no such thing as 'anchor babies'. The 14th Amendment does NOT confer U.S. citizenship on anybody but the children of U.S. citizens in the country. "All persons born or naturalixed in the United States, AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF,..." The children of illegal aliens, tourists, members of dipomatic missions etc. are subject to the jurisdiction of the home countries of their parents. The historical record of this 'interpretation' is very clear in this meaning. But here we are with this silly notion of 'anchor babies'. 2) The definition of a 'natural born' citizen. It is very clear in the historical record: A nbc is a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof. The definition is from the definitive tome of the day of the constitutional Framers on such nation-buiding matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations' - of which there is clear evidence that the Framers were familiar. And that eligibility requirement for both the federal offices of POTUS and the VP STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary. Thus, both terms of BHO's ilegal occupancy of the top job need to be stricken from the record; and K Harris needs to be turfed from her ilegal occupancy of the VP office. But then, the whole Biden admin needs to be turfed, from the stolen Nov. 2020 election. The point being, that such situations are not the fault of the Constitution as is. They are the fault of The People, not engaging in their due diligence. Thus, a Convention of States is not the answer. We just need to apply correctly our current rule of law. Or as re-estabished with the demise of the USA Inc. that we have insidiously been saddled with since 1871. Another subject.
You raise a good point about the people allowing this corrption to occur.