Where are the gutless Republicans?

Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia

The question is, where on Earth are the Republicans? Why has there been no press conference with every Republican in the House and Senate standing together to denounce all this violence? To passionately defend our police? They know damn well that Chauvin is an outlier, a bad cop who has kept his job because his Democrat-run city kept him despite his abusive tendencies.

Why is President Trump always alone in saying what needs to be said? And when he says what needs to be said, he is viciously attacked by the Democrats and the media who, like Pavlov's dog, consider any word he says as an opportunity for slander. And the Republicans do not come to his defense.

At the moment there is no Republican but Sen. Cotton who has won or even kept the respect or support of his or her constituents. They have all made common cause with their Democrat counterparts. They are letting Antifa and Black Lives Matter, both of which are Soros-funded terrorist groups, have their way with all of us, and it is disgusting. They are not out there defending our police without whom we cannot exist. They know this! They are all -- all of our elected officials except Trump -- capitulating to violent actors who will think nothing of killing indiscriminately next. Antifa and BLM are just a step away from adopting the tactics of the drug cartels of Mexico and the Palestinian jihadis. One small step.

Senators McConnell, Cruz, Scott, Lee, Rubio, et al. Where are you? Congressmen Nunes, Johnson, McCarthy, Gaetz, Jordan, et al., all you good guys, where are you now when we need you to stand up for our values, our safety, our property?

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  • Right on the money as always. We need true conservatives. I would run for some office but I have no idea what to do. It requires lots of support and money. Twi things most people don't have, which is why the RINOs rule the roost. We can get some money by suing the government and use it to start our own republican party. Sign my petition to start a class action law suit.

  • Gotless Wonders! 

  • Very well said Dee... although, I would not classify all those listed as "good guys" most are opportunistic pragmatist looking to retain their power as they carefully extend their finger to the patriots while checking the direction of the latest shift in the wind.

  • Patriot Act?

  •   I bet Gauvin adores Judge Roberts too.

  • Cspan - A CLIP I created - Senator McConnell BLOCKED- "Repubs blocked Obama’s nominees"!

    Speaker Ryan is most to thank for Writing such a complex "Tax Cut Bill" while Sen McConnell for Passing such a Bill with only a simple Majority of only Republicans in his US Senate.. President Trump ONLY Signed that critical "Legislation"... AND it's Sen McConnell who KNOWS OF and SEATS all these New Truly "Conservative" Federal Judges, etc. AND so there's so much more our "Real" Repubicans have been doing..... and while our POTUS is "Tweeting" his "Tweets" stuff, etc...

  • Leave it to the GOP to cave to the communists.

    GOPers Cave, Agree to Rename Military Bases and Tear Down Monuments

    When the Civil War was over, the United States was faced with a tough choice: We could either reintegrate the Confederacy into the the United States, or punish and subjugate the people who dragged the country through its bloodiest war. There were plenty of people who wanted to make the South 'pay' for what they did. They wanted to treat post-bellum south the way that Germany would ultimately be treated after World War I and force them to pay for the damage done to the country.

    Luckily, cooler heads prevailed. Instead of subjugating the South, the United States engaged in a decade-long reconstruction effort to rebuild the former-Confederacy and welcome southerners back into the American family. It was Abraham Lincoln's wish to see former Confederates pardoned and welcomed back as Americans. When Lincoln was killed, Andrew Johnson made sure that a pardon was extended to confederate soldiers.

    Johnson explained that he did this to "renew and fully restore confidence and fraternal feeling among the whole, and their respect for and attachment to the national government, designed by its patriotic founders for the general good." If the United States had any hope of rebuilding after the Civil War, it had to become one country again. Leaders in the Confederacy were required to petition directly for amnesty, but with the exception of the war criminals who ended up being prosecuted, almost all Confederate officials were welcomed back into the country after swearing new oaths to the Constitution.

    These men, though flawed, were still Americans. Captain Braxton Bragg was a hero of the Mexican-American War and resigned his commission with full honors. John Bell Hood was a lieutenant in the US Military who was wounded in combat in the western territories multiple times. He lost an arm and a leg during the Civil War, but refused to abandon his men. He had himself to be strapped to his horse during the final days of the Civil War - again, missing one arm and one leg -- so he wouldn't fall off during the retreat.

    Today, Fort Bragg and Fort Hood are just two of the American military bases named for these men. Not to celebrate their role in the Confederacy, but to honor their service to the United States, both before and after the Civil War. All across this country, military bases, government buildings, towns, and cities are named after Confederate leaders, not to honor their treason, but rather in the spirit of reconciliation. In the halls of Congress, there are paintings and statues of great Americans who, yes, served in the Confederacy. They are honored not for their treason, but for their contributions to America.

    But now, Democrats and Republicans in Congress want to tear them all down!


    • Exactly!

    • Herbert well said... renaming Military Bases and removing monuments to our historical past is precisely what Communists do when consolidating their power after a successful revolution... it appears the GOP is willing to compromise their conservative base to appease the radical left.  Thus effectively abandoning the Patriot and our President to fight the good fight... The Constitutional Conservative certainly need to pray for the President and ask God to direct our path, as we seek to restore our Constitutional Republic... iI is beginning to look like the GOP is a lost cause.  America is in a horrible position...

    •  Republicans do NOT "WANT TO" do all these compromises.. But they are not IGNORANT selfrighteous screwballs.. either... 

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