

    Everyone is assuming there is only 1 leak! 

    Look before you leak: A few pros and cons of leaking legal documents to the  media | by Wayne Pollock | Copocetic

    • Isn't that the truth 

  • If you're waiting for the answer to come as a result of today's left-wing weaponized "law enforcement community", the answer is never.  Who killed JFK?  Who's the perpetrator behind the trail of corpses in the wake of the Clinton crime family?  Where's Soetoro's place of birth?  Who is the "FED"?  Who leveled the towers on 9/11?  Where are the interterrestials who have been captured?  How did James Forrestal die?  Who was at fault for the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor?  Who actually called the shots during Woodrow Wilson's tenure as president?  Why were (4) U.S. presidents assassinated?  Who controlled Sirhan Sirhan?  Why isn't George Soros in prison?  Who are the Rothshields?  What is the text inside Klaus Schwab's "Covid 19--The Great Reset?  What is the CIA's operating budget? 

  • It's obvious who is the leaker?  The fact that the Supreme Court leaks the information tells us that the Devil is behind it all and the Democratic party is in the deal.

  • About the 5th of never.

    • First of all abortion is Murder we have to believe that second the Devil is the author of killing, stealing, and destroying so with that said now we know who leader is.

    • Jeff, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!


    • Thank you 

  • The Left is in control of our government folks! They won't give up that control unless it's torn from their bleeding hands! Why do you all keep expecting justice and fairness when these people are a treasonous criminal mob? You're like the Jews and the Christians during WWII, waiting to see if Hitler changes his mind about them as they are marched off to the death camps! Wake up and see reality and stop with the naive expectations!

    • LAS, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!  The satanic left will not rest until every person in the world bows to them!!!!!   I WILL NOT EVER bow to them!!!!!!!!!!


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