John Velisek USN (Ret.0's Posts (49)

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Anarchists and Democrats

Once again at Berkeley, it was shown to the American people who the real Nazis are. In a fit of childish outrage, a group of about 150 people with the faces covered created chaos on the campus. Starting fires, beating Trump supporters, destroying ATM’s, and even pepper spraying one lady who they felt might be a Trump supporter just for wearing a red hat is just showing how intolerant the “tolerant opposition” really is. It is nothing more that normalizing violence in the agenda to meet the ends the progressive/socialist want.

My family came to the United States in 1934 from Czechoslovakia. They saw the degeneracy, the intolerance a small minority of low IQ pedophiles and immorality that had become the culture of the true Nazis of the time.  Speaking far and wide and abetted by a socialist media they talk to the need of “social justice” “white privilege” and “revolution”. What they really want is a degenerate world made to their liking.

The media, complicit in anything that will bring down Trump is facilitating the damage being done to our culture and the damage to property and victims of their riots. San Francisco papers,  this morning, are calling these peaceful protests even as the country has seen the pictures and knows better. They do not mention the fact that was shown in videos that rioters threw bricks and fired fireworks at the police, threw red paint on Trump supporters and lit a generator and light pole that the police had brought in on fire. They smashed windows, burned cars , and have called for the deaths of any Trump supporter or in the case of one Portland teacher associated with the Black lives Matter movement called on white to give to blacks all the property, money and houses in the possession of any white.

And then there is the latte sipping, ignorant, gated community living celebrities who think they are so politically in tune with America. Self important fools like Judd Apatow tweeting that this is just the beginning and adding “When will all the fools who are still supporting Trump realize what is at stake?

Hey  Judd Boy. We do realize what is at stake. Get out of your cushy little area where all you do is talk about revolution over dinner at your favorite café and go out and work for a living. Get your hands dirty in Middle America where people actually work hard every day to make a living for their family. Those are the “real” people who know what is at stake. Your degeneracy and culture of drug use and pedophilia in Hollywood, you attitude of being better than the so called unwashed masses and looking down your nose at anyone not part of your clique would be an awakening of epic proportions. After years of lecturing the right about dangerous rhetoric that causes violence and blaming every act of violence on the right, at least until it was proven most attacks were by progressive/socialists, these same people are openly advocating violence in our entertainment, in our politics and in our classrooms. Gone are the days of reasonable debate, call discussions of alternative viewpoints, and  respect.  The individual has become expendable to the progressive agenda

Lexi Alexander, another filmmaker of low intelligence declared “punch a Nazi, riot when your college invites a Nazi and set it all on fire. Acting like a true Nazi, and not allowing those of a differing opinion to speak and truly what Naziism looked like.  It is informative that most of those in Hollywood will speak out about how terrible our country is, and how much white people have destroyed it, look down their noses on non-Hollywood types and speak of how ignorant they are. How many of you have ever read the Constituion, or the Bill of rights, or even have idea about how government works? She makes a declaration that in case you doubt you should study History. If you do you will find that Lexi, Judd, and the rioters are acting just like the brownshirts of 1936-39. You want us to read History? Some of us already have, and some know people who have lived through the second World War. There is no difference between the anarchists and the sycophants that back them like you and the Gestapo of the second  World War. I suppose you think you will survive the chaos you create, but you need to understand that there are enough patriots in this country to assure failure and those causing the anarchy to be help personally responsible. So please quit calling others Nazi when you are the epitome of what the Nazis were. I would not be surprised if you and your ilk learned the steps to take from George Soros, a Nazi collaborator.  After all, it has been proven that Soros is financing the rioters.

And then there is David Harbour called for punching people who he feels are disenfranchising people to loud ovations from the crowd. By that he means those that the majority of the people in this country should work for a living and not just get a handout. He made quite a thunderous speech about accepting freaks and outcasts and those who have no home. Hey David, how about you take them into your home, your city. Think that will happen. He speaks of casual violence, but what was Berkeley if not casual violence? He speaks of heart, and soul, and joy and then calls for punching people in the face. Sir, you are a hypocrite, like much of Hollywood. Where is the closest homeless shelter to you, where are the nearest refugees to where you live, have you helped them, have ANY of you in Hollywood helped them? And I mean personally, not just throwing a pittance of your millions in their direction to some group.

There have been others who have called for violence against those that disagree with the progressive/socialist way of thinking. The agenda is all that matters, and it starts in the halls of Congress with Democrats boycotting hearing and SAN FRAN Nancy Pelosi going on a rant about the nomi8ness for the Supreme Court, stating this if you breathe, eat, need medical help this man is a danger. Such stupidity can only take place in someone elected in San Francisco. Of course, there were no examples to back up this diatribe, because there are none. But your Democrat party doesn’t care if it isn’t true, they will blather it enough so that low information voters and those on the dole will believe it, aided and abetted by a socialist media. This is the same media that justifies violence against Trump supporters, and has since the election, because they believe them to fascists, a term lightly used by these people with no idea of its meaning. Being in the pocket of the progressives/socialists that continually find anyone who disagrees with them as being eligible to have their rights violated.  How long before these upstanding members of the Weimar Republic and their toadies in the media proclaim that all anarchists and rioter are beneficial to our country and they should actively go looking for the” Nazis” on the right? And what right does anyone have to demand that CEO’s of any company make known where they stand in politics? Kara Swisher, executive editor of Recode is doing precisely that I order to let the progressives know who the target of their destruction must be.

Hitler would be proud. George Soros learned his lessons well. The anarchists have the media, entertainment and academia under his control.

There will be violence in the future. Both the media and the anarchists will attempt anything they can to destroy this government and the culture that has made America what it is today.

The anarchists who created Berkeley and will create more violence must be stopped. They must be jailed, they must be prosecuted with domestic violence and incitement to riots. They should receive a jail sentence as long as legally possible. And those responsible for this incitement such as Janet Napolitano and chancellor Nicholas Birks should be jailed as well for creating an atmosphere where something like this would happen.

Something needs to done. There needs to be a way found to end the violence and get back to reasonable discussion over disagreements. I hope it happens soon. It probably won’t because the progressives/ socialist think the only way to win is through violence, and those in the Democrat Party are aiding this violence with all the talk of “Trump is Hitler” and obstructing all paths to a better understanding through slandering those that do not agree. After all, that is where the anarchists learned what they are doing now. All they are doing are turning people away from the Democrat party. Let’s hope that a way can be found to find a common ground before real bullets start to fly.


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Donald Trump has not even been sworn in yet as the next President and yet the media, academia, celebrities, and anarchists have been yapping and nipping at his heels like jackals over a dead wildebeest. Even the politicians on the progressive/socialist side have taken to turning their backs on the appearance of collegiality. Set against the backdrop of this administration declaring that it is “scandal-free” that is also being placed as a clarion call through the media has still not convinced the American people that it is true.  The Russians did not steal the election, there still is no proof but being taken as gospel because that is what our “intelligence agencies” have declared. This are the same intelligence agencies that said they would never think about spying on the American people. We know how that turned out.

The groups that met just after midnight on Election day were angry. Socialist labor unions were there, environmental groups, immigration groups, gay rights groups and civil rights organizations were all a part of a meeting in which Jim Messina, who was in charge of Obamas re-election campaign telling them that there should not be any attempts to compromise or work with the new Trump administration. I have no doubt that Obama knew of this meeting and yet still tries to push the lie that he wants a smooth transition. The Democracy Alliance, funded by Nazi collaborator George Soros, also has held meetings demanding resistance against Trump.

Academia, long a progressive/ socialist stronghold has gotten into the action as well. Georgetown University held an event called “Resisting, Organizing and Building in the Age of Trump”, ostensibly because they are so concerned with the freedom and dignity of individuals during the Trump Presidency. What it really is, was a meeting of activists/organizers/academics and anarchists to discuss the racism, bigotry, and oppression of the Trump Presidency.  Once again, the old haggard tripe about “white privilege” was brought up, and that whites need to understand that they have white privilege so they know when to shut up. Like Multiculturalism, “white privilege” is a made up Marxist paradigm that is being used to try and keep those that disagree with the Marxist agenda quiet that is not working anymore.

Hollywood liberals are now bullying those who disagree.  All must be made to agree with the liberal/progressive agenda. Threats and bullying have been the rallying cry of those who aren’t the tolerant, loving family that they want people to believe. Stuck in the little bubble they have made for themselves, and speaking as if from on high to us poor peasants that they feel so superior to. Even so little as saying that we need to give President Trump a chance will get you vilified, working once again as “political correctness” to be a message to others not to speak out. The “political correctness’ and “white privilege” talking points are used to intimidate conservatives and relious entities to be silent. The moral and religious opinions that have done this country well have been shouted down by being threatened with loss of jobs, reputation and status.

The “Black Bloc”, a group of anarchists all dressed in black, with their faces covered, and looking for virtual anonymity as they commit the crimes they have planned are basically cowards, and while the progressive/socialists continue to tolerate these animals, the American people will not. While they cover their faces, and scream that Trump is a fascist, it is they who have the fascistic tendencies. They whimper about oppression as if the claim of being oppressed give no limit to the abuses they can confer on others. The American people do not believe that people are oppressed and are victims of the bad white people when all you do is go out and smash windows, burn businesses, and attack those who disagree.

 These anarchists are nothing more than parasites and with the assistance of the fake news media has attempted to show that they are a major force in the politics of the world. The truth is, they are not. They are self centered narcissistic losers who need the attention to make their miserable lives seem worth living. Even the professional anarchists who will be in charge this Inauguration day and in the future have no future after they throw their temper tantrum. They have already threatened local officials in Washington D.C.  , saying they will hunt them down will burn their houses, they will go to war, and you (the everyday people” will lose.

