What does a Mod do here at Command Center?
Those that have been here a while know that putting out fires is a big part of the job. Member argue and at times we need a person to step in and settle everyone down via a post or an email to the folks.
Moderating requires you to read the comments in all the discussions! Why? You'll be looking to put out fires, but you'll also be looking for trolls! Trolls are evil!! They come here with an agenda and the intent to disrupt the site. Some trolls are obvious but there are the subtle trolls who are hard to spot. When a post makes you go...."WHAT???" Click over to the person's profile and see what else they've been posting on site. When in doubt, let an Administrator know there might be a problem and we'll check it out. All trolls should be reported to Admins for removal from the site. If you can't get us at the time, post the information in this room and we'll get it there.
Welcoming new members is one of the Moderator's responsibilities. We try to get everyone welcomed on the day they enter the site. It is a good gesture to also send the new member a friend request to make them feel wanted here. Of course, there is a free gift you can add to their page if you want to go the extra mile!
The driving force of a social site is the discussions. I would like all of the Moderators to contribute at least 2-3 discussions a day. You can find discussions anywhere on the net. The Blaze, Breitbart, Drudge, The Hill all are good resources. Everyone has their favorite news sites! Do try not to duplicate what someone else has already put up on site. If you stumble on a really hot breaking story, let an Admin know about it because we might want to broadcast it to our members immediately. Do remember, if it is not original material, just use 3 or paragraphs with a link. If it is original material, please please check your grammar and spelling! We can not share anything that is not spelled correctly or that is grammatically incorrect!
The final duty of the moderator is the chat room. We want to increase chat room participation and I'd like to have the Mods drop in and start a discussion when they are on line. It helps the members see you as more than a picture and, quite frankly, the chat room is the first place troll usually heads when they get on site. If you are there, we might catch them before they can hit the discussions. We are going to set up a schedule of chats and events on site. You will need to check the calendar to see what is coming up.
Don't panic if you run into a situation and you don't know what to do, just get in touch with an Admin on Yahoo Messenger, email or post your concerns in the comments here and we'll find it and address it with you or for you. Short of a total site lockout, there isn't anything that can't wait for an Admin to handle it.
Thank you for volunteering to help monitor the site. Just remember, it isn't brain surgery...you are allowed to make mistakes! Don't sweat it and have some fun with moderating!!!