Homeland Security Takeover - We are now a Communist country!

Once again, President Obama has signed an unconstitutionally-expanded Executive Order giving himself kingship (See the Order:  http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/10/26/executive-order-establishing-white-house-homeland-security-partnership-c).  This new Executive Order unconstitutionally expands the Department of Homeland Security to be the all-encompassing and all-powerful United States authority which answers only to the President.  Mr. Obama claims his actions are being undertaken to stop terrorists, even though his previous actions have actually facilitated jihad inside the United States by prohibiting the criminal intent of jihad, even prohibiting the words "jihad" and "Islam," from being used in the investigation and prosecution of jihad crimes.  Therefore, jihadists can now merely claim their actions were accidents and their true intentions (Islamic jihad and the seditious enforcement of Shariah law) cannot be investigated or prosecuted as sedition, hate crimes against non-Muslims, or acts of war.  Yet, the Department of Homeland Security can, under this new Executive Order, restrict the constitutionally-protected civil liberties and rights of (United States) law-abiding citizens by directly subjecting them to its undefined and unlimited priorities.  This Executive Order establishes and mandates "partnerships" between the Department of Homeland Security and ALL state and local authorities (and even non-governmental agencies such as churches) in order to "support [non-defined] homeland security priorities."  President Obama has, in effect and right before the presidential election, voided the Unites States Constitution and made the United States Government a Communist entity. 

Since the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, has been complicit with Mr. Obama's agenda and is not likely to do his job of investigating and prosecuting Mr. Obama for treason and violating his oath of office to "PRESERVE, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States," [Emphasis added], it is up to We the People to make Congress impeach, investigate, and prosecute him and repeal/make void all unconstitutional laws, governmental agency regulations, and Executive Orders.  It will not happen unless We the People unite and demand action.  United we stand, divided we fall.  www.impeachpresidentobama.weebly.com

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  • He SO wants to be able to declare that emergency!! I can see him drooling over the possibilities. He's got to be crowing over the destruction on the east coast. His other name besides Hussein is CHAOS.

  • Just read the above document on "right wing extremists". Amazing references to African American president and disgruntled veterans who may not like gun restrictions or immigration! Mentions about one incident per year to be very concerning. No mention of gangs crossing the borders (I suppose those are "perceived")homegrown muslim terrorists, Sharia laws, foreign jihadists, or black inner city youth mobs. Right wing extremists are supposed to be racist, fearful of one world order and jobs out sourcing, free trade and illegals stealing our livelihood. Veterans are especially to be watched! Oh Mitt Romney you MUST fix this awful business of executive orders-- so no future president can ever again ride rough shod over congress and the people. Dictators do get paranoid. . .

  • This is playing out just like in Nazi Germany. Hitler took over without opposition from the parliament. We are not on a slippery slope.... we have already tumbled down the hole. The election is already fixed, Obama's troops are in place, and we are screwed. Unfortunately, there is no hero nation to save us. And we did this to ourselves. Since homeland security monitors all our communications I guess the members of the tea party are at risk. I have already been warned by several people to be careful about what I say and write. Remember, Stalin murdered millions of Russians during his reign. He made Hitler look like a choir boy. And we said, "Never again". Well, here we are. I fear it is our turn now. Who would have thought that we Americans would be talking like this four years ago? See how fast a country can fall? Everyone knows that our king couldn't possibly win in an honest election. What are the options after election day?

    • Our guns are the last resort to Obama's subversive ruination of our Country.  Because of people like Obama, there is going to be a lot of blood running in Washington, and probably in the streets too.  I still don't understand how the American public was so stupid over these past 70 years not to see what the useful idiots for socialism were doing.  It all started with Political Correctness, and most of the American public still don't "get it."  

    • The Third American Revolution.

  • What is that saying? About Germany, "they did this and nobody said anything, they did something else and no one did a thing? I can not remember! But it is not comfortable any longer. I would like to go somewhere and wait for things to pass! It is time to quit warning people and take care of myself!
  • Obama is functioning like a Dictator in the making, and Congress just sits and watches?

  • So, does this mean! Obama is going to use all means to steal this election, then is going to force the people to submit?
    Or, if it looks like he will loose, he will create an incident which will allow him to call in UN troops to control the people while continues in office? Or any other of several possibilities? He must think that the Conservatives are violent, while the left treatens every type of violence. How can they think like they do? It makes no SENCE! Americans think like Americans. You can figure out how an American will react. But when trying to anticipate the actions of someone from a Muslim country, or from a country with a lot of violence, you must always think on the side of caution. Because of how they were raised and the enviroment, they think, act and react in a different manner. Obama thinks and acts like a man from a third world country! He thinks in terms of force and violence, tricks, lies and munipulation; which makes him a danger to the American people!
  • Isn't it interesting that the present treasonous administration so quickly brands Constitutional loving citizens as Right-Wing Extremists?  Think about it: Obama is a Marxist loving, Muslim loving, Constitution hating president (small P), surrounded with Marxists, Communists, Maoists, and socialists loving Czars, but we citizens are the ones who are a threat to the country?  If this wasn't such a sick idea, it would be funny.  Perhaps Jay Leno can use the irony of this in one of his jokes? 

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