What if this energy was turned toward solutions for our inner cities, for the assistance that so many of those in our failing schools need? This energy could be used to rebuild the black middle class family. It will never happen because groups such as Black Lives Matter, M.E.CH.A. , LA Raza,  and others are more concerned with the destruction of capitalism and the American way of life than they are in working together to make things better. I live in California, I know socialism when I see it. Our socialist governor and people like Xavier Becera, just named to be Californias attorney general and a member of M.E.CH.A.,  a  group that claims California as a part of a mythical land of Aztlan. Becera has also pushed for the voting right of illegal aliens, claiming if they work, (some do) and pay taxes (most don’t), they should be able to vote.

 Sorry, this white, and millions of others won’t shut up, as a matter of fact we have just found our voices against the Marxist ideas of multiculturalism and political correctness. And that voice is growing, and will continue to grow. We do not need to prove ourselves to you, we do not need to explain ourselves, nor do we need to apologize for anything. I am a white male, stigmatized in many places because of my moral beliefs, my religion and my patriotism. I don’t care if you do not like me, I don’t care that you don not agree with my beliefs. I have always been one to give anyone a chance, and to help my fellow man. You can go forth and preach your moral superiority, but it is a collapsing house. Those of you following the progressives/socialist agenda do not understand those who you malign so easily. You are so steeped in your bigotry that you can see the kindness of the everyday people in this country. It may surprise you that there are hardworking, educated people in the heartland that are as good if not better than you. They are the people that have made this country what it is. They are the people who don’t mind getting their hnds dirty to move themselves, others and the country forward. Your self-righteousness and sense of all encompassing power will come to naught,  the American people have spoken, and made their coice. SO burn what you must, scream all you want, but understand that if it comes to attacking those that disagree with you, the American people will fight back.

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Many parents are concerned with the direction of education in the nation today. Children are not being taught what they need to learn.

In the past, American textbooks were always picked by local school districts who have the responsibility of assuring that they textbooks use met criteria in the basics of education principles.  Involved in the selection of textbooks was the local school boards elected to their position, and the local community including the parents of the children involved. This is no longer the case.

The United Nations has targeted our children to be indoctrinated into a globalist mindset through such UN entities as UNESCO.  Not only here in the United States but throughout Africa and beyond, the socialist controlled UNESCO have targeted textbooks that they feel are not politically correct. A few months ago they issued a “Global Education Monitoring” report that declared  textbooks in Africa did not meet the requirement on the subject of “global citizenship. UNESCO declared that if failed the promote  “ Homosexuality, lesbianism, global warming alarmism and transgenderism”. They have already made it quite clear that even “Private schools must be made to submit to the requirement of International law”. They are now trying to push another scheme called the “World Core Curriculum” a radical socialist scheme pushing everything from a revision of history to meet its needs and the sexualization of the children.

 They have an agenda of dictating textbooks that will be used  to shape an agenda, and attitude and the ethics of our children. This is being done to move forward with their Agenda 2030 and the sustainability within that agenda.

In Connecticut, a group of United Nations “human rights” experts have forced a change in textbooks because they we not happy with how slavery in the Northeast was written about in a history book  “Connecticut Adventure”. They proclaimed that the textbook must be changed because  it was insensitive to the plight of slavery.

The “experts” were from the” United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent”. The expert in charge is Sunga III from the Phillippines,.  This is the same group that last year came to the United States and demanded reparations for slavery, lobbied for gun control, and an end to voter ID laws.  This is the same group that turns a blind eye to the rape and terrorism set loose on the countryside of African nations, but feel it is more important to push their way into our education system to implement the agenda that have created.

At a summit held in Korea the UN adopted a global action plan that demands a worldwide “education regime” to transform the youth of the world into social justice warriors. In this plan the UN wants the responsibility of shaping our children in ethics, values and spirituality. It is being implemented for the purpose of making our children “green warriors” and  a part of the war for the “common good”. This summit, organized and run by the UN Department of Public Information (UNDPI) and through Agenda 2030 has as a goal, having the NGO’s worldwide working to implement its idea of global citizenship. In a portion of this report it was made clear what they consider a “civil society. Our children may need to be taught the fundamentals but the education they receive must also advance the cause of global citizenship. It declares that all facets of education, physical, spiritually,, ethically, and intellectually which would normally be the realm of the family, community and churches have been thrown to the sidelines to further the agenda of the globalists. The education they would receive would work toward assuring our youth are forced to believe the roles, right and responsibilities that will be allowed to keep or given to them by the globalists through the auspices of the United Nations.

Among the agenda as being driven by the United Nations, much is made of “Human rights” as written in Article 29 of the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. The UN foundation for many of the plans that are moving forward. Using this article when read ensures that the UN and the tyrants who run the human rights council claim the your human rights can be limited by law for the purpose of “public order and the general welfare”. This line was first used by Hitler in the late 1930s. In essence you have no right, only privileges as given to you by the United Nations.  Your rights are not yours and in any case not be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

If the traditions and cultures of the individual sovereign states run afoul of the agenda the United Nations has set, it states that education will be “enhanced”.

Where does it all start? This could never happen here you say. Actually it already has. It started with the implementation of “Common Core” financed by Bill Gates and the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) that was mentioned above on the intrusion of textbooks being used in this country. The objective is to make our children all good little globalists and to be transformed to be able to contribute to the global sustainable market. Common Core is the first step, a nationalizing of the curriculum that is meant to lead to a top-down planned society  that does not consider the Constitution, individual liberty and the God given rights that this country is founded upon. It is founded on teaching our children to be a part of the “globalist group” meant to take away the individualism and rights given to the American people and replace with global collectivism.

Through Common Core the effort is being made to “dumb down” the peole of the world.UNESCO has made it quite clear in the “Education for Sustainable Development report that “Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people who tend to have lower incomes. More education increases the threat to sustainability.” Does that help to make sense to why Obama is bringing the poor from all over the world, and wages being stagnant for almost nine years?

Obama is an advocate of this agenda as is the Education Secretary Arne Duncan. It typical political doublespeak , Duncan stated  “Our goal for the coming years will be to work closely with global partners, including UNESCO, to promote qualitative improvements and system strengthening”

 The United Nations, in their minds has the authority to override families and has the collective right to shape the values of our country’s children. They speak of sustainable development but neglect to mention that parts of the development agenda include population control, central planning, and global governance. It is through the education of the children, and the indoctrination of those children into becoming good children fitting into the global citizenship world of the new order. It is the intention of the UN agenda to restructure human civilization into a centrally planned global economy under the control of the progressive socialist globalists and the UN.

Even home schooling is not safe. Under the guise of “human rights” and equality, even home schooling, private schools and religious schools must be put under UN purview. Understanding that they can move forward with the global socialism that they envision if they can induce enough people using the buzzwords of “equality and rights”, the envision a “group of change” involving children and young adults taught in the system they will implement to create an activism for even further goals in the agenda they have set.

Our Muslim in Chief as agreed to the agenda in principle and will not even attempt to bring it before Congress for ratification.

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Our soon to be past President has stated that he intends on giving a farewell speech on the 10th of January at McCormack place in Chicago, marking the beginning of the end of his administration. It will be informative to see how Obama talks about his administration during this speech.  He says that this speech will be a chance for him to say thank you to those who have supported him, and to celebrate what has happened in our country for the last eight years. More to the point, it will turn out to be an opportunity for Obama to attempt to revise his legacy.  A legacy based on the perceived superior  morality that this administration has tried to push on the American people. We will no longer have to see his raised chin lying to us, and forcing the American people into a collective mind thought based on the narcissism that Obama and his progressive socialist cronies has declared are the right thoughts that the American people must have.

The remarkable progress that Obama feels we have made is nothing more than progressive socialism. Obama and his fellow comrades dislike this country, the past eight years have shown that. Obama, once described to the American people as a fine speaker, and the smartest man in the room, has destroyed our relations with allies going so far as throwing Israel under the bus. He has destroyed the Constitution, and abused the Department of Justice and IRS among others to push through his ideological policies. But the fight is not over, the war is not won, and there will long hard fights ahead. Obama, being the narcissist that he is, and with the assistance of the global socialist who have always bankrolled him will not give up. There will be outrage from the progressive-socialists in the future. We have mouthpieces like Shumer calling on the people to reject the “hard-right” agenda of Trump when Trump is not even President yet. No where does Shumer mention anything about Obama being incompetent and so far out of his league that the world both domestically and worldwide is on fire.

Obama has even taken to Twitter to attempt to burnish his legacy, and lies just as well there. Here are some of what was tweeted:

8:48 AM 1 JAN 2017 “Facing the worst financial crisis in 80 years you delivered the longest streak of job growth in our history”

Not mentioned was that it was the Democrats who created the financial bubble with the Community Redevelopment Act passed by Bill Clinton, but blamed on Bush by the Democrats.It is also not mentioned that 90% of the jobs are part time, with over 70% going to illegals. Economic growth is the lowest in history. No other President has served eight years without at least one quarter of growth over 3%.

8:51AM 1 JAN 2017  “After decades of rising health care costs, today nearly every American now has access to the financial security of health care.”

So let’s see, we couldn’t keep our health care, our doctor, and the $2500 savings we were promised is nowhere to be found. All this was known when Obama lectured us on what a great plan his healthcare takeover would be. And contrary to what Obama says, there are just as many citizens without healthcare now as before the Affordable Care Act was forced by the socialists on the American people.  How affordable can it be when premiums go up an average of 50% per years and deductibles have increased by over 400%. Healthcare is now a mandate that few can afford, want or fits their needs.

