
  • He needs to shutup and just go back to kissing bidens you know what

  • If I am not mistaken was this not the same Ukraine that Hunter and Joe Biden were bragging about how they were able to get someone fired due to a transaction for $$$ that Hunter wanted.

    • The very same. The price to help Ukraine is now 37 billion while not one nickel to build our wall. BTW, Zelinsky just bought his parents a $8 million Villa complete with Salt water pool and a new car each.   Trump didn't want the wall, he wanted to make sure illegals never got in or got a job, and he did that. 

    • That was the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Hunter in the Ukrain. Joe was Vice President then and was making deals with the then regime, he threatened to withhold moneys from the Ukrain unless the prosecutor is fired.....ending the investigation into Hunter.
      This is before Trump was president, and long before Zelensky was sworn in May of 2019. Zelenskyy was not in power when the Bidens were making their deals in Ukrain that you are referring to.

  • I am not now or have I ever been a Zelensky fan. I don't trust him any more than I do Biden, Joe, Jim or Hunter. He's become some kind of hero to many but to me.

  • The Ukraine is a European country and basically a buffer state between the European nations and Russia. Let the Europeans provide assisstence and weapons to the Ukrainians since it is in the nations of Europe interests. Heck, many of them do not even pay their full share to NATO.

    Not to long ago Ukraine was a Russion ally during the Cold War and if it came to war they along with Russia would have been firing nuclear missles at Europe and the US.

    If needed let the Euopean nations provide weapons and other goods for the Ukrainians. They could even buy much of that from the US rather than the US taxpayer footing the bill to maintain not only Ukrainian defences but also the security of all of the western European nations.

    • We are part of NATO, so is England and Iceland, none are connected by land to Europe.  When NATO acts....we are a part of that action like it or not!

    • Not if NATO is the agressor!

    • The aggressor is the one who makes the first step to start a fight, war... in this case that was Putin. 

      NATO makes consensus decisions, they discuss until ALL members agree on a decision. 
      When a NATO decision is announced, it is the expression of the collective will of all the sovereign states who are members of the alliance. To join NATO all members must agree to allow a new nation to join.

      As a side note, one reason Putin doesn't want Ukrain in NATO is because he doesn't want the world to think of Ukrain as a sovereign state, he wants them to think it's part of Russia and he has right to it.  Ukraine is no more part of Russia then New Mexico or California are part of Mexico. Just because there are many Russian living in parts of Ukrain, the borders are set, they don't change, the people can move! No other nation changed her borders when the Soviets left, why should Ukraine?  Should we have a vote to see if Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, California should be given to Mexico since there are a lot of Mexicans living there? How about Alaska, Hawaii....they weren't always apart the USA.


    • Yes, Russia is the aggressor but against Ukraine, not any other nation in Europe. That war basically is confined to those two nations. If  there is no direct threat to any of the NATO members and they take it upon themselves to send troops then they would be commiting an aggressive act of war. Send the Ukrainians weapons and necessary goods but no troops on the ground.

      If the Russians fired nuclear weapons then the war would, more than likely, be extended to include others and would result in WW3.. 

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