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The Patriot Post ~ 7 issues

Barr Rejects Special Counsel for Hunter Biden Probe
CYPpusoqAmlPJMlOfEIrOpJq_9gy_ZMO10zw-IYGLTiCVkDpqVAy20lZM8xnp39HTxDUYT9ue2dkxndWdORkz55t_yreykWIMrvw_WqNBm3U3EHb_4-JPd7-P0YISpkuLaCfc9-sAWhddgGPaD2itYXct3yTOxcOs1zy1KlELgroY_0E=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_400xTHOMAS GALLATIN   When it comes to his son Hunter, scumbag/liar-Joe Biden will see and hear no evil. This reality was once again driven home last week with Biden’s insistence regarding the criminal

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