8:52 AM 1 JAN 2017  “We traded foreign oil for clean energy, we doubled fuel  efficiency standards, and we acted on a global scale to save the one planet we’ve got.”

Clean energy still is not to the point where we can use it reliably. Oil prices are down because of domestic production and fracking.  And global warming has been shown to be nothing more that a globalist sponsored push through the UN to redistribute the wealth of our country.

8:53AM 1 JAN 2017  “We brought home more troops and strengthened U.S. Leadership, leading with diplomacy and partnering with nations to meet global problems.


So let’s see, Libya, Syria, Iran has seen the leadership of our Muslim in Chief, how is that working out? And our partners, our allies who have been generational in nature have been ignored by his administration, or in the case of Israel faced an agenda that may lead to the destruction of their nation. Also not mentioned was the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in the Middle East because of the faild policies of Obama.

Being pushed on the American people is the stated fact that there have been no scandals linked to this Adminstration. For the past couple of days, we have heard from Iranian Valeirie Jarrett and talking heads in the media that there have been no scandals. Once again, the mainstream media has been splashing this on the American people non-stop. Perhaps they think the American people are stupid, or perhaps they feel that the citizens of this country are not paying attention. The last election should have made them wake up to the fact that the people of this country have repudiated these lies, and will no longer be forced on what to think and what to do.

The meme of “no scandals” proves that the progressive socialists will push as far as they feel they can without facing the American people and the lies that will no longer believe. The election has taught the Democrat progressive socialists nothing, they will continue to push and use the same old tired lines they have used for the past thirty years.

Let’s take a look at these “non-Scandals”:

Obamas stimulus was a hoax perpetrated on the American people to the tune of a trillion dollars that created zero private sector jobs.  Money was given to Obama bundlers, and those who could advance his agenda.  The American people were forced to spend hard earned taxpayer money for an expansion of government jobs and allocations that caused the vanishing money to unions and funds tfor the Democratic Party. The stimulus was the first step to doubling the national debt and reducing our workforce participation rate to the lowest levels since the Great Depression.

Fast and Furious caused the deaths of hundreds of civilians including  Border Patrol Officer Brian Terry and ICS Agent Jamie Zapata that the administration attempted to sweep under the rug.  Then Attorney General Eric Holder was not charged because he claimed he knew nothing about Fast and Furious. All other deaths would be ignored by Obamas administration to push for more gun controls here in America. Eric Holder was summarily held in contempt of Congress.

The IRS was used by this administration to target conservative non-profits, Democrats of course, played the clown and said there was nothing there, The media, in the pockets of the socialists, ignored any information that could have been forthcoming, even though the IRS had already admitted wrongdoing. Lois Lerner, the person behind the targeting and the scrapping of hard drives that supposedly left no evidence was allowed to retire and receive her substantial pension.

These are just a few of the “non-scandals” that this administration wants the American people to forget.

There are more to be discussed. It is just amazes me that these same Democrats who have turned a blind eye to the unconstitutional and illegal processes of the Obama Administration are already calling for the impeachment of the only man who can set things right before he is even in office.

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Traitor John Kerry

John Kerry was and is a traitor to the American fighting forces and the basic principles that our country is founded upon. Being a retired combat veteran myself, from a few years later and a different venue, I understand what it takes to work together as a team, and to stand side by side with your fellow man. I have worked with and stood next to some of the finest this country have to offer.  I would like to believe I speak for many when I say that John Kerry was, in fact a traitor and still is, both to his country and to the bravery of our fine fighting forces.

Let’s start at the beginning of our Secretary of States’ career. As an officer, John Kerry was put in charge of men, young men of honor and perseverance who were sent to fight and die in a hellhole called Vietnam. Kerry spent his time there taking every step he could for personal and career gain, and the integrity of the agenda he was given was secondary. The main focus for Kerry was to write up as many medals as he could for himself and get out. In the book “About Face” Colonel David Hacksworth, shows while there were many fine officers that served there in all branches of the military, John Kerry stood out and continues to stand out as a poor example of what an officer should be.

 There has been much written about his going to Paris to undermine the accords at that time, as a panderer to the Viet Cong. His “Winter Soldier” testimony at the Fulbright Commission was nothing more than an attempt to undermine the war and his fellow soldiers. He was once again, looking out for himself and using the publicity to further his own career. The two miserable people I remember from that time are John Kerry and Hanoi Jane Fonda. Neither, I can say with certainty to ever be forgiven by the brave and loyal men who served in our fighting forces, that day or ever.

As a Senator, Kerry continued to undermine our country by meeting with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua in an attempt to secure a “peace” in which he sided with the terrorists. Over his entire career he has sabotaged every opportunity that our country has had to turn back those who move forward in the destruction of freedom in vast areas of the world. Kerry is of the type too prevalent in this administration that feel that peace can only come if freedom loving people step back and allow the terrorists to win. Kerry seems to think, like Hillary Clinton, that activity means results. To gain those results you must gain the respect of those you are dealing with. Nothing in Kerry past would cause any discerning adversary to give this man even a modicum of respect. A loudmouth who echoes the talking points of Americas enemies for almost half a century, Kerry is a perfect fit for the progressive Democrat party of today. Failure in dealings with ISIS, Assad, North Korea, Iran, Russia and many other terrorist regimes only further proves that John Kerry is still first and foremost out for himself, to burnish his resume and still considers himself the only smart diplomat that our country can depend on in his own mind.

Kerry has met with Mahmoud Abbas along with Timochenko the head of the narco-terrorist group FARC. Even knowing that Timonchenko has a five million dollar bounty on his head from Kerry’s own State Department, Kerry felt that giving land and security over to these men was the gift that was expected. Abbbas then met in the White House with our Muslim in chief for two hours. Kerry did not bring peace, but threats and blackmail from the terror organizations he scurried off so fast to meet. Giving up prisoners for peace, the Israelis counted on Kerry to assist in the transfers and received nothing but more terrorism. Of course, Kerry blamed the Israelis.

Kerry has been the lackey for these terrorists. Like the little boy that no one wants, he sits at their feet on the floor admiring Assad, FARC, Iran and the PLO in a futile attempt to gain acceptance for his mindset that is anathema to everything our country stands for.

The latest Kerry attempt to throw another democratic country under the bus, much as he did with his fellow soldiers is based and lies and omissions of real facts. His speech was based on an agenda of treating the Israeli people as second class citizens, and to place the blames on them, rather than on the Palestinians.

 To this day, following the orders of this administration and the progressives in charge, there is still no admission of the terrorism and attacks in the streets of Israel except in passing. Even then, it is the Jews fault, because they will not back down from the sovereignty of the country they have fought so long and hard for.

Kerry stated that “Israel can be Jewish or Democratic. It cannot be both. This strikes me as a special kind of stupid. Israel since the inception has been a democracy. In his speech he stated that the Israeli government is the most “right wing in Israeli history”. Arabs and Jews live together is a harmony that Christians are not allowed in Arab States.

Our Muslim in chief has declared that there can be no peace with a Palestinian terror state alongside Israel. Kerry dutifully sewed this during his speech without understanding that there can be no Palestinian terror state next to Israel because the Palestinians along with the rest of the Arab world want to wipe Israel off the map. Blaming Israel for not making concessions is just ludicrous. They have always given up Gaza, which led to nothing more than an increase in the rocket attacks. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert offered a good portion of Judea and Samaria, historically Israeli lands to the Palestinians, and land swaps linking this territory to Gaza. The deal was refused by Abba, the same man that Kerry is trying so hard to placate.

The settlements, argued over and causing a great wringing of hands by both Kerry and Obama are not illegal. If they were to be turned over to the Palestinians it would be as before, the Jews would be attacked and murdered in pogroms to make the entire area free of Jews. There are over a million Arabs living and working Israel, how many Jews or Christians for that matter would the Muslims allow to live in their territories?

We must also remember that this is also the same administration that is giving aid to the Palestinian government and attempted to boycott weapons in the outbreak of the Gaza terror war. Not mentioned by Kerry was the forgotten Israeli settlements that were abandoned by force to give to the Palestinians. The Israeli government forcibly removed settlers in Gaza and we rewarded with rocket attacks from the areas that they turned over to the Palestinians.



This debacle, pushed by this administration in the Security  Council and passed because of a petty and  narcissistic Secretary of State and Muslin in chief being too cowardly to veto it and protect the only democracy in the Middle East will stand as an impediment to peace . Perhaps that is what the Muslim Brotherhood lackeys in this administration were looking for, another fine war to settle the American people into.

It is informative, that even Democrats such as House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer is telling the White House to stop, to shut up, and let the two sides figure it out. The United States has long maintained that the agreements reached must be between the two sides of the conflict. It must be negotiated between the adversaries, not by the United Nations, not by the United States and definitely not by this administration. In particular, but a Secretary of State that panders to terrorists, or a Muslim President that allows them to flourish.



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The UN has in essence declared war on both Judeo and Christian civilizations with the resolutions passed in the past few days. There will be more to come, both in the Middle East and here in the United States. The Western culture, long the bastion of prevention of crimes against humanity and a culture of laws that have helped maintain a reasonable peace through the world has been usurped by a United Nations that is anti-Semitic and assisting, along with the European Union in the establishment of a Caliphate One World Order.

