I wanted to share the following thought-provoking and/or shocking article that revealed a recent report that exposed the Rockefeller dynasty’s role in the ‘climate scam.’ The report reveals that under the guise of fighting alleged “man-made global-warming,” the Rockefeller family and its billions have been bankrolling everything from “climate” journalism (propaganda) efforts, politicians, and “academia” to politically motivated “investigations” of energy companies and non-profit organizations by government officials. Billionaire extremist ‘George Soros’ also helped fund the efforts, according to the report by the Washington, D.C.-based watchdog Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) entitled ‘The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert “Climate Change” Plan.’ If true-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

New Report Exposes Rockefeller Dynasty's Role in “Climate” Scam!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-On January 4, 2017:
An unfathomably wealthy banking and oil dynasty has been hijacking governments, media organs, universities, non-profits, and other power centers to expand its control over the economy and the energy sector in particular, according to a recently released investigation by a watchdog group. That dynasty, of course, is the Rockefeller family. In essence, they have largely created, bankrolled, and weaponized what is known as the “green” movement “as a means to expand their empire over the past three decades,” the report found.
Under the guise of fighting alleged “man-made global-warming,” the Rockefeller family and its billions have been bankrolling everything from “climate” journalism (propaganda) efforts, politicians, and “academia” to politically motivated “investigations” of energy companies and non-profit organizations by government officials. Billionaire extremist George Soros also helped fund the efforts, according to the report by the Washington, D.C.-based watchdog Energy and Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) entitled The Rockefeller Way: The Family’s Covert “Climate Change” Plan.
The billionaires' goal, according to the report, was to crush the oil and gas industry, using government power as the weapon of choice, to ultimately gain greater control over the energy sector once again. “Not surprisingly, the Rockefellers are heavily invested in renewable energy,” the report explains, offering examples. But Rockefellers are no strangers to underhanded machinations to gain market share. Using extremely shady tactics, the report also details how John D. Rockefeller Sr., the founding patriarch of the Rockefeller dynasty, gained a virtual monopoly over the U.S. energy industry by the 1880s — at least until the feds broke it up into smaller companies.
However, the Rockefellers never went anywhere, using their massive wealth to accumulate massive amounts of power across society. And today, their agenda is almost certainly more nefarious than simply the greedy pursuit of total energy-market dominance. Indeed, the Rockefeller dynasty and its allies have a long track record of promoting tyranny and globalism using whatever pretext might be most convenient, whether that be the environment or anything else. The report by E&E Legal, a market-oriented environmentalist group, does a great service by highlighting some of the history of the Rockefeller dynasty's unbridled lust for power and control.
One of the key players involved in the latest phase of scam, whether wittingly or not, was New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Seizing on Rockefeller-funded propaganda masquerading as “journalism” alleging that Exxon knew man-made “global warming” was supposedly real, the state attorney general joined with other states' chief prosecutors to launch the “AGs United for Clean Power.” As reported by The New American and other sources, the radical coalition of rogue prosecutors immediately began going after non-profit groups in what critics said was an outlandish attack on free speech, scientific inquiry, American jurisprudence, and basic common sense. Critics and legal experts blasted Schneiderman's group as a "criminal conspiracy" to deprive Americans of their rights.
That scheme had its genesis in the summer of 2012, when two Rockefeller-funded climate-alarmist groups held a meeting in California. There, the Rockefellers' pawns and minions, including leading “climate” alarmists, plotted how best to demonize energy companies. “During the meeting, leading climate activists crafted a strategy to simultaneously target ExxonMobil through the criminal justice system and national media,” the report explains, noting that the agreed-upon tools to pursue that agenda included New York's Schneiderman and the largely Rockefeller-dominated Columbia “Journalism” School. The Rockefellers had also “long urged” Schneiderman to investigate Exxon, according to, ironically enough, a Rockefeller-funded “climate” propaganda organ run by a Rockefeller minion known as InsideClimate News.
Next came a January 2016 meeting at the Rockefeller Family Fund's headquarters that brought together key “climate” alarmists and political hacks to strategize. It was all organized and led by Rockefeller Family Fund Director Lee Wasserman and other statist radicals. The agenda of the secret meeting, according to a memo obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, was to wage war on oil companies. That would be pursued by, among other tactics, manufacturing a “scandal” by using a state prosecutor to get internal company documents, pushing efforts to have investors divest from oil companies, and applying as much political pressure as possible.
