Dr. Tom Woods is an author and speaker regarding Our Constitution. I consider him to be a true Patriot and encourage you to check out his website: http://www.tomwoods.com/If you were enlightened by his books/talks, as was I, pass on his webpage to…
Dr. Tom Woods is an author and speaker regarding Our Constitution. I consider him to be a true Patriot and encourage you to check out his website: http://www.tomwoods.com/If you were enlightened by his books/talks, as was I, pass on his webpage to…
Thank You Sir, it is my considered opinion that if we do not UNITE as one voice instead of taking the splintered actions of individuals or individual groups and organizations or being splinted by individuals, Individual Groups or intentional splintered by the Parties, we will have lost this republic! May God Bless you and your family and our Country! Proud to be standing here with you! Don