This year has seen great advancement in the anti-Semites in the United Nations. It has culminated in the deligitimization of the Israeli State in a campaign that Obama has orchestrated in the final days of his administration to create an atmosphere of conflict and hate towards the Israeli people. Obama and his minions John Kerry and Samantha Powers has been instrumental in the attempt of  a “cultural genocide” of the people of Israel. It is based on lies being put forth by the Palestinian people and enforced by the Islamic Middle East and the sycophants that toe the line for them.

Resolution 2334 is a farce in so many ways. The United Nations committees and the UN General Assembly have adopted 10 different resolutions against Israel, which is the only true democracy in the Middle East. Only one resolution on the genocide in Syria, where Assad has committed genocide of his own people to the tune of over 600,000 fatalities was discussed, and weakly passed. Even here, a resolution was passed that claimed Israel was guilty of the deaths of Syrian Refugees in the Golan Heights, which has already been proven to be false, but was passed for media coverage around the world, once again blaming the Israelis for the violence.

The Palestinians in concert with the United Nations have spent the last many decades attempting to destroy Israel. The UN High Commissioner of Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad and Jordans Prince Zeid al Hussein are even now attempting to create a “blacklist” of International companies in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and the Golan Heights to apply pressure in the hopes of the collapse of the Israeli economy.

The UN Envoy for Children and Armed Conflict through the UN Special Rapporteur Dubravka Simonovic visited a visit to Israel and the West Bank by concluding that prolonged occupation of lands that belonged to Israel to begin with have caused oppression and violence against women, has stated Israel is the only violator of women’s right, ignoring such countries as Saudi Arabia, The Islamic State and the Taliban.

The US World Health Organization has declared that Israel is in violation of the “mental, environmental and physical health of Palestinians, even though during the constant terrorist attacks and wars that have been instigated against Israel, they were the only entity that actually provided medical assistance to those they were fighting against.

Professor Micahel Lynk, a rabid anti-Semite was placed in charge of a special investigation pf alleged Israeli rights violations. Professor Lynk is hardly impartial, being on the board of many pro-Palestinian organizations. Lynk was blaming the West for the destruction of the World Trade Center three days after the disaster. He has accused Israel of Aparthied, and has openly stated that he seeks the destruction of the Jewish State. He is a member of the Canadian-Palestinian Education Exchange  and has been instrumental in events such as the 4th Annual Israeli Apartheid Week”. He has spoken at events of popular resistance on the “International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians. In March 2009, he spoke of the “one State Solution” whose main focus was the destruction of Israel.

Even the President of the UN General Assembly Peter Thompson of Fiji has donned the keffiyah of the Palestinian resistance, giving confirmation that Palestinian violence is condoned by the United Nations. In the 71st Session of the General Assembly, Mr. Thompson declared that peace in the Middle East was “fundamental to our efforts to realize the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people”. He did not note that the majority of obstacles to the peace of a non-existent people was because of attacks, shootings and knife attacks within Israel perpetrated by these people who looks to protect and have been the major millstone around the neck of Middle East peace.

There is no tangible evidence that the Palestinians even want peace, or a state of their own. There have been workable peace accords in the past that have been rejected and lead to nothing more than more violence. As far back as 1947, the New York Times bore a headline of the General Assembly vote of Palestinian partition which the Arabs walked out and declined to take part. In 2000, and 2008 reasonable peace settlements that would have given the Palestinians control over Gaza and most of the West Banki were rejected. It was rejected because part of the agreement would have meant that the Palestinians would have to agree to Israel’s right to exist.


UNESCO has blindly labeled ancient Jewish Biblical lands as “Islamic” a religion that did not even exist until 600 years after the long held settlements of the Jewish people. UNESCO would only signify such areas as the Temple mount, a holy site to the Jewish religion by the Arab Name in order not to make a reference to the Jewish hold site. No compromise was allowed, even when requested by UNESCOS executive board chairman Michael Worbs. Of course, the wording on the resolution with the exclusion of any Jewish input was hailed by Mounir Anastas, the Palestinian deputy ambassador to UNESCO.     If they are now declaring that these sites are now Islamic because of its conquest, that the same parameters must be used for Israeli lands that the Isrealis were originally given and fought to return to their homeland.

There is a great deal of Resolution 2334 that will be a major impediment to any form of peace in the Middle East. This is due to the Palestinians , the Islamic countries, and those of the European Union and even our own administration that have deluded themselves into an anti-Semitic mindset which has been found to be inculcated in the progressives throughout the world. What was to be a mutual agreement of peace between the two parties involved has been hijacked by entities that seek Israel’s destruction, including our own cowardly administration in its final days.

Some points that must be made clear in the resolution are as follows:

This resolution has been adopted under the sixth chapter of the UN Charter and as such is not mandatory and any determinations made under this resolution as far as the legality of the Israeli settlements are opinion and not legal fact. Under a Chapter six resolution, there are only recommendations. There can be no sanctions on Israel, although it will surely be what the International community will attempt now. It also does not state that the settlements in question are illegal it dies assert that they are. This can be disproved by many arguments including those made above. There is an attempt by the anti-Semites to create a moral authority to shame Israel from building settlements in what in the homeland they were given and won back from Jordan during a defensive war.

The international community has for the first time indicated that a country such as Israel must be forced to return lands that belonged to them from the start and was won in  a defensive war, something that has never been a part of any conflict in the past. This same international community condemns Israel for conduct operations against terrorist organizations and yet are silent on the genocide of Assads own people or the US attacking ISIS, or other regions where terrorist organizations are being fought. This is because of the belief that those attacking Israel are not terrorists but freedom fighters fighting for a land that was never theirs to begin with.

There have been additions made to the original resolution such as “the status quo is not sustainable” “there can be no one-state reality” and others that have been direct quotes pulled from declarations by Obama, John Kerry and VP Joe Biden. There is also a statement to use the 1967 lines as a basis of negotiations, another statement made by both Obama and Kerry. By abstaining to veto this resolution, this administration has also laid waste to East Jerusalem an area that has been Jewish for thousands of years, and was never a part of any other agreement up to this point. The Oslo accords, which was agreed to by all signatories including the PLO, Egypt, and the EU significantly stated that the issues of Jerusalem and occupied territories were to be negotiated.

There is a call to enforce the BDS movement used by activists and progressives to attempt to destroy the Jewish economy. It will lead to even more terror and resolutions from the international community’s that will attempt to force the Israelis into concessions they can never agree to.

This resolution was instituted as a Chapter VI rather than a Chapter VII because the UN understood that it would be in contravention of Resolutions 242 and 336, passed in the past that give the lands in questions and do not have any mention of the Palestinians.

As stated in 1977 by PLO Executive Committee member Zahir Muhsein:

“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a mean for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of the Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.”

These are the people that this cowardly administration against a majority of the people in the country, both Democrats and Republicans.

We have Secretary of State John Kerry, a progressive who has been an embarrassment since VietNam stating that because he feels the Israeli government is run by right wing extremists that this had to be done.  He made the idiotic statement that Israel can be “Jewish or Democratic”.  

There will be more plots to further erode the Israeli way of life. Rather than let the next administration who is more likely to help Israel, Obama and his treasonous sycophants will do all they can to tie the hands of our country to assist Israel. But what should we expect from a lying Musilm President, a war coward like Kerry, and a UN ambassador who speaks of genocide, but ignores Syria and blames Israel.

It is up to Congress to cut off all funding, or even better, send the UN to Brussells, and out of this country. It is no longer effective, wanted or even to speak the truth.


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The Enemies Among Us Part 1

Having written about the group Jamaat al-Fuqra, now known as Muslims of America, once before  ( and considering the election of Donald Trump as President, there is more to investigated by our administration and made available to the generalpublic.

Different sources, including many within the Muslims of America organization have made clear that they expect the members of this jihadist organization to arm themselves purportedly in anticipation of raids by the new administration. The group is waiting for a violent confrontation with law enforcement on the jihad bases they have in this country listed somewhere between 22 and 34. They are attempting to stockpile automatic weapons in what they consider the start of the end time.

They consider the reopening of FBI investigations proving them to be a homegrown terrorist organizations that were set aside by Obama as a spark to the violence that they have spent these past years training for. Sheikh Gilani, based in Pakistan and running the operation from there has made clear to his followers here in our country that Donald Trump is part of an anti-Zionist conspiracy to destroy Islam.  The FBI, as early as 1988 identified Jamaat Al-furqa (MOA)  as an Islamist paramilitary group which believe the Islamic faith will dominate the world within the century through violent confrontations. In a NCIS investigation since closed because of funding, it was shown that all of these MOA compounds have specific individuals involved in criminal scams to raise money including insurance fraud, mail fraud, credit card fraud, workers compensation fraud and straw purchase of weapons.

Sheikh Gelani , founder of the MOA on Novemeber 14th stated:

”I foretold the disastrous results should this man be elected as the American President. He has come as a test and trial for faithful adherents of the holy books.”

Gilani has prophesied to his followers that a “tyrant” would be in the White House during the end times before the battle of victory for Islam. This is the same Sheikh Gelani that Wall Street Journal Daniel Pearl was going to see when he was abducted and murdered.

Sheikh Gelani also distributed a videotape in 1992 that was sent to all the compounds that discussed “Advanced Training Courses in IslamicMilitary Training” with contacts in International Quranic Open Universities in the US, ( In New York, Michigan, South Carolina), Canada and the Caribbean. Those who finish the training are designated “soldiers of Allah”, an international jihad force affiliated with the MOA.A goodportion of the training is specifically fighting Jews and Israelis.

