
  • This changes my view on space exploration, I don't think I would like to visit the planet she's from !

  • The DNC did... It's quite evident Obama's running the show!

    • All the speeches of all the dems sound like obama.


    She is an example for our children on why they should never use drugs! 

  • pfffffftttttt!!!

  • this is what happens when you pick people based on skin color / sexuality and what happens when you sleep with the right people

    • roy, AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN  AMEN!!!!!!!!!!  Heels up harris prostituted herself for political gain but she will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire as a result!!!!!  Don't ever doubt that she will pay a price, not in this life most likely but definitely will in eternity!!!!!!!!!!


    • Willie... Nailed it Roy!... Oops I'm mean you nailed it!

  • President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris

    is a horrible horrible political one-liner joke (upon us all).

  • They've trained her this way so if Brandon is removed from office then we will be stuck with a worse nut case.

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