



Ashburnham, MA

Please answer this question: What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?


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Is America a republic?

Yes ! -- And the Tea Party must work to get UNIONS the horse he road-in-on, OUT of Government Employment as well as Major Media...

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Activity Feed

Peter N Gauvin posted a blog post
WHO.. writes all this Anti-Republican PROPAGANDA to SpoonFEED into Conservative Pages.???. It's SO IGNORANT... Republicans have ZERO Power to Stop Obama from getting what he want's in a Budget Bill ! Their ONLY alternative is to force a Gov't Shut…
Dec 24, 2015
Peter N Gauvin posted a blog post
Without watching the entire Oversight Hearing, on Obamacare & Gruber's involvement therein, this CLIP gets to the heart of the matter. http://www.c-span.org/video/?c4518294/240mins-grubered 
Dec 9, 2014