They continue to train without government interference and consider any attack on MOA as an assault on Islam and enough reason to start Islamic Jihad countrywide. Declaring all the arms training and bomb making activities are for self defense while planning to take offensive action. Khalifa Hussain Abdallah (K1) is the man responsible for the preparations being made for armed conflict.

AN FBI report from 2007 has found MOA to be involved in at least 10 murders, three firebombings . It also stated that the “soldiers of Allah” are sent to Pakistan to receive terrorist training that allows these compounds to become capable of planning and instigating terrorist campaigns within the U.S. This group is known for an attack that ended with the assassination of Arizona Imam Rashid Khalifa in Arizona in 1990.


In Islamburg, outside Hancock , New York, the MOA headquarters in New York, have been shown to be training women in guerilla tactics in 2002, and continues to this day. There is a history of terrorism, criminal activity including weapons trafficking, and a policy of violence against “enemies of Islam”, including the U.S. Government.At the “Red House” compound in Virginia law enforcement attempted to arrest Traci Upshur for a straw purchase of firearms for her husband who was convicted of a felony. Police were threatened by the “Mayor” of  the Islamic village. Matthew Gardner, who goes by the name Muhammed Ali, threatened the officers by claiming there were 200 armed followers on the compound that were ready to defend Ms. Upshur should the police attempt to arrest her.

There is also MOA members who have been arrested for the distribution of drugs, weapons charges, welfare fraud, and counterfeiting. These members have been told by MOA to stay off the compounds and to minimize meetings with other MOA members. As parolees, those convicted of felonies can be searched at any time by local law enforcement. The compounds do not want local law enforcement to be able to enter these compounds, and so these parolees are silent jihadists away from the compounds.

There are sources that can prove the MOA affiliated funds are collected to be sent to “mujahideen” in Pakistan and Kashmir. Children of the members of these camps have been indoctrinated into the Jihad terrorism taught in these compounds

In 1991 a Colorado investigation described MOA as “the most significant terrorist group in the United States.  On the terrorist training camp located outside of Buena Vista in Colorado it was found that the intimidation of local law enforcement and violence perpetrated by its members to achieve their jihadis agenda was not terrorism because terrorism was not defined in state or federal statutes.



The State Department includes MOA it the annual Patterns of Global Terrorism but does not designate at as a terrorist organization. It does describe MOA as an Islamic sect that seeks to purify Islam through violence. They were included in this report as a group that has carried acts of terrorism not formally designated as such by the State Department. The reason given by the State Department for this non-designation is that they consider MOA a domestic group, rather than a foreign organization. Never discussed is if past violence that was instigated by this organization has been checked so as not to draw attention to the policies and objectives of violent jihad the US when the time is right. The Center for Policing Terrorism has stated :

“it is only a matter of time before Al-Fuqra (MOA) assists an organization in an assault on US soil.”

MOA has the ability to blend into the background, and still conduct terrorist operations. The funding that they receive is questionable at best, and many of the members wok in transportation in the major cities of this country making it simple to plant explosive devices and achieve work arounds of any and all security protocols. The Department of Homeland Security in 2005 has discussed MOA as apossible sponsor of a terrorist attack in the US. It has listed this group as a group that requires continual monitoring , agreeing that MOA is adept at concealing its activities and its preparations for a confrontation with US authorities.

There are also links to Al Quaeda that have been proven.  To be shown in the next column is the ties from MOA to Lashkar-e-Tabir, the Blind Sheikh, and the front groups that are able to collect firearms, training and give the MOA the ability to launder finances .

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Snowflakes and Soros Part 1

The election of Trump has led to a cacophony of whiners, criers and safe spacers to meltdown. These snowflakes had to cancel classes and even exams because they were so upset. Disappointment was not enough, the “popular kids  of the snowflake brigade have run their mouths to inflict their incite protests and riots throughout the blue areas of this country. Backed by the media, academia, and even the political progressives in the government have allowed these snowflakes to inflict all of America with lectures, lies, classless and arrogant “better than thou” attitude leading to blocking streets and causing riots that destroy other peoples’ property.

It is not a matter of debates on the merits of the election with the progressive/socialists anymore. To progressives it is only the enforcement of their values and views that are important. They and the groups that are funding them will not allow any question of the superiority of the views, and intend to bring the full force of the progressive globalist viewpoint on all who show any dissent. It is upon our betters to tell us what to think, what we can or can not say, or what we can do or not do. They force us to bake cakes, they force 80 year old men and women to pay for birth control, you have no say in the way your life is to be lived. These same progressives do not and will not take the time to understand why they lost. Even high school students, who because of the present educational system based more on indoctrination than education barely understand what an election is much less the electoral college, are outside in the streets waving signs saying “Not my President” and waving Mexican flags in the streets of American cities. Ask one of them what they are protesting and they will tell you, they don’t know, they are just doing what teachers asked them to do.

Whether trying to flip the electoral college, or recounts that lead to nowhere, this election is not going to change. The electors from the electoral college are being harassed by forces outside of the government backed by globalists and corporate elitists. Also involved is the progressives in the Congress,  starting with Barbara Boxer are whining about the electoral college, an entity that has worked well for th8s country for over 200 years. The electoral college is the lynchpin of this being a Republic and not a democracy. Those who claim the US in a democracy are failing to understand the Founding Fathers and our way of governing. Most claim it is a democracy so that the ill informed will agree with changing how elections are resolved. If the electoral college was abolished, not only would campaigning be totally different, but the more populous areas of the country would have a virtual stranglehold on elections.

Slate’s Jamelle Bouie has called Trump supporters “morally grotesque”. Is that because Trump supporters  are tired of being told by a lying mainstream media what to think, say, or do? Perhaps it is because they are tired of being called racist (now being replaced with “White Supremacists” because “racist’ has lost all meaning.), bigots, homophobes, xenophobes and not worthy of consideration or consultation when it comes to the running of this country. It is easier, with the help of the mainstream media, this administration , and the sycophants in the media to call them fake, to shout them down, and not spend any time trying to discuss solutions or reason with them.



But it isn’t just these special “snowflakes” that are in the process of trying to bring this country down.  According the progressives the country and capitalism are a bankrupt and ideas of free speech and religious liberty do not deserve the respect that has made it an integral part of the culture of the United States.

The progressives are angry about the fact that the socialist revolution of liberal/socialism that they were looking forward to pushing even more forward. They had discounted those in the flyover country as being ignorant fools that weren’t even paying attention. They were wrong.

The globalists have indoctrinated our students  with ideas that the nation state, of which the US is paramount must be replaced with multinational  corporate super-institutions with open trade and open borders. The belief that ethnic  and gender differences and groupings of people into identity groups are more important that national unity. Muslims are treated as willing to be assimilated into the culture by the globalists that disdain borders and no matter what the people of a country want, from Europe to our country, mass immigration will continue to bring chaos and riots to those countries that still wish national sovereignty.

United We Dream, a Soros funded progressive immigration group has planned and funded student protests on college campuses throughout the country to push for “sanctuary campuses” for illegal immigrants. Mainstream media has portrayed these protests as the students rising up on their own to the danger that Trump has brought forth. The website for United We Dream declares that the purpose of these protests are because immigrants need to tap into the incredible strength that brought us to this country and which they use to survive. Not mentioned is that Americans have no problem with immigrants, but with illegal immigrants who are here against the laws of the country. Sanctuary campuses and Sanctuary cities must be treated the same way. If you do not follow the laws of the country, you do not get federal funding.

It all comes down to what the American people believe about what our country should be, and whether our laws that have served this country for all these years are archaic and no longer what this country must be based on. Some of these foundatinal beliefs are

  1. National borders are a large portion of the beliefs of this country. Theprogressives will reject this, trying tolead us to a progressives idea of a North Amrican Union where all borders will be disposed of allowing the free travel of all people, further eroding our national identity.
  2. Political correctness and multiculturalism are more important tha free speech, and will lead to a growing threat of the opportunity to disagree, and lead to the abandonment on national cohesion.
  3. That American is nothing more than a “victimizing nation” according to Shelby Steele in the Wall Street Journal. That our country must submit to oppression to redeem itself from it’s past.
  4. Te elitist view of those in journalism today continue and will move even farther to the left to try and show that Trumps discussion with those of our citizens who know these institutions, academia, media and government  were failing the American people was an outlook they could never understand in the elitist world in which they live.



Of course, if you listen to the elite media, Trump only won because of all the racists, homophobes, xenophobes and those in no need of safe spaces, grief counselors, puppies or candy. We are the working people of this country. We are those who have stood in the jungles of VietNam, the frozen fields of Korea, or the deserts or Iraq and Afghanistan, and will continue to do so.  It is starting to change. No longer will people let themselves be called racists, homophobes, or any other name that the progressives call us without backlash.

In the words of your Messiah Obama, “We won, you lost, get over it.

