House Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn has compared the current attempts by the Republican party to contest the election results to 'what Hitler did in Germany'.
The South Carolina congressman was speaking with CNN's Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night when
"We keep hearing the drumbeat of 'where is the evidence?' Right here, Sean.
234 pages of sworn affidavits. These are real people, real allegations, signed with notarys that are alleging the following..."@KayleighMcEnany discusses evidence of voter fr
Ye band of brothers few… whose dead bleed the fields of valor red, whose sacrifice now speaks to all… with one voice they call: Arise take hold of our standard true and stand too. Raise high the banner of liberty’s cause… On
Everyone understands that the left is made up of Alinsky type radicals. The ends justify the means mentality is something that most people can interpret as the left doing whatever it takes to get their way. Alinsky argued in Rules for Radicals, for e
The fierce beast of the Left, the omnivorous viper of the Democrats, has been let loose. Every tyrant needs quislings. Unfortunately, there are appeasers even among Republicans. The 'useful idiots' of the Left are being eaten already; the appeasers
As the republican establishment contemplates positioning themselves amid President Trump’s resolute intent to highlight a 2020 election filled with with demonstrable fraud, they would be prudent to check their political ego.
2/ election personnel to 44 jurisdictions to monitor this election. Curiously, many of these are places with massive problems in this election including Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Maricopa County ... What did they observe exactly ... 🤔https://
Most of Joe Biden’s 221,751 vote margin gain in Georgia, compared to Hillary Clinton’s performance in 2016, came from three metropolitan Atlanta counties that received more than $15 million from the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Technology and
!@NYGovCuomo says it’s “bad news” Pfizer’s Covid vaccine came during the Trump Admin; says he’s going to work w/ other governors to “stop” distribution “before it does damage"
If 2020 didn’t already feel enough of a Kafkaesque nightmare, the latest bit of depravity from the “hate has no home here” totalitarian left is a ghoulish scheme announced by three former Barack Obama and Pete Buttigieg staffers on Twitter last week
COVID Vaccine Thanks to Trump's Operation Warp Speed
THOMAS GALLATIN Thanks to President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, a COVID-19 vaccine is close to release and, according to researchers, it is 90% effective in stopping the spread of the no