whore-of-babylon-charles-griffith.jpg?profile=RESIZE_180x180The World watches as the embodied ‘Whore of Babylon’ surges to the fore of her idolator caste

—A humpin’ hyena with sharply calloused knees & backside from her well & thoroughly catalogued history of harlotry

—A childless/barren harpy-beast that threatens our children with corruption

—An acute embarrassment to the Womenfolk of the nation who’ve eschewed the casting-couch for their advancement & relied on talent/acumen/hard work

Righteous Americans are called upon to banish the prospect of our being represented on the international stage—or in domestic halls—by a mobile ‘Cheshire Cat’ rictus of vile grins from the foul maw of a carrion eating scavenger

What is this thing that we face that vomits its’ perverse/decadent nature when it can’t fathom answers to crucial questions ?

What has it accomplished ?

What does it stand for ?

It is a succubus of lies & deceits

A thing that stands for licentiousness & depravity

It seduces the sleeping … who can’t WAKE UP to resist the peril

How far we’ve fallen that a thing capering like a brothel bound ‘marionette’ is posited as fit to lead this great nation

The shame of the prospect is unnerving & ought make Men & Women of good character nauseous on reflection

We must exorcise this demon from our capital & send it back to the netherworld of San Franfreakians where it can find solace trapped by the waters of the Pacific in the weirdness of California & Hollywood

It’s a corrupt & foul thing that needs be returned to where it hiked its hemlines to advance—without the concerns for competent professional performance that engage the attentions of respectable ladies

This she devil has accomplished nothing on merit … it stands for nothing … it will do nothing … but reduce us all to nothing

It’s a hybrid of hyena & dragon—a scaled reptilian thing—that feeds on the national rot & defecates foul scat to nourish the vermin that parasitize the character of our Republic & humanity

We must squire our dragon slayers so they can drive lances of righteousness & strength through the essence of the foulness that rises from the slime & miasma of rainbow septic tanks festering too long in our midst

In contrast to this burlesque of bucks & pearls

We saw death deflected at the last instant from taking the life of a worthy champion

We saw his spontaneous exhibition of courage/bravery/forthrightness of Manhood/cast-iron balls … in the face of death … ‘real’ John Wayne stuff

If there’s such a thing as a sign of deliverance being sent … we saw it

He has chosen his second

Following this … 

A decrepit & senile charlatan (of nihilism & mediocrity) that squirmed into authority through suspect wizardry stepped down

Now the party of slavers—& fossil racism—marshals its’ remaining field-hands to sustain the new cult of the rainbow faith that has so thoroughly corrupted & poisoned it

These candy followers/acolytes/apostles/disciples of decadence are unrelenting in destroying the resilience & strength that permitted their rise to authority & influence

We don’t have the luxury of time to indulge them because they destroy the very fabric & foundation of the Republic

They lack the personal character/courage/bravery/fortitude to do what is required of a Free People—so they insinuate the methods of fascism to protect their weakness & thereby destroy the American experiment with a constrained Republic

This is not a movie where we can re-mix ‘Revenge of The Nerds’ & promote perseverance of the pervs

This is real-life & we balance on a razor’s edge

This is a pivotal moment in American history that has essentially no real precedent

Do we remain a mighty & strong nation with unlimited potential to remain the virtual Rome of the World or do we mark the moment of its decline & fall ?

The choice is ours

We can start by mobilizing against the potential threat of an infertile hyena scavenger with the scales & breath of a dragon & the misguided &/or corrupted who crave to embrace her sordid soul


Source: x.com/JudgeJoeBrownTV/status/1815802529122226483

JudgeJoeBrown  @JudgeJoeBrownTV 

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  • I agree with Judge Brown 100%

    • Yup, He is the real deal! 

  • The Whore of Babylon is a metaphoric Biblical character who represents a body of fallen believers that have betrayed their faith by cleaving to the Anti-Christ and the  World Order.   

    Sadly, America is a key element in this betrayal... America appears to be the physical manifestation of the principality referred to as 'Mystery Babylon' in Revelation... a great nation of commerce, whose wealth and love of Mammon has snared the lost and unfaithful 

    "Revelation 17:1-2 tells us, “Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, ‘Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’” Revelation 17:5 goes on to say, “And on her forehead, a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Who is this “whore of Babylon” and what is “mystery Babylon”?

    The fact that the whore of Babylon is referred to as a mystery means that we cannot be completely certain as to her identity. The passage does give us some clues, however. Revelation 17:9 explains, “This calls for a mind with wisdom. The seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits... verse 10 goes on to explain that the seven hills represent 7 kings or kingdoms, five of which have fallen, one that is, and one that is to come (America)...

    Revelation 17:15 tells us, “Then the angel said to me, ‘The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages.’” The whore of Babylon will have great worldwide influence over people and nations. Verses 10-14 describe a series of eight and then ten kings who affiliate with the beast. The whore of Babylon will at one time have control over these kings (Revelation 17:18), but at some point, the kings will turn on her and destroy her (Revelation 17:16)."  This description of the Whore bares a significant likeness of America."

    Sections in italics above taken in part from: What is the whore of Babylon / mystery Babylon? | GotQuestions.org

    One can not dance with the Devil, cavort, and consort with evil and not expect it to have a deep and transforming power over those involved.  America has fallen from her faith and the Devil is having his way with those who were once the Bride of Christ... those whoring around with the Devil and his minions.  A nation that murders its unborn... passes them through the fires of Molech and consorts with every evil spirit known to mankind ... is in serious trouble... Judgment begins in the House of God...

    What does Revelation 17:1 mean? | BibleRef.com
    Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, 'Come here, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute…
  • Judge Joe Brown rocks this. Kudos. Epic is right.

  • This is epic...genius. I'm drooling 🤤 

  • I have invited Joe Brown to join us, lets find out. 

    • Hope he does join us!! Good work, Steve.

    • 👍Hopefully, Judge Joe Brown will accept the invitation.  We certainly know who the whole of Babylon is and, without a doubt, some of those "seven kings" are already working on her destruction.  At the moment, it is largely, the MSM and MAGA; the Kenyan fraud is NOT singing any praises, nor is the lyingbitchofBenghazi.

    • Spellcheck did it again, didn't let me post the "whore" of Babylon; changed it to "whole" and as I was typing this, tried to turn it into "where"- - - tricky little snot, that one!!


    • Frustrating... I have had spell check or something rewrite whole sentences....turning them into goobelie gook... I often fail to proofread due to time restraints... not enough time. I tried removing spell heck and it seemed to help... but eventually it came back.  Just have to live with it.  

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