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Obamas Third Term May Last Forever

Think there is no way that Obama will serve a third term? Think again.
Let’s start with what this administration has already done. Rumors of FEMA Camps have been proven true. The U.S. Army has a manual lately leaked called FM3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations. A portion of the manual describes how internees will be “re-educated” for an appreciation of “ U.S. Policies. The Posse Comitatus Act has been bypassed and the military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval. But how can we expect Congress to fight when they have let this administration rule by executive order and his “phone and pen”.
And what of the U.N. Multinational troops training for in this country. Why is the UN taking over the enforcement of orders by a Treasonous thug that is the President of this country? How do we know this? There is a job opening for the United Nations for a disarmament and demobilization position Job # 14-SEI-DPKO-34627-R-New York. And Obama has gotten rid of the generals and those in command who would not do as he commands.
There are plans now being promulgated in the U.S. Army manual under the title of “confiscation of Firearms and Supplies” and “Civil Disturbance Operations” including up to and including the killing of Americans on U.S. Soil if there should be civil unrest. It is based on the Department of Defense training manual of a “domestic extremist”. Who are these people who are such a threat” According to the manual they are described as :
Americans who are reverent of individual liberty, suspicious of centralized federal authority would be considered as “extreme right wing terrorists. People who embrace “individual liberties, and honor states rights.
There are a few more unconstitutional aspects of what Obama will get done in the time he has left. The repeal of the 2nd Amendment is first and foremost for the progressives. The childish sit in of a week ago showed nothing but the progressives ignorance of the rule of law. Take our guns, and this administraton will run roughshod over all its citizens.
The ignorance of the progressives is there to see in such symbolic idiocy as Democrat Rep. Jose Serrano of New York proposing a bill to repeal the 22nd Amendment so the Muslim in Chief we have now will be able to finish the job he has started of turning the United States into a banana republic. This is the same 12 term Congressman who applauded Hugo Chavez as a Truly Revolutionary leader.

It is a combination of what this administration has done to the country, the decisions being made by a global elites, and charlatans like Soros and his paid activists like Black lives Matter that are pushing harder than ever before to destroy the foundations that this country are founded on. The next step they plan is a racial war this summer centered around the political conventions. Obama has already planted the seeds, and I would almost bet the UN Forces will assist in fomenting violence this summer. Along with Government agencies arming themselves including the Post Office and Social Security have purchased millio0ns of rounds of ammunition including armor piercing ammunition not available to the ordinary citizenry. Why would government agencies stockpile such great amounts?
Perhaps the answer lies in Executive Order 13603 signed by Obama is March 2012. According to this Order, the President or the head of any federal agency that he designates can conscript “any person of outstanding experience and ability without compensation”. This is translated to the fact that Obama or any fellow communist he designates and seize any resource, property or person at any time for any reason. That person will be compelled to perform the duties required of him without any payment.
Portions of EO13603 makes no mention of keeping families together, and requires acceptance of contracts other than contracts of employment, making any and all citizens subject to the whims of the State. The Executive Order signed by Obama is intentionally vague, and covers all government agencies. In essence it gives these agencies unlimited power and control in a Broad definition of “national emergency”. It gives the administration total control over all resources and commodities, all forms of energy, all forms of transportation, health resources and military conscription. If you are storing food for a national emergency, that food will now belong to the government, if you have a well, that water will no longer be yours. You will be dependent upon the federal government for everything. Your children will be taken from school to force you to comply.
In the body of the executive order is alist of what the Federal Government will control:
“All commodities and products that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or Animals”
“All forms of energy”
“All forms of civil transportation”
“All usable water from all sources”
“All health resources-drugs, biological products, medical devices, facilities, health supplies, services and equipment.”
Forced labor- induction and regulations to allocate resources (meaning people)
So if Obama was to create the atmosphere of chaos in this country that he has been working toward with the help of globalists like George Soros, and declare a “national emergency.” Executive Order 13603 informs the country that there will be no elections and King Barak would rule.

Is it any wonder why there are U.N. troops arriving in the country, and why they are being spread throughout the United States. Jade Helm 15 and the upcoming Jade Helm 18 are training for those who will have to do what our military will not. If it ever comes to this there will be a civil war. Lock and load patriots.

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There Will Be More Charlottes

A Black police officer shots an armed black gunman in Charlotte. Once again it leads to riots and protests that decimated the downtown Charlotte area. The Black police Chief and Mayor are told they must resign because they were responsible.

The protesters, who could be aptly described as rioters went on to burn and damage property, troll the area for white people to beat, and after that call for “Justice”. Where is the justice for the business owners, some of who had been in that area for over 30 years, or the whites who spent time in the hospital because of the actions of those who created this chaos?

Looking on the numbers that have been promulgated by Todd Walther, spokesman for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Fraternal Order of Police shows that the majority, over 70% of those arrested during the rioting were from out of state.  These rioters were actually bused in, for no other reason than to foment chaos. They are criminals, and I would suggest that most did not even know of them man who confronted police, or that the officer involved were black. It was widely hidden by the mainstream media until they had to report it because others called them out. The situation was used as a reason to riot,  not to create a protest that could lead to discussions that could have resolved the situation.

There are laws against going across state lines to foment unrest, to organize, promote participate in or carry on a riot. From the Federal Judicial Center it is made quite clear:

                “Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses any facility of interstate including but not limited to the mail telegraph, telephone or radio or television with the intent to incite a riot to aid or abet any person in inciting or participating in a riot shell be fined no more than $10,000 or imprisoned for no more than 5 years

This situation is also covered in United States code 62 Stat. 808 Pub.L103-322 title XXXIII para 330016

Where is our Department of Justice on the out of state rioters and agitators that converged on Charlotte? There was no mention of prosecution of these rioters, making the DOJ complicit in the  pursuit of the Soros agenda .From Ferguson, to Baltimore, to Charlotte, instigators and communist sympathizers was noted, and there has been no repercussions to those who were a part of this action? Perhaps because the Soros financed   BLM has found an avid supporters in this administration and  our globalist Muslim president.  Hillary is of the same ilk as Obama, meaning her election will continue to push the Soros agenda. Obama has tried to convince the American people that Charlotte, and the riots in all the other locations that Soros has financed are “just a few people doing it the wrong way”. Obama, ever the uniter has convinced a majority of blacks that justice in not always color blind. I have seen no examples of this statement being true either by Obama or this administration. More whites are shot by blacks every year, but that is not mentioned. The black- on-black murders are never mentioned, or as they were in Hillarys debate, made out to be the ranting of someone like Donald Trump with no merit.



There is one man who has been in the center of the rioting in this country and the Black Lives Matter movement. George Soros. Starting in Ferguson, along with the Islamic Jihad and Hamas, Soros was the one who put forth the effort and money to foment these protests. It was Soros who donated $33 million dollars to BLM and other groups to turn white-on-black police shootings to a flashpoint that would envelope the entire country. The fact that Michael Brown was shot while attacking a police officer is irrelevant to Soros and his minions. They will use any and all situations as a provocation to create more chaos.

The president of the NAACP in North Carolina has taken a step to push the narrative on Charlotte. In a news conference he stated that Transparency is required and the videos must be released. Ridiculing Donald Trump and calling police “trigger happy”. Of course, this same man would not comment on the five officers murdered in Dallas, although it would not surprise me if he claimed they were at fault. Going forward, and sounding like Hillary Clinton, he claimed the criminal justice systems was tilted against blacks. Blacks in this country are a minority, but commit as man crimes as the white majority. But according to Rev. Barber and Hillary, they should only be incarcerated in a percentage that matches the percentage of the population they are. Evidently, commit a crime-go to jail is no longer relevant to the progressive socialist pushing this agenda. Millio0ns have been given by Soros to various NAACP organizations, and with the money came the marching orders that the NAACP now follows. It was Rev. William Barber II, who moved the North Carolina NAACP from legislative to action in the streets for his organization, advancing the objectives and priorities of the Open Society Foundation.


Of course, Ken Zimmerman, the director of U.S. Programs for Soros’ Open Society Foundation, claims that there wasn’t any money given to BLM, a lie as proven by the Washington Post. DC Leaks has shown that the reason for this was to dismantle the culture and values of the country to make the rebuilding of the country as Soros envisions his corporatist, socialist agenda.

BLM is a socialist tool being used by Soros, and other elitists such as the Ford Foundation, the Center for American Progress, founded by Clinton protégé Podesta,  to destroy race relations within the United States, and with the help of this administration to create the progressive socialist utopia for their profit.

A byproduct of the chaos being created is that It also helps Hillary. The mainstream media, being a part of the problem, cover each protest, each riot, and continue to place the blame on the police and whites. It is no surprise that George Soros is a major contributor to Hillarys campaign.

George Soros is a globalist, considers himself a god, and is willing to do whatever it takes to create his vision of a one world government. Together with his associates at the IMF, the UN and the World Bank


Soros has made billions off of the chaos he has fomented in Europe, and has now turned his efforts to the U.S .Much as he has done in Europe with the refugee resettlement program, he is now attempting to do the same here. The end game is the undermining of national sovereignty. Soros and our current President Obama have both declared that nationalism is a threat to the globalist agenda, and both have proven the borders should be dissolved. Obama has effectively done that by not securing our national borders, and by executive action making our border patrols unable to perform the duties they were hired to do. This will lead to a national crisis which of course will require a  global solution.

Demos, another Soros organization is now in the United States.  In leaked memos it was made clear that the goals of this organization are two fold

  1. To implement UN Agenda 21 and 2030 to eradicate national sovereignty in favor of a globally controlled government and
  2. The complete globalization of the U.S. culture to effectively destroy the very nature of what American culture is

But it is to be expected that such occurrences as black –on-white crime would be a non- story. When the Democrat/socialists endorse BLM, and the Soros agenda. They claim “systemic racism” and police violence against blacks. In the draft of the resolution they claim “extrajudicial killings of unarmed black, women and children. This resolution was passed by the Democrat National Committee on the same day that Darren H. Goforth, a 47 year old sheriff was gunned down. Where was the DNC resolution on that?

Once again the Soros agenda is to create division and chaos to collapse civil discourse in the country and to collapse the way of life that, while not perfect, has stood the country well for over 200 years. The new order that Obama, this administration and the global socialists look to sow in this country of cop hating, the deterioration of law and order and the rule of law, black nationalism, and the collapse of the sovereignty on our country is claimed to be the new normal and the foundation of the Democrat Party.

