Why would Trump and Musk want to know who's working?

Source; Wall Street Apes

SHOCKING: Internal sensitive data from inside the Department of Veterans Affairs Building Portfolio - VA Central Office 810 Vermont Avenue is a 618,000 square foot building - It has 2,483 seats, meaning that's how many staff they can fit - The monthly rent is $27.2 million - Their average logins is 387 people, that’s people logging in every month to work - That building is sitting at 16% occupancy rate (So we're paying $27.2 million a month for that building with 16% occupancy rate)

6 More Leased Government Buildings Stats:

811 Vermont Avenue: - 266,000 square feet - 1294 seats - $14 million dollars a month rent - 124 average logins - This is a 10% occupancy rate

18000 G Street - 207,000 square feet - 1243 seats - $11.3 million dollars a month rent - 146 average logins - This is a 11% occupancy rate

1100 First Street - 48,000 square feet - 190 seats - $2.4 million dollars a month rent - 55 average logins - This is a 20% occupancy rate

1574 I Street - 37,000 square feet - 156 seats - $1.7 million dollars a month rent - No login data, this building lease is being terminated

428 I Street - 175,000 square feet - 583 seats - $12.7 million dollars a month rent - 60 average logins - This is a 10% occupancy rate

801 I Street - 18,000 square feet - 86 seats - $1.1 million dollars a month rent - 8 average logins - This is a 9% occupancy rate

“That’s from the Department of Veterans Affairs Building portfolio”

See the video @  https://x.com/i/status/1895168415922266292  

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  • IMHO it's not about tax and spend by the Progressives but about tax America to death and spend it into bankrupty. That way they can 'come to the rescue' install their solution, rewrite the constitution and nationalize all US citizens assets to pay for the national debt. 

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