Welcome to my page! 

The fight against the Democrat and RINO radical Globalist Agenda started in 2008 and I don't believe that anyone thought we would still be fighing them in 2021. I know I didn't. 

Tea Party protests - Wikipedia

We The People showed up at the rallies and at the ballot boxes and in 2016 we beat the Corrupt Clinton machine. We shocked the Democrats and the RINOs-we even made them cry.

The moment Hillary Clinton was forced to give up her dream

Some of us realized that is wasn't just the Democrats because we kept being told by the Republicans that they needed the House to stop the radical policies-we gave it to them. Then the goal post changed and they needed the Senate to really be effective. We gave it to them. Nothing changed.

Why? The Swamp is deeply embedded in DC and it was fighting back against its demise. Unelected Bureaucrats have been struggling to ensure their unamerican policies succeed. The Tea Party stands to tell them that they will not win.Drain the Swamp | Know Your Meme

I thought I could retire from the Tea Party because we had fought the good fight and had won. How wrong I was. The corrupt in DC are fighting back and they need to be exposed. 

This is our fight.  We, here at Tea Party Command Center, are in it to win it. 

Inspirational Quotes | Inspirational quotes with images, Kennedy ...






Princeton, IN

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  • Buy a gun !!!

  • The 2014 mid-term elections, if not manipulated by Obama's henchmen, will spell the end of Democratic Party control of the U.S. Senate.  The independent voters who were formerly supporting Obama have surely seen the light with the lies that Obama has told the nation about Obamacare, the IRS scandal, Benghazie, Lybia, and Fast and Furious.  The man is a pathological liar, just like Hillary Clinton and her husband, Slick Willy.  There is no earthly reason to support the lying, deceiving, usurping black man who currently claims to be the standing U.S. President.  Barry Obama should be impeached as soon as the Senate becomes a Republican majority.  He should be thrown-out of office and then tried by a federal court for perjury and conspiracy.  He should then be sentenced to hard labor for his remaining days.  Perhaps his conniving wife should be right along with him.  She has aided and abetted every crime that he has committed.    

  • Once you have nore Anti-Americans that vote, the Americans wll never win another election! I don't see how they can, It's a numbers game. Romney was exactly Right. It doesn't matter what you say or do, the truth doesn't matter either. Dumn people don't listen and smart people already know. the only hope we have left to stop the Anti-Amercan takeover is to STOP SUPPORTING THE HATERS WITH OUR MONEY! Stop renting their Movies! Stop paying for anything or anybody that is a Liberal! do your homework, look them up before you rent thier Movies, They still need our money and support, but once they have enough of it, They wont need us for anything! Business owners Stop hiring them! don't attend thier concerts! it might be hard to find out how they vote but TRY! Look them up on the web, Don't watch thier TV Channels,or programs, and don't buy thier Products o any kind! And most of all  STOP TRYING TO BE FAIR !!! If your'e in a fight and are trying to be fair and not cheat, and your opponent is not, You will definetely lose that fight!

  • Paul Ryan and John McCain did not do us a favor on Amnesty.  They must be trying to get the illegal immigrants votes.

  • A small thing, read The "Higher Law" Background of American Constitutional Law. It's only 89 pages. When you know the background of the law, which went into your Constitution,  you will think conservatively. It's a small thing that can lead to great things. The book is available at Amazon.

  • Hello

    I'd like to start a discussion about "Is the U.S. Government Changing the Amount In People’s Financial Accounts and Manipulating Financial Systems with Its Offensive Cyber Capabilities?" but  have been unable to find out how to do this.

    Can someone tell me how this works?

    Thanks for your time.


  • pass the information, truth, forward, to everyone possible.
  • Lee, I have about quit making comments about Obamacare and the Racist Muslim in the white house because like our government, the Devil has taken over. Our political hacks are talking and doing nothing but spend more of the Few True Americans money. The deadbeats are living off of Us and when the funds run out a Civil War will begin as the U.S. of A runs out of Jobs and Taxpayers. The seniors are getting too old to function except talking. Our young people are getting the worse  education in this country, unlike most of the Nations around the world. Prayer is our only salvation and few are doing so. Our Lord has no reason to help our country that is now another Sodom and Gomorrah and God our Creator will make people pay. The Devil rules the govenment and most have turned their backs on Our Lord and his son Jesus Christ who will soon return to Rule the world with Peace.

  • NO laws have been in forced since Barry     WHY?

  • You really feel like your not alone when someone says I'm PRAYING FOR YOU ~ Just to let you know I'm PRAYING FOR YOU ~ Tea Party Command Center ~ Dee you have your hands full ~ My prayer is that GOD give you WISDOM and meet all your needs according to Philippians 4:19 Just think if EVERYONE DID THEIR PART WE WOULD GET AMERICA BACK ~ According to ll Chronicles 7: 14 PRAYING FOR YOU AND AMERICA GOOD NIGHT & MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA AGAIN Rev Gloria M Boroff Portland, Oregon   KEEP ISRAEL IN PRAYER

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