It will get worse before Obama leaves, and if Hillary gets elected will move forward until the destruction is complete.


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A New Revolution

They call themselves revolutionaries, they have a tendency to wax poetic about utopias that they have been taught in our schools. The radicalism is inculcated within them starting at grade school level, and unless repudiated by historical and economic realities continue to grow. Academia, entertainment, and the media have worked together since the 60’s to attempt to dismantle all the institutions that made this America great.
The utopias they want have been disproven in the past, and are still playing out today. The average person just needs to look to Venezuela to see the degradation of the way on live in that country by socialism. The theory and reality spoken of in academia today, combined with the bull sessions late at night in college dorms in a haze of marijuana smoke fall apart in the might of day .Each generation falls for the same lies, for the same failures of socialism that all previ0ous generations. Revolution for the sake of taking down “The Man” is pointless if there is nothing to replace it with. Chaos and anarchy is not the answer. There are many revolutions that have failed because those taking down the institutions of the present day have had nothing to replace it with.
Revolutions are messy, leaving a great deal of devastation and destruction in their wake. The Marxists and socialist, along with the secular progressives have done the best they can in trying to destroy the heart of this country. It may work someday, and that will lead to the collapse of the America we all know. The secular progressives have pushed beyond the limits of what America means. Homosexuality has been mainstreamed, and “relative moralism” is now more important than concern for our fellow man Is it any wonder that a vast majority of American think the country is on the wrong track?
This administration has pushed the country into a morass which will take generations to recover. Christians are told they must cater to Homosexuals, that the Bible is passé, and that they must keep their beliefs to themselves. It has gotten to the point that you can lose your job if you still have moral beliefs, or if you call a person of questionable gender by the wrong pronoun. Over the years we have been force fed cultural deviation until anything is possible, and welcomed by the elites who attempt to tell us what to think. We have been forced to accept perverse behavior as normal over the past forty years. You will be made to care, you will be silent as those elites who are attempting to move “forward” in the progressive mindset will continue to tell you what to think.
The culture must be forced to turn back, to admit that there is such a condition of body dysmorphia has always been a given. That should not mean that children as young as five should by damaged by their parents, or that those who have sex changes should be regarded as heroes. I do not understand why people like Bruce Jenner should be considered as a hero, awarded on ESPN for nothing more than being confused about who he is. And he is confused, even he has admitted that perhaps he made a mistake.

The pendulum is starting to swing back. It may take some time and the progressives will turn to violence to maintain the secular deviancy that have forced upon this country. They will continue to give benefits to those who will continue to vote for them. But many Americans are waking up, and starting to listen to the patriots who have been the front line of morality in the country. Outside influences will fight hard. People like George Soros and the progressives in this country will fight hard to continue to move forward on the idea of utopia in their minds.
I have faith that the people in this country, the majority which understand that we are moving in the wrong direction, will rise up and say no more. Those who have degraded our culture and country must be made to answer for the transgressions they have forced upon the American people. Once enough people realize that our country is being turned into a third world hell hole of corruption and deviancy can we once again start to return to the freedoms that are out there for every citizen.
We have been inundated with principles that are contrary to the principles that our country has been founded on. We are constantly told that free enterprise is nothing more than greed and should be avoided. We are told that Private property, one of the founding principle of the founders is an outdated idea. It is that free enterprise that has built the country we have now. The socialist principles were tried at first and failed. But that is not taught in our schools or explained even in college. Our founders never believed in an oppressive central government like what we have now. The Founders set up the principles we have lived under for 200 years to keep control of government. Two points that most citizens need to investigate are
1. According to the countries founding documents, what are the limits on Federal government, and what right are given to the States, and:
2. What can be done now by the citizens to return to the Founders basic ideals of freedom.
We have become victims of the propaganda that is pushed at us y the media, politicians and academia. The fascism and corporatism that is destroying this country will continue to push forward until the citizenry push back. The uninformed public have seen socialist ideas such as environmentalism, excessive regulations, and government intruding into every facet of every life of every citizen to ensure conformity has pushed this country to the breaking point. We see those that wish to destroy the family structure, the Christian ideals that formulated a major part of this country. The schools today are nothing more than progressive propaganda, which is why more and more parents are homeschooling. Is it a surprise that schools no longer teach the basics of American History?
So now the American people find themselves in the grips of a Socialist revolution. We have a first lady that considers Stokley “Burn Baby Burn” Carmichael as a mentor and was never proud of her country until it specifically benefited her.
Even the Chamber of Commerce which whose sole purpose is to protect free enterprise has now declared a public/private partnership as the new free enterprise. It is being forced on the American people with the understanding that only the government can move us forward. The rugged individualism that this country was built upon is no longer a shining example of how this country was meant to work. In the minds of the government, only they, along with the global corporations that they

allow to prosper can make and keep America great. Through special privileges and corporate tax breaks, and the ability to gain access to private property through eminent domain will help the elites to prosper while the common man suffers.
A revolution is coming, the years of leftist indoctrination that started with Roosevelt and picked up speed in the 60’s have caused the American Dream to stumble. State governments are starting to resist, and the people must do more to assure that the pendulum will return to a morality and care for one another that this country has always claimed. Education, media, and projects in research must be given back to the states. The state governments must stop looking to the federal governments for funds, and find a way to be self sufficient. Only local level fights against government overreach will move the bar back to the right and away from the progressive-socialist agenda. We can no longer surrender to the progressive agenda. And we have to elect conservatives who stand up for the principles that are widely held. It is sad that neither party is interested in cutting big government, and both have profited from the time they have spend in government.
It will take a revolution. It will take the American people electing those that understand that this country is in serious trouble and it will take the American people to throw out those who would do us further harm.
The revolution will start in 60 days, choose wisely.

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Obamas Gun Jihad

Our Muslim Marxist President is doing his best to take the guns away from patriots in our country. He has tried over the past six years to force Congress to do his bidding to violate the 2nd Amendment. Congress, to its credit has pushed back and allowed the law abiding people of this country to continue to keep the right given to them in the Constitution.

After San Bernardino, a city 30 miles from my home and the hometown of my wife, it did not take long for the Democrats to bring out the response they always do. It was the guns fault, and therefore, no one should have one.Knee jerk responses to be sure, and even with the assistance of a front page editorial in the New York Times, could not change the thinking of the American people that they have a right to self defense.  Petula Dvorak of the Washington Post even went so far as to claim the “Evil Republicans” because they respect the 2nd Amendment.

Of course, according to Ms. Dvorak more gun free zones are the answer. If only everyone would turn in their guns, all would he sweetness and light with unicorns and rainbows. I don’t know what neighborhood this lady lives in, but in any neighborhood I ever lived in, the people I know are very happy to be able to keep their guns. Gun free zones work according to the Progressives and socialists. Should we ask  the children at Sandy Hook, or the writers at Charlie Hebdo, of the county workers in San Bernardino how well that works? Obama, that fine bastion of constitutional law proclaimed that the US is the number one purveyor of these attacks. Actually no, Norway is first, followed by Finland, Slovakia, Israel, and Switzerland. Sorry, Evergreen, you numbers lie again.

We have had seven years of the truth being a far distant cousin of the Democrats, but they all agree that they need to take our guns. Obama has already issued 23 executive actions which were never voted on and are clearly unconstitutional being rights that can not taken away without changing the founding documents of our country. The National Instant Criminal Background Check, (NICS) is being used by the federal government as the implementation of a national database. This has been admitted by federal officials and openly reported in the news.

The newest step being pushed by Obama is to try and cause gun manufacturers to fail. Gun sales have skyrocketed, and Obama has now used his federal power in a vendetta against Smith and Wesson using the Security Exchange Commission.  Our Marxist in chief is using the advocate of the state of New York asking federal regulators to investigate if the manufacturer Smith and Wesson had made adequate disclosures in its financial statements. The public advocate, Letitia James has stated that the SEC “should investigate whether Smith and Wesson misrepresented or omitted information about how often its products are involved in crimes and what it has done to keep its product out of the hands of criminals”.

I would appreciate anyone who can tell me how any company, selling any product, can be forced to be responsible for the misuse of their product? Smith and Wesson does infact provide training and a gun lock with each gun sold, and no one can explain what more they should do.

This is nothing more than a witch hunt and nothing more. It is this President attempting to circumvent Congress with a targeting of a business that he does not feel is subservient to his agenda as a tyrannical king who can make proclamations for what he desires to be so. The final question is what business is next. Obama has a year to go, and now is the time to draw a red line in the sand (Obama might understand that) and say no more.


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In 1953 during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, the Muslim Brotherhood began infiltrating the federal government. It is a scheme which has accelerated rapidly under Barack Obama, a willing partner and Muslim/Marxist whose anti-American agenda includes the creation of a caliphate in the U.S.

In an outright display of support for the Brotherhood, Obama has refused to stem the infiltration of our nation by Jihadists. In fact, he has chosen to bring 100,000 to 200,000 Muslim “refuMUSLIM REFUGEESgees” into the United States from Syria; refugees who can never be vetted    and whose numbers are comprised of some 85% males, aged 15-35.

