
  • Political speech is NOT needed in the classroom - - EDUCATION (reading, writing, arithmetic) is what is needed.

  • Good for them, those anti-God, anti-American, racist organizations have no place anywhere in American society, especially in schools!!!!!!!!!!

  • Time for all schools to understand only one flag hangs at classrooms and it has given us our freedom and independent and history can not be erased 

  • Finally a school that got it right!  Let's get back to readng, writing and arithmetic and leave the politics and social documention out of the class room!


  • At one time homosexual acts were considered to be vile, now treated as if a matter of pride. At one time Marxists and anarchists were considered as enemies of our republic, now they are considered by idiots as a matter of free speech. Since when does one have the right to use speech to overthrow our government? 

    Our nations values and constitution are being eroded with an undercurrent of hate and destruction of each and every moral tenet origninally presented by our founding fathers in their wisdom imparted into our constitution. What happened?

    • What happened is that a lot of mainstream Americans couldn't be bothered stop watching their precious sporting events or stop focusing on adding to their social status or stop partying until they dropped, to learn how our government is supposed to work (the Constitution) and to listen to those who were warning them since the 50s about the enemies infiltrating our five institutional pillars (the media, academia, pop culture, government and the Church)! Now that the country they live in is engulfed in flames, some of them have finally smelled the smoke, are in a panic, but don't know what to do about it. And there are many who still have their heads firmly planted where the sun don't shine and, out of lazy habit, unthinking, knee-jerk party loyalty and/or invincible ignorance, keep on voting for the same people (and party) who are gleefully pouring gasoline on the fire that's consuming them. The left has thrown us in the deep water and tied these useful idiots around our legs to drag us down to the bottom!

    • Make America great again is needed more so than ever before. The radical left aka demonrats, homos, etc need to be treated for what they are: enemies of the state, of the social fabric in the USA, of religion, of the American way of life, of our liberties and freedom. The need to be erased from American soil.

    • What happened is that our people became complacent and lazy, and if given any "freebies" will go for the handouts instead of what is right!


    • Edie, not everyone but way too many fit that mold!!!!!                        


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