Ironically, among the goals outlined in a memo to attendees were the painting of Exxon as a “corrupt institution” in the public mind, a bid to “delegitimize” the company, and “to drive Exxon and climate into the center of the 2016 election.” They almost certainly could never have imagined that Exxon would indeed be in the center of the 2016 election — with the company's CEO, Rex Tillerson, officially nominated by president-elect Donald Trump for the powerful Secretary of State post.
Unfortunately for climate realists and skeptics tempted to laugh at the Rockefellers' failed scheme, though, Exxon and its chief have a long record of peddling climate alarmism, promoting ludicrous and totalitarian “solutions” to the alleged “problem” of CO2 (“gas of life”) emissions, and more. And of course, Exxon is actually a corporate member of the dangerous Council on Foreign Relations — a globalist and statist institution that also peddles climate alarmism and United Nations schemes, and is intimately tied to the Rockefeller dynasty.
Basically, the Rockefeller clan is the head of the climate snake. “The Rockefeller family, whose track record of advancing the climate change agenda is unrivaled, appears to have orchestrated the simultaneous media and legal assaults against ExxonMobil,” the E&E Legal report concludes. “Through their financial influence, it is posited that the Rockefellers planned, coordinated, and subsidized the combined efforts of the Columbia Journalism School and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s investigation into ExxonMobil.”
But the worst may be yet to come if the schemes are not exposed and stopped. “The battering of ExxonMobil is only the beginning of a large, widespread, and coordinated effort to collapse the fossil fuel industry in the United States,” the report continued, pointing to e-mails from Schneiderman and his cohorts outlining a scheme to abuse the criminal justice system to “investigate” scientists and non-profit groups under fraud and anti-mafia RICO laws. (Conservative AGs noted that if “downplaying” supposed risks of alleged man-made global-warming is “fraud,” so is exaggerating the alleged risks.)
“This oppressive infringement on constitutionally protected free speech is unprecedented, and demonstrates the lengths the climate change movement will go to force their narrative down the throats of the American people,” E&E Legal concluded. “When one follows the money, the major initiatives of the green movement always lead back to the usual suspects: activist billionaires such as the Rockefellers seeking control of the energy industry.”
According to the report, the Rockefellers' ambitions go far beyond energy, though. The family members “are intent on controlling nearly every major institution in America, using philanthropy as a means of increasing their influence on the world stage under the guise of advancing various social causes,” the report found. “Their avid opposition to the very fossil fuel industry that made John D. Rockefeller America’s first billionaire shows that the Rockefellers are not political ideologues. Instead, they are mere opportunists who support political agendas convenient to enhancing their leverage in the global arena.”
Indeed, the report notes that, through the Rockefellers’ sprawling web of “family foundations, universities, and institutions, as well as huge grants to other charities,” the dynasty has “gained unprecedented influence in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, energy, and the environment.” And they are using these schemes to hijack and weaponize policy to benefit themselves, with a few exceptions who have publicly distanced themselves from the more prominent Rockefeller bosses.
“Their highly complex integration of hedge funds, interlocking boards positions, and non-profit organizations has steered public policy on these issues and provided them with foreknowledge of emerging markets and access to the developing world’s natural resources,” the report said, highlighting the Rockefeller fingerprints on everything from state and federal policies to UN social-engineering schemes such as Agenda 21.
Considering the evidence, there can be little doubt that the Rockefeller cabal's exploitation of alleged man-made “global warming” as the justification for its totalitarian agenda is just that — a pretext for tyranny and greedy self-interest masquerading as environmental concerns. Indeed, even back during the discredited man-made global-cooling hysteria of the 1970s, when Obama's forced abortion-touting “Science Czar” John Holdren claimed global cooling would kill a billion people, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund was pushing the exact same anti-oil agenda.
In the organization's 1977 report The Unfinished Agenda: The Citizen's Policy Guide to Environmental Issues, for example, the Rockefeller outfit demanded, among other schemes, more population control measures, a “progressively increasing gasoline tax,” an “escalating tax on natural gas consumption,” and a “similar tax” to “be applied to all fossil fuels.” Similar schemes have been promoted by the dynasty ever since, though the ostensible justification for them has changed.
Separately, the Rockefeller Family Fund has long showered its largess on fringe “environmental” groups willing to spout the party the line ranging from the Environment Policy Institute and Friends of the Earth Foundation to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund. The Rockefeller Foundation has also donated to the NRDC, the anti-human Population Council, the World Resources Institute, and countless other “environmental” groups working to shackle humanity under the guise of “protecting” the “environment.”
Just since the year 2000, tax documents cited in the report show, the four primary Rockefeller foundations have showered tens of millions of dollars on “green” activist groups. Beneficiaries include the Energy Foundation, the Tides Foundation, the New America Foundation, the World Health Organization, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the National Resources Defense Council, the Alliance for Climate Protection, the Center for International Environmental Law, the Southern Environmental Law Center, and more.
