The first three Democrat presidential debates held this year – on Jan. 14, Feb. 7, and Feb. 19 – contained a single, passing reference to the coronavirus outbreak that had emerged in China weeks earlier and was starting to spread.
Illinois Democrats are demanding $41 billion from the federal government for coronavirus relief, including $10 billion for Illinois's cash-strapped and underfunded public pension plan. The most fiscally mismanaged state in the union that has crimina
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Monday told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that protests against stay-at-home orders organized through his social media site qualify as "harmful misinformation" and are taken down.
The virtual closure of national borders from Guatemala to the United States because of the Chinese Virus might end the migration of Central America’s poverty-stricken hordes to the United States, but only if the controls stay in place long enough to
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is speaking out against demonstrators who are gathering in some states to protest stringent stay-at-home orders designed to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Pelosi told "Fox News Sunday" that she couldn't un
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced plans to furlough thousands of city workers for 26 days out of the next fiscal year as one of several measures to help balance the budget amid the COVID-19 pandemic during his State of the City address on Sun
It's ironic at a time when 56 million children in the U.S. are being homeschooled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that Harvard Magazine would publish an article calling for a ban on homeschooling.
The best estimate was that in the last general election for the Oval Office in 2016 at least 55 percent to 60 percent of those eligible to vote did not vote. These facts and statistics came from our United States Federal Election Commission. These in
Upon review of the US Domestic Terrorism Law... it appears that anyone or group that CREATES A FALSE PANDEMIC may well be considered DOMESTIC TERRORIST... as defined by law:
Harvard University will receive nearly $9 million in aid from the federal government through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, the Department of Education announced last week.
The CARES Act — the largest economic stimulus packa
Economic devastation. Food shortages. The suppression of essential human rights and censorship. Leftists exploiting an emergency situation to empower themselves. Neighbors snitching on neighbors. Innocent people being confined while the guilty run
Democrats are quite happy with the ongoing media coverage of the coronavirus. But Republicans continue to put their faith in President Trump and see the media coverage as just another tool to attack him.
It goes without saying that the Tea Party, Republicans, Trump Train and all Conservatives must work flat out to re-elect President Donald Trump in November to save America and the Constitution.
This election will be the most important and critical mo
On Monday, April, 20 at noon more than ten-thousands citizens are expected to gather in the capital city to peacefully protest Governor Wolf’s excessive restrictions, and to take back the Keystone State.