Never Trump super PAC the Lincoln Project and other anti-Trump Republicans continue to plot to not only take down President Donald Trump, but also the Senate Republican majority, according to a report released on Saturday.
Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot, had an odd explanation for the gun violence gripping the city Sunday, suggesting that lax gun laws and coronavirus-related lockdowns were largely to blame for the spike in shootings, which has left at least four chil
President Trump on Sunday said the federal government was “ready, willing and able” to intervene over the surge of shootings in New York City and Chicago.
With Joy Reid poised to take over Chris Matthews' former weekday slot on MSNBC, Reid's weekend show was guest-hosted today by Tiffany Cross, who's been a regular guest there. It didn't take long for Cross t
The editor of The Boston Globe plans to give reporters and other staff members “the necessary time to look back six months and assess their work through a racial lens,” according to a memo he sent the newspaper’s staff earlier this week.
State officials in Virginia ordered the removal of a large American flag from a construction site ahead of the Fourth of July, calling it a potential target for people protesting racial injustice and police brutality.
Two bullet-ridden bodies lay sprawled on bloodstained concrete steps. Alongside, relatives of the victims are wailing and collapse to the ground. In another part of the city, a gang of youths use spray paint to disable security cameras before robbin
Democratic California Congressman Eric Swalwell said Saturday that he agrees there should likely be a nationwide mask mandate amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
In an interview on “Cavuto LIVE” with host Neil Cavuto, Swalwell noted case and hospitaliz
Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton stated in an interview published Friday that she would have done a “better job” than President Trump in response to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
“We wouldn’t have been able to stop the pandemic at o
He wanted to look good for his day in court, and that meant a blue suit made by British tailor Richard James, a blue double-cuffed dress shirt with a Windsor collar, George Cleverley shoes, a blue silk knit tie, and a checked pocket square (also blu