A U.S. Senate report exposing what lawmakers described as the “Billionaires Club” and its role in the “Green” movement also revealed, among other information, that the Rockefeller Foundation is among the largest donors to “environmental” causes in the United States. Much of the funding is routed through shady “pass through” entities such as the “Energy Foundation” to shower the billionaires' money on lobbyists and unsuspecting “green” useful-idiot activists while concealing the source of the funds. Some of the outfits that have benefited, according to the report, include the American Lung Association, the Blue Green Alliance, the Environmental Defense Fund, the League of Conservation Voters, the NDRC, the Sierra Club, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and more.
Another key financier of the green scam has been Soros, a protege of the unimaginably wealthy Rothschild dynasty who admitted on TV to having no guilt about helping the National Socialists (Nazis) steal Jewish property. Through his “Open Societies Foundations,” Soros has dumped billions into “green” outfits such as the Aspen Institute, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, Green for All, the New America Foundation, Presidential Climate Action Project, the Tides Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation, the Global Green Grants Fund, the NDRC, and more. Soros also bankrolled Schneiderman's political career, with the disgraced New York AG receiving more Soros loot than any other politician in the state.
But supposed Rockefeller concerns about the “environment” are almost certainly a ruse concealing more sinister motivations. The real agenda is more establishment control over humanity, less freedom, and a globalist system of governance. Indeed, billionaire extremist David Rockefeller, the dynasty's current patriarch, has revealed his true totalitarian colors on multiple occasions. In his 2002 autobiography Memoirs, for example, he boasts of being a conspirator working against America in favor of a one-world system.
“Some even believe we [the Rockefellers] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will,” Rockefeller explains in his book. “If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Before that, he showered praises on the most murderous dictatorship to plague humanity in all of recorded history. “Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose,” Rockefeller claimed in a 1973 New York Times piece about a psychopath's “revolution” that murdered tens of millions of people in cold blood. “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” It is no surprise that leading climate alarmists agree.
Late Hollywood filmmaker Aaron Russo, a longtime friend of Nick Rockefeller, also revealed what the dynasty was up to. After being invited by Rockefeller to join the Council on Foreign Relations, Russo refused. “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world,” Russo said Rockefeller had told him, adding that the establishment wanted to track and control everyone on the planet.
As American citizens, the Rockefellers have a constitutionally protected right to speak freely, even to promote kooky, absurd, dangerous, deadly, and totalitarian ideas to enrich themselves. However, the “mainstream” media also have a duty to expose the dynasty's totalitarian machinations, and they have so far failed miserably. Meanwhile, members of the political class have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, which specifically prohibits much of the Rockefellers' self-serving totalitarian agenda from being implemented.
As the man-made global-warming theory implodes amid decades with no warming, and the theory's backers are left with egg all over their faces, it is time for Americans and perhaps even Congress to take a more serious look at the Rockefeller machine. In addition to the “climate” scam, the Rockefellers have bankrolled everything from racist eugenics and abortion to the deliberate dumbing down of the American people via so-called “education.” It is time for the light to be shined on their machinations.
Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.
Rockefellers Fund Global-warming Protests as Earth Cools
Lawless "Billionaire Club" Behind Green Scam, Senate Study Finds
Prosecutors Persecuting Climate Skeptics Busted Hiding Records
Catholic Show Exposes Rockefeller Assault on Church, Life
"Earth Day" — The Greatest Sham on Earth
Taxpayers, Rockefellers Fund “Sustainable” Plot to Undermine Market
Billionaire Crony Tom Steyer Buys Democrats to Boost “Green” Investments
State AGs in “Criminal Conspiracy” to Persecute Climate Skeptics
The Real Green in Fedgov’s “Green Energy”
Climate Alarmists Have Been Wrong About Virtually Everything
New Film Exposes Communist Roots of “Sustainability” Agenda
Prosecutors: Exaggerating Climate Risks Might be Fraud
The Real Agenda Behind UN “Sustainability” Unmasked
Climate Alarmists Push Chinese Communism, Population Control
Climate Scientist: “Global Warming Nazis” Threaten Humanity
Source Link:
The following recent articles revealed: 1) that recently a dozen activists swarmed a construction site near the Hudson River in an attempt to halt construction of Spectra Energy's AIM pipeline, which is designed to carry natural gas from New Jersey to Massachusetts. The article also revealed that these climate activists are now hoping to 'block oil and gas pipeline projects across the country' due to their claim that we must keep all hydrocarbons in the ground to ‘avert catastrophic climate change’; and 2) that over the last eight years Obama has seized over ‘500 million acres (three times the size of Texas) in massive federal government land grabs.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