Clearly bowing to the president’s bidding, the Director of National Intelligence has-incredibly to say the least-described the Muslim Brotherhood as a “largely secular organization.” The State Department issued a visa to Hazi Nour Eldin of Egypt to meet with senior White House Officials, all the while aware that Eldin is a member of Gama’a al-Islamiyya, a terrorist organization founded by Omar Abdel Rahman, the same blind sheikh convicted in the first bombing of the World Trade Center. What sort of perverse policy must the StMUSLIM BROTHERHOOD IN OBAMA REGIMEate Department embrace to allow such a meeting to take place and what was the tenor of the discussions between the Department and this obvious terrorist? Under the present circumstances could anyone investigating the State Department believe what they are told by the Obama Regime?

And Obama’s relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood has continued to grow during his years in the White House.

Obama’s principle advisor (some have even suggested co-president) Valerie Jarret has had dealings with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), going so far as to invite ISNA President Ingrid Mattson to work on the WINGRID MATTSONhite House Council of Women and Girls which Jarrett leads. Seven years ago, Mattson offered the prayer at Obama’s first inauguration. For many, “…the hidden message behind [that] display [was] that members of the [Obama]/[leftist] establishment will continue their torrent love affair with the Muslim Brotherhood.” Mattson’s ISNA “…was founded in 1981 by Muslim Brotherhood members” and “…seeks to establish Islamic law, or Shari’ah, as the basis [of] controlling society.”

Even the President’s brother Malik is known to be in charge of finances and arms procurement for the Muslim Brotherhood and executive secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization, or IDO, which is listed as a terrorist group by the US State Department. Malik has visited the Oval Office and sat with the President, evenMUSLIM BROTHERHOOD OBAMA BROTHERthough all these facts were known.

The conclusion drawn from this information is inescapable. The current administration is using multiple associations to undermine the security and well-being of the country we all hold dear. From encouraging and facilitating illegal immigration both from the Middle East and Central America, to his blatant unwillingness to close the nation’s borders, Barack Obama has turned to outright support of the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood. And there can be no question that the chaos this administratOBAMA MUSLIMS BITTER CLINGERSion is causing in the everyday lives of Americans is intentional. It is time our treasonous Muslim/Socialist President stand aside before the onset of civil war.

Make no mistake, the American people will defend their lives their families and their country by force of arms rather than allow a traitor and his minions to take them from us.

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The debacle that was Hillary Clinton’s dishonest testimony before Trey Gowdy and the Benghazi committee was hard to take. I know the progressives/socialist/Democrats are engaged in an endless campaign to convince the American people that Hillary was bullied and generally mistreated by the Committee. But except for the low information voters who will support her anyway, many were not convinced by her lies and lawyerly explanations. I suppose we can take some solace in her not having repeated, “I don’t recall,” “I don’t remember,” or “What difference does it make!” At this point, maybe even Hillary knows that her explanations are false, her memory selective and her overall time as Secretary of State, a disservice to the American people. Maybe, but don’t count on it.

The attack on Benghazi was a disgrace, the outcome a horror and a tragedy. Fighting for their lives were four Americans who put themselves in harm’s way. They didn’t so it for the glory or for the  HILLARY LIARmoney. The four were there because it was their job; because they chose to defend their fellow Americans. They died because no one in this administration answered that “3 a.m. phone call” which Queen Hillary wished to make such a big part of her legacy.

Hillary had the audacity, the shameless gall to meet with and lie to the families of the Benghazi dead. Susan Rice lied throughout the Sunday morning talk show circuit. And Samantha Powers repeated all of the lies approved by the Regime for distribution before the United Nations.

BLUMENTHAL AND HILLARYHillary, Blumenthal and “unsolicited” emails

And then there is Sidney Blumenthal, a long-time confidant of the Clintons who appears to have played secret intel conduit for Hillary while being paid $10,000/month by the Clinton Foundation. Why was this allowed to happen when even the Obama Regime wanted nothing to do with Blumenthal? At first and until    yesterday’s hearing, Hillary claimed all of her correspondence with Blumenthal was unsolicited. If that was the case and they were of no use to Hillary, why did she pass the emails on?

Of course Hillary, who describes Blumenthal as an “Old Friend,” knew nothing of his business dealing in Libya. After all, that would have constituted a clear conflict of interest. Yet Hillary sent an e-mail to Blumenthal in which she wrote, “Another Keeper, thanks and keep them coming.” After being confronted with that bit of information, she changed her description of correspondence with Blumenthal from “unsolicited” to “started out unsolicited.” Lies should be nothing if not accurate!

BENGHAZI RIOTSBenghazi rioters

It was Hillary who began the U.S. air campaign in Libya and she still claims that it was a successful intervention. And she wants the American people to believe that the reason it all fell apart; the   reason Islamic terrorism is spreading through all of North Africa and the Middle East, has something to do with a video.

Hillary has the attitude that she has done nothing wrong; that the rules and regulations of the United States do not apply to her. She does not care that the corruption of the Obama Regime, that her incompetence in Foreign Policy led directly to the death of 4 Americans and God knows how many others in the aftermath of the collapse of Libya. The malignancy of this debacle and the disgrace connected with its aftermath will be with us for years to come.

BENGHAZI DEADFour Americans died in Benghazi

The death of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Navy Seal Tyrone Woods, Navy Seal Glen Doherty, Information Officer Sean Smith and the blood spilled by countless others—all are on your hands, Hillary. And only your fellow, leftist Democrats have the monumental gall necessary to believe that at this point, it makes no difference.

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The Southern Poverty Law Center is lying again – being liberal that really is not a problem. Liberalism/progressivism, based on moral relativity, requires a certain amount of lying. Whether it is identity politics, gender politics, or even values politics, all is relative to how the individual feels that it applies to him and not the community.

Progressives have always been of the mind that the end justifies the means, and they excuse over the top radicalism and lying as necessary to move the agenda forward. It is all done in the hopes of producing a narrative that can be believed by the rank-and-file of their followers – the low information citizen.

In October, the SPLC placed Dr. Ben Carson on its “Extremist Watch List”. Now being a Black Conservative, according to the standards that the SPLC has already shown may have been reason enough, but ultimately it was because Dr. Carson had the audacity to be for traditional marriage as is most of the world.

A week later after intense criticism, Dr. Carson was taken off the list. The Marxist-Socialist agenda of the SPLC had embarrassed itself and targeted a man who is a Christian. Not that the SPLC hasn’t targeted Christians before and continues to do so, but Dr. Carson is running for President and is well thought of by the vast majority of people. Remember, this is the same group that declared the Family Research Institute a hate group, and placed them in brochures right nest to the KKK and neo-Nazi organizations. That led to an almost catastrophic confrontation and only lately has the SPLC said they may have made a mistake.

Christians are in the sights of the SPLC and long diatribes have been written how bigoted, homophobic and downright stupid Christians are for believing in what they do. At the “Values Voter Summit” many conservatives discuss the issues facing American today.

But the SPLC, lately linked to a domestic terrorism case in federal court, has done its best to try and slander those in attendance, labeling those conservatives anti-LBGT and anti-Muslim. The SPLC took it upon themselves to write to each speaker at the event and “encourage” them not to go. Even though millions of the everyday citizens agree with the summit and not with the progressive/socialist policies of the SPLC.

The SPLC has maintained that if you object to LBGT issues you are demonizing those of that community. It declares that those who hold to biblical standards of marriage have an extensive record of demonizing, vilifying gays, and spreading falsehoods. This the same group that was the inspiration of

Floyd Lee Corkins II entering the offices of the Family Research Council with the intention of in his own words “kill as many people as I could”.

So what has the SPLC learned? Apparently nothing, A group of socialist/progressives including GLAAD, Faithful America, People for the American Way . in conjunction with the SPLC have now targeted individuals that attended the “Values Voter Summit”. It has targeted such people as the American Family President Tim Wildmon, Liberty Counsel Mathew Staver and of course, once again Tony Perkins of the Family research Council.

But the targeting does not end there. The SPLC has expanded its agenda to include other areas of “hate”. Included in this has been the declaration that the entire South and anything Confederate is now hate. All holidays, monuments, symbols, celebrations and schools named after any Confederate is now considered a hate crime by the SPLC, and must be eradicated from across the country.

Recently, the SPLC has branded three women as anti-Muslim for discussing the threats of Islamic immigration into the United States. Also discussed was the Muslim Botherhood infiltration of this administration and this country. In the magazine Rose-el-Youseff six People in this adminstraton were named as operatives for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Arif Alikha Homeland Security Ass. Sec, Eboo Patel Presidential Advisory Council on Faith, Mohamed Magid DHS Working Group, Rashad Hussain- Special Envoy to OIC, Salam al-Marayati- Admnistraton rep to UNESCo

Americans have not had the opportunity to discover thee truths about Islam and the SPLC because of administration coercion and the media. It is the SPLC who has directly targeted these women in a pamphlet called “Women Against Islam”.

The SPLC has become nothing more than a money making entity that will fudge numbers and always look for new dragons to slay whether they need slaying or not. First it was the KKK, now it everyone from Christians, to gun enthusiasts, to anything that the leftist partisan hacks of the SPLC can use to raise money. It has traded the activism of a good and noble nature that it used to identify with for a usefulness of activist leftism that fills it coffers. No more an admirable organization that would ferret out real hate, it has now become a bully against those it knows has neither the money or connections to fight back.

by John Velisek USN (Ret.

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In a few days a “proud and privileged” candidate for President of the United States will try to work her way through the landmines of the Benghazi Committee. The Democrats, thanks to Republican McCarthy, have been hammering away at the political aspect of the Benghazi Commission to try and convince the American public there is nothing there.

The culture at the State Department under Hillary shows that those in the upper echelons of the State Department ignored the regulations and saw no reason to attend the departments mandatory “cyber security awareness training”.

They were not concerned with properly handling national security issues, perