News reports have downplayed the significance of former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith’s guilty plea, acknowledging he altered an official document in the government’s Trump-Russia collusion probe. There has been some coverage, mainly because it is so
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday evening at the Democratic National Convention that voters should elect fellow Democrat Joe Biden as president and a Democratic-led Congress to provide citizenship to the millions of illegal immigrant
For Antifa-BLM, their leaders, and their organizers this 2 part article represents the beginning of their day of reckoning. This is a start toward full exposure showing political organization, political aspirations, political ties to foreign governm
Sen. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill. defended the decision to include former President Bill Clinton in the lineup of speakers at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday, telling Fox News' Bret Baier that the party "is a big tent and all sorts of folks fi
Cindy McCain is going to bat for Joe Biden, lending her voice to a video set to air during Tuesday night’s Democratic National Convention programming focused on Biden’s close friendship with her late husband, Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona.
Here’s a story you won’t see in the race-obsessed national media.
Two black Maryland teenagers found guilty of killing a middle-aged white man via sucker punch at the county fair were let off by the presiding female judge with shockingly lenient se
Addressing the virtual Democratic National Convention on Monday night in support of Joe Biden’s presidential candidacy, Sen. Bernie Sanders said that his own now-suspended campaign had “moved this country in a bold new direction,” adding that that m
During an interview on the Fox News Channel’s coverage of the 2020 Democratic National Convention on Monday, Trump Campaign Senior Adviser Steve Cortes reacted to the first night of the convention by stating that it “was not a celebration of America
Emily Gorcenski, a militant antifa doxing activist, is soliciting the public for the personal information of participants of the peaceful Trump boat rally.
Gorcenski is extreme. She even attracted the fan following of the Dayton antifa mass kill
At the Democrat National Convention (DNC) on Monday evening, failed Democrat presidential primary candidate Beto O’Rourke suggested that President Trump is more racist than presidents who owned slaves.
President Trump announced Tuesday morning he will give a posthumous pardon to Susan B. Anthony, one of history's biggest figures in the women's suffrage movement.
The announcement came 100 years to the day after the 1920 ratification of the 19th Ame
Tonight, former President Bill Clinton speaks at the Democratic National Convention. Tomorrow night, it’s his wife Hillary’s turn. The pervert and the enabler. Hell of a line-up Democrats have assembled.