Tucson, AZ
Do you agree to disagree without being disagreeable?
How did you hear about Patriot Command Center?
Email forward from Friend
Is America a republic?
Most emphatically.
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Frances -Thank you, for friendship; all of US need ALL the friends we can gather and encourage!
Great! I spent half a year in good old Germany, and then 2 years in combat aviation, Helicopter door gunner in Vietnam: 68-70. I came home but suffered from PTSD, but still worked 30.;5 years for AMC/ Chrysler, retired with full benefits and pension, but now disabled, bad knees that the stupid Milwaukee VA messed up the right knee replacement about 3 years ago, and they made me a CRIPPLE and treated me like used toilet tissue while there in the torture chamber with human abuse! Do you have an email address??
Tom Schuckman
Great, now please post a picture of yourself so we can identify.
Patriotic Hugs, from a Combat Vet,
Tommy S
Thank you
So, what does this men/require/commit me to? Oh yeah, what are the "Gifts" here.
Welcome. The Tea is strong here, drink up!