C. J.'s Posts (4)

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The Age of Global Warming

I have not read this book yet but it is getting great reviews. The Facile climate acceptors have had a major setback this week when it is finally being admitted after years of denial that the global temps have been flat now for 16 years.




This doesn’t mean that the war is over, no matter how many times the green left are refuted they come back with more falsified and manipulated data to breathe life back into this green neo-Malthusian road to a static economic system.


Sing up for The Week That Was at www.SEPP.org and at the NIPCC website here http://www.nipccreport.org/about/about.html.

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Self criticism is the beginning of wisdom

I throw  this out there in the hope that there are enough conservatives out there curious enough to want to know the history of how we got to where we are today. In that hope I am going to put here one of my Favorite authors that I think every Tea Party member should read, Ayn Rand.


You will always get the propoganda sychophant who will regurgitate like pavlovs dog the plethora of nonsense put out against Rand, but a true and honest person who values their intellect will pick her up and read her and listen to her warnings. If the conservative movement had, way back in the 50s and 60s, we would not be where we are today.


I present Ayn Rand's lecture, Conservatism an Obituary. The first is a short version the second is the 53 minute full version, her essay of that name can be found in the book Capitalism the Unkown Ideal.


Ladies and gentleman, Ayn Rand...





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Re the blog post giving up.

 re: Check out the blog post 'Friends, I've been receiving a lot of e-mails lately
where the senders are so frustrated and worn down that they talk about giving


Without a positive optimistic plan and ideal to look forward to and work for, what else is left?  Hayek in “Why I am Not a Conservative and Ayn Rand in her “Conservatism and Obituary” both detailed out the main Achilles heel in “conservatism.” You all refuse to read them and to learn from them.

  1. Conservatism is not a movement, it is mainly a reaction.
  2. It desires to keep, or go back to the old status quo.
  3. Its ideals are always to go back to a “golden time.”
  4. Once you save the republic, liberty and freedom then what?  What vision do you have for the future that can capture the imagination of young people?

Classical liberalism was not conservative, if was revolutionary. It failed when it absorbed the 19th century idea of historical inevitability. It plan was what the tea parties main plan is minus the desire to interfere worldwide with other nations or to be the world’s cop, only CL’s worldwide vision was future oriented: Cosmopolitanism (universal citizenship), eventual open borders, total free trade (not managed trade), a complete worldwide division of knowledge and labor. The withering away of the state (yes that was originally a CL ideal not socialist/communist). America’s CL founders created a blueprint for a worldwide federation of free states with a free people that can organically grow. Conservatism and socialism put an end to that vision.  From sea to shining sea became the limits of America and like all organic organisms, once you stop growing you create a ring of repugnance around yourself that eventually keeps shrinking you until you die. Jingoism and xenophobia kept us from bringing in Mexico, Cuba, Panama, the Phillpines and Puerto Rico, after all you can’t have those Spanish speaking Catholics enter a primarily Protestant country. What an opportunity wasted.


How many “Conservative” have adopted Malthusian beliefs? How many churches have taken the Kool-Aid and have gone green? How many have stupidly adopted the terms and ideals of the conspiratorial neo-left with no understanding of what the real purposes of them are? Sustainability, social justice, the precautionary principle, cap and trade/climate, et al. All Trojan horses, can you tell anyone intelligently how they all hang together and uphold a neo-leftist plan and ideology?

How many of you picked up and read Peter Diamandis new book Abundance or Matt Ridley’s The Rational Optimist?  You limit yourselves and then your groan about there is nothing to do? YOU could become truly revolutionary techno-evolutionaries and take up  the techno-neoclassical liberal position!  But that would require you to put down your bibles and the latest idiotic work from the right wing bubbleheads: Insanity, O’liely, Bimbo et al.  

Your lack of in-depth knowledge is your Achilles heel. While you are playing checkers on the old cracker barrel, your enemies are playing three dimensional chess and then you wonder why they have been slowly winning over the last 70 years?  


You’ve ridden the short bus to school for far too long and then wonder how this all happened?

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UN Agenda 21 the Hidden Fascist in the Living Room

5 days ago



Five days ago an Australian politician, Ann Bressington, came out with a “shocking” revelation of what is going on in her country behind the scenes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrdmjBAX0E0). I put “shocking” in quotation marks as this entire UN scheme is not new to anyone who has been paying attention for the past 20 years. For decades researchers and political activists have been warning us all about UN Agenda 21, the Humanity and Habit Treaty and what “sustainability” really means. Today even the left is waking up and there is an organization Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 that has taken up a cause that previously only the John Birch Society on the right has been fighting. People are waking up in droves but as yet the bubbleheads on the right have been deathly silent about it.


The dreaded moniker “conspiracy theory” still hovers over anyone who brings up the UN programs, even though spending only an hour researching it today one finds a plethora of evidence linking everything we see happening in America to these treaties. One cannot ask why federal, state and environmental organizations are working together to depopulate rural areas without coming face to face with these treaties. Also the smart growth movements in every one of our cities, towns and jurisdictions are promoting the same core ideals and plans to be implemented nationwide. Money from a non-profit organization from the UN, ICLEI, is giving funds to any city or municipality that goes along with the Agenda add to that the federal funds being given to cities to implement these changes and you see an interrelated network of programs and players to bring about this drastic change to the American political, economic and social system.


One of the greatest threats that go along with this communitarian agenda is the rise of the Council of Regional Governments. Your state probable has them. No one, not even conservative republicans asked, “what the heck are these councils and why do we need a parallel system of governance that is soaking up so much of the taxes in our communities." These councils are the realization of a program begun under the Nixon administration but were fought and eliminated by the republicans and Blue Dog democrats back then.  They were seen rightfully for what they were, a sure fire step into socialism. These councils, also known in Russian as Soviets, are a parallel system of government staffed by unelected bureaucrats who are taking over more and more of the functions of government. In some cases they are limiting our access to our elected government officials. They represent an ingenious ploy that was used by the Nazis before they gained power in Germany.  While they were yet weak and didnt have any political authority, the Nazis put into place parallel government systems that were ready upon their achieving power to be activated and to replace the existing democratic government system. While no one was looking or paying attention these councils propped up everywhere. Here in CA where I live they are the defacto shadow government gaining more and more power every year. 


While patriots slept and their chosen guardians were pointing them in the wrong direction, this vast interwoven conspiracy has been going on under our very noses for decades. The few Cassandras out there crying for us not to bring their Trojan horse into our city went unheeded for far too long.  The Tea Party is an organization with a vast army at the ready that only needs to be pointed in the right direction. Uniting and working with such organizations as Democrats Against Agenda 21 and others, a vast united front against UN tyranny can be established. The left likes to say, work locally and think globally, and that is what we have to do, work locally to end UN interference with our political, social and economic system, act globally to shut the UN down. If we feel we can’t get our elected official in Washington to do what we want, we sure as heck can get our local elected officials to do so. Our town halls, our city councils and our local boards are ours; they are there to do the “will of the people,” not the will of unelected radicals. Sitting right there at the city council board meeting and all of the local political boards is our opportunity to end Agenda 21, the smart growth sustainable communitarian nonsense designed to radically change our nation.  Here is where the real battle lies, for if we win the local battle the larger battle in Washington is far more easily won, but if we won in Washington it would not change the local takeover of the American system as we have never had a Republican president willing or knowledgeable enough to unsign and pull us out of any UN treaty or rescind executive orders that help implement the program.


You are the political militia of today, and your first and urgent task is to throw the degenerate socialist UN tea into the bay. Gather as a mighty force and organize to win this most important battle, the battle on the local home front. Every win there helps us win nationally and then globally. UN Agenda 21 is not a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy fact! United as one with a unified mission, to save America from the neo-communist hoards, we can win to victory! If we slothfully or ignorantly sleep another 10 years it will be too late.  This is the generation that will either Win America back, or lose America forever.



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