Site Protection

I would like to add a word about something, I think having to sign in is a good thing it is one of the best things a site can do to help protect its members Another is to instruct them to only bring over a partial of the post with links to it. The more protections in place the better. I will explain why.

I don't know if any of you are aware of the Loc Procedure.. Probably not, a site I was a long time very active member of decided that they would allow government agents to come on site and copy any content they wanted..It is called the Loc involves the government coming on site and copying any information they want to up to and including member posts and personal information. Supposedly for the "Library of Congress". In essence get into the inner working of the site that most members aren't aware of. This is used for many different kinds of information they want to gather. Done by government agents.

Sounds crazy right, it  did to me too.... I got wind of it through a moderator. The owner of the site decided he did not want the members to know about this happening he figured it would hurt is "bottom" line in donations and postings etc..Long story short many of us gave him so much flak when we found out that he had to come clean on it.. This owner actually said that this was great news they were coming on site...A few members objected they were banned, many just up and quit. Many were trying to erase their posts and information. I hit "like" on some of the message's made, and I made a comment on that post. I also  tried to warn other members that I new about this happening who hadn't been on the site. I brought over copyright information, because i felt that this was a big part of this Loc Procedure. The owner had always insisted on a full post and link not a partial post and link I got concerned....... 

The owner did many terrible things like blocking PM's, reading them, not letting them get sent, posing as one member to get information from another member etc etc etc.. I got emails from members about all this.  I mentioned this in a private email, not  a PM, my own private one to someone from the site that i thought I new that I was afraid this person has become what we are all fighting a "tyrant"  I was proved right the next day. I was banned.

So my feeling is this nothing protects you all the way but:

“When an honest man discovers he is mistaken,
“he will either cease being mistaken,
“or cease being honest.”

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