The Anti-Pipeline Anti-Environmentalists!-Posted on Investor’s Business Daily-By ROBERT BRYCE-On January 4, 2017:

Obama has seized over 500 million acres in massive federal government land grabs!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Alex Thomas-On January 6, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that the CDC was recently exposed for ‘hiding information from the public they are meant to protect.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

CDC Exposed: They Are Hiding Information From the Public They Are Meant To Protect!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Lily Dane-On January 6, 2017:
The following recent article makes a good case that the Global Elites are ‘enslaving not only America, but the World and it’s time to revolt’-You Decide:

The Unbearable Global Elites Enslaving America, the World; Time to Revolt?-Posted on Restoring Liberty-By RedState-On January 6, 2017:
The following recent article makes a good case for why we should disarm and defund the ‘Green Globalists now.’-You Decide:

Disarm and Defund the Green Globalists NOW!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 6, 2017:
The following recent article revealed why the Liberals should understand the ‘Department of Energy’ before defending it-You Decide:

Liberals should understand the Department of Energy before defending it!-Posted on The Washington Examiner-By Peter Z. Grossman-On January 5, 2017:
The following article revealed that in the ‘Communist Manifesto’ we are told of specific goals that are expected to be completed and one of those goals is to literally ‘destroy the family unit’, which is what has been happening in our country for some time now. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

The Family Unit Has To Be Destroyed!-Posted on NewsWithViews.com-By Diane Kepus-On January 7, 2017:
The following recent article exposed ‘energy data manipulation’ by two scientists with the Department of the Interior's U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and officials from that department have yet to tell Congress they’ve ‘punished these scientists that were behind nearly two decades of data manipulation at a federal lab’ or what's been done to 'prevent more of it', according to a key congressman investigating the scandal. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

EXCLUSIVE: 18 Years Of Energy Data Manipulation ‘Entirely Unacceptable,’ No Proof Doctoring Has Ended!-Posted on The Daily Caller-By Ethan Barton-On January 8, 2017:
The following recent article reveals that a California Professor recently stated that Trump should be banned from Twitter because he does not believe in ‘Global Warming.' If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

California professor Joseph Palermo: Trump should be banned from Twitter for not believing in global warming!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Dr. Eowyn-On January 9, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that a polar bear zoologist recently blasted Obama’s climate alarmism as ‘Sensationalized nonsense’-You Decide:

Polar bear zoologist blasts Obama’s climate alarmism: ‘Sensationalized nonsense’!-Posted on The Washington Times-By Valerie Richardson, The Washington Times-On January 9, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that doctors agree with censored study that concludes that ‘unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Doctors agree with censored study that concludes unvaccinated children are healthier than vaccinated children!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On January 10, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that Trump picked known skeptic RFK Jr. to head ‘Federal Vaccine Commission’-You Decide:

Trump Picks Known Skeptic RFK Jr. to Head Federal Vaccine Commission!-Posted on The Free Thought Project-By Claire Bernish-On January 11, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that RFK Jr will be in charge of investigating the 'poison vaccines' and that he is allegedly aware of the ‘60 holistic doctors who have been killed’ after finding out why the vaccines give people ‘cancer and autism.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

RFK Jr To Investigate Vaccines! 60 Dead Doctors Revenge!-Posted on ProjectNsearch-By Glenn Canady-On January 12, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that a Georgia Tech Climate Scientist recently resigned after stating that it’s too tough being a ‘Global Warming’ skeptic. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Georgia Tech Climate Scientist Resigns - Too Tough Being a Skeptic!-Posted on Punching Bag Media-By Alice Greene, Staff Writer-On January 11, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that the U.S. Government recently officially called for research into ‘Geoengineering The Earth.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

U.S. Government Officially Calls For Research Into Geoengineering The Earth!-Posted on Activist Post-By Derrick Broze-On January 13, 2017:
The following recent thought-provoking article revealed that the ‘Clean Air Act’ was never intended to 'ensure pure, pristine air' and that Congress only wanted America to have safe, healthy air, which required that regulations be based on solid ‘scientific and medical studies.’ Additionally, it also revealed that the law states that costs cannot be considered where ‘human health and safety are actually at stake’, and legislators understood that efforts to bring emissions to ‘zero’ were ‘unnecessary, technologically impossible, extremely expensive, harmful to electricity generation, factory output, job creation and retention, and living standards and thus likely to reduce human health, well-being and longevity’, but Obama’s EPA ignored these facts and employed highly dubious analyses to justify stringent new emission standards that imposed ‘enormous costs for no health benefits.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Safe and Healthy (Not Pristine) Air!-Posted on The Post & Email-By Sharon Rondeau-On January 15, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that EPA absolved itself of responsibility for ‘Animas disaster.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

EPA absolved itself of responsibility for Animas disaster!-Posted on Washington Examiner-By David Freddoso (@freddoso)-On January 16, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that 8 Men currently have as much money as ‘half the entire world.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Time to Pay Attention: 8 Men Have as Much Money as Half the Entire World!-Posted on Free Thought Project-By Claire Bernish-On January 17, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that the climate-change-fight cost ‘$100 trillion’ paid by the world’s citizens to reduce temperature by a grand total of ‘3/10 of 1 degree.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Climate-change-fight cost: $100,000,000,000,000: 'To reduce temperature by a grand total of 3/10 of 1 degree'!-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On January 18, 2017:
The following recent articles revealed that Obama recently 'illegally gave $500 million' to ‘climate fund’ over GOP objections then 'lies about it.' If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Obama Illegally Sends Huge Check to UN “Climate” Fund, Then Lies!-Posted on The New American-By Alex Newman-On January 18, 2017:

Obama gives $500 million to climate fund over GOP objections!-Posted on FoxNews.com-By Associated-On January 18, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that President Trump’s attack on ‘Big Pharma’s cartel’ profiteering lost the drug industry about ‘$25 billion’-You Decide:

Trump’s attack on Big Pharma’s cartel profiteering lost the drug industry about $25 billion in 20 minutes!-Posted on The Common Sense Show-By Dave Hodges-On January 21, 2017:
The following recent articles and video revealed how the Rockefellers coopted modern medicine and used polio to ‘create vaccine mythology for profit,’ along with '98% of cancers could be cured in 1969' and 'COVID-19 Pandemic: Dr. Fauci Fraud and NIH Corrution.' If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

How the Rockefellers coopted modern medicine and used polio to create vaccine mythology for profit!-Posted on Personal Liberty-By Bob Livingston-On January 23, 2017:

98% of Cancers Could Be Cured in 1969! Wake Up!-Posted on Before It’s News-By Glenn Canady-On August 20, 2018:

Video: Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by the Health Ranger on the coronavirus pandemic: Fauci fraud, NIH corruption and more!-Posted on Natural News-By Mike Adams-On May 16, 2020:
The following recent article revealed that proof has surfaced that the ‘CDC’ knowingly lied about ‘mercury’ in vaccines. If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

CDC Knowingly LIED About Mercury in Vaccines: Proof Has Surfaced!-Posted on Activist Post-By Catherine Frompovich-On January 26, 2017:
The following recent article revealed R.F. Kennedy Jr.’s devastating quotes on ‘vaccines and the CDC’-You Decide:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s devastating quotes on vaccines and the CDC!-Posted on The D.C. Clothesline-By Jon Rappoport-On January 27, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that the religion of ‘Climate Change’ recently took another hit from President Trump-You Decide:

The Religion of Climate Change Takes Another Hit from Trump!-Posted iPatriot-By The Common Constitutionalist-On January 26, 2017:
The following recent article revealed that, even though President Trump’s Administration is only six days old, scientists are blaming him as world ticks closer to an ‘apocalypse’ and are asking who will lead humanity away from a ‘global disaster.’ If True-What’s wrong with this picture?-You Decide:

Trump blamed as world ticks closer to apocalypse! ‘Scientists move Doomsday Clock: 'Who will lead humanity away from global disaster?'-Posted on WND.com-By Bob Unruh-On January 26, 2017:
I believe that the shocking and/or extremely disturbing information revealed in the above article relates to and/or further supports my following blogs-You Decide:

Geoengineering Dangers: NWO Depopulation!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 25, 2013:

My Opinion of How and Who Controls the People!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 25, 2013:

Attention Obama: Ft. Leavenworth is Calling You For Treason!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 10, 2017:

Who Is George Soros?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On September 26, 2012:

Nazi Collaborator Soros Continues Multi-pronged War on Trump, Calls Him “Would-be Dictator”!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 5, 2017:

Why Has George Soros Enjoyed a Free Hand in his Subversive Attempts to Redesign America?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 18, 2016:

Suggestion and/or Idea Recently Submitted to The Trump Team (Re: George Soros' Anti-American Agendas)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 19, 2016:

Why Trump Won’t Stop The Land War In The West!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 17, 2016:

Was Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 24, 2014:

Obama is the Manifestation of a Multi-Generational Soviet Plot to Destroy America!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On April 2, 2014:

Letter to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall (re: Shadow Party's alleged agenda to take down America)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 30, 2015:

Obama: Submit to Globalism or Face War, Death, Destruction!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 17, 2016:

Not Since JFK, Has a President Spit Into the Face of the Globalists, Until Now!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 21, 2016:

Dogs of War, Architects of Terror!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On January 4, 2017:
Brainwashing in America: ‘WHY FEW DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY’!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 21, 2014:

The MSM conglomerates are the most prolific and insidious "fake news" propagators in the marketplace of ideas!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On November 30, 2016:

Response From and To Our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich Regarding Climate Change!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On February 16, 2014:

Letter to our NM U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich regarding climate change (re: effects of toxins found in groundwater and soils)!-Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On March 7, 2014:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Udall Requesting Congressional Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!–Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 4, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!–Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 5, 2012:

Follow-up Letter To NM U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich Regarding My Request For Full-scale Investigation Into Allegations Made By Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse!–Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez-On October 5, 2012:

Follow-up Letter to NM Governor Martinez Requesting The Removal of President Obama From The NM 2012 Presidential Election Ballot!–Posted on Tea Party Command Center-By Jake Martinez on October 4, 2012:
God Bless Our Country/Republic.
Semper Fi!