Wait, hold on. You're telling me that the Dominion voting systems spokesperson used to work for Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and is on Paul Ryan's news network telling us there's nothing to see here because there's no way a *software* can be
After members of President Trump’s legal team detected what they believed to be statistical anomalies in the election results, they began to zero in on the company that manufactured the equipment used to tally the votes.
Both 2020 presidential candidates have been offered such barely disguised bribes. One candidate’s son-in-law was offered a half-billion-dollar “investment” into his family’s real estate firm. Jared Kushner — recognizing a bribe for what it was — sent
Folks, PLEASE be aware that this is not just sour grapes on the part of fake news CNN at the prospect of losing even more viewers. This is an agenda. The paintbrush they are using is directly intended to denigrate Conservatives and Trump supporters t
The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and
A lot of things worry me about a Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration, but nothing troubles me more than that it will accommodate the left's disturbing march toward selective suppression of free speech.
There was a lot of buzz surrounding a lawsuit filed yesterday by Lin Wood. He isn’t working directly with the Trump team but is in constant contact with them and is likely coordinating his team’s efforts with theirs. When we first reported it, we no
The following tweet from a regional director of the DNC in California stopped me in my tracks yesterday. Earlier this week, David Atkins, a self-described “elected DNC member,” asked this stunning question. “No seriously…how *do* you deprogram 75 mi
I have compiled a list of 17 Democrats who have defied commonsense, decency, and justice to survive scandals to prove that there is something horribly wrong in their party. This list, which is by no means comprehensive, demonstrates a longstanding pa
The Democrats and fake news media colluded to dismiss this effort as insane conspiracy theories not worthy of consideration. Challenging the election and refusing to “concede” is called a breach of all norms.
The Federal Court may review the President's decision to invoke Martial Law all day long... however, the judges may find themselves under lock and key and in prison if they interfere with the orders of the President as Commander in Chief and Chief La
The Federal Court may review the President's decision to invoke Martial Law all day long... however, the judges may find themselves under lock and key and in prison if they interfere with the orders of the President as Commander in Chief and Chief La