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The Patriot Post ~ 8 issues

Congressional Unity on Spending Blowout
OAhtHQtYJGwNvs8oX7dGkRL3pSqMID6qmTzuN6iM4KMhSmx-PzRayuw9Almu3NrPAJwxjmENUAuE1_gDPoNwce0VcRa6jlkI5Y0ExcRkZJJA_aNRZWIKQaqvvGOys88hs7jqqbMzT2Kp7s3FqdI27Hy-AfDCHA-ecCuoMslnackU8SQy=s0-d-e1-ft#?profile=RESIZE_584xNATE JACKSON   “This action in the lame-duck session is just the beginning,” proclaimed Joe Biden. “Our work is far from over.” He was talking about both houses of Congress passing on Monday the $900 billion CO

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