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According to the lawsuit, the “massive fraud” begins with the controversial Dominion voting system, which Powell says does not allow for a “simple audit to reveal its misallocation, redistribution, or deletion of votes”. Moreover, she writes, the mac

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2 Replies · Reply by Skeptical Nov 29, 2020

Kraken revealed!

In this interview, you’ll learn about the real identity of the Kraken, as well as confirmation that US military personnel were killed during the firefight to seize the CIA’s server farm in Frankfurt, which is the key to proving deliberate election ri

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Obama/Biden scandal?

Joe Biden has become very fond of saying his administration never had a whisper of a scandal. Well, I would say a former official trying to steal government property and using it to steal identities is a pretty big scandal. How could this have possib

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Dems knew

Democrats knew all along
The mainstream media along with big tech are working overtime trying to dismiss President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud. Every time you turn on the big networks you will hear the talking heads bashing Trump’s “baseless cl

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We caught one!

Wisconsin voter fraud
There have been multiple reports of dead people voting in this election. Many on the Left say this is a ridiculous far-Right conspiracy theory and Trump is just being a sore loser. Well, finally we caught one of these Lefties red

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Still denying?

I don’t think there’s any point in even bothering to deny it. After all, the best denial that there was widespread voter fraud that the Democrats and the mainstream media can come up with is to simply, well, flat-out deny it exists. They never bother

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“If Nixon’s a crook, Barack Obama is like a mafia boss,” she said.

The Plot Against the President” is based on the bestselling book of the same name by investigative journalist Lee Smith.

The cast of the documentary is extensive, including former House

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