




Please answer this question: What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?


Do you agree to disagree without being disagreeable?


How did you hear about Patriot Command Center?

I look at your web page news , Great job . I’m so glad to see the tea party still alive and well .

Is America a republic?

You , He is doing extremely will conceding the left and left news bash him no matter what he does. FYI I’m not on social media but willing to help if the skill level matches what I can do.

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Anything I can do to help

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Howard Otton posted a blog post
The misinformation we are getting from WSJ CNN PBS ETC. to panic already stresses public by misinformation, editing out parts of a story so to cause panic and Therefore hurt President Trumps re-election must be stopped. Please write you senators ,…
Mar 17, 2020