How can I change my system name?

A while back, I joined up here, and all was fairly well.  I figured out how to stop following topics I had lost interest in, and how not to get involved with those with no way to reply other than to post a new comment. 



Then I had my computer guru go through my computer.  Lots of stuff was deleted, including, unfortunately, my sign-ins to several different comment lines, INCLUDING THIS ONE.  No problem, just sign up again...  Sure...  BUT...  I left out my middle initial.  Now, even though I comment on several threads, I get notification on only one, and it has turned into a cat fight about the use of 'aliterate, alliterate and illiterate.'  How can I get re-signed up WITH the middle initial?

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  • I just changed my name from "full name" to an easier name, by just going to my profile and making the change.  Maybe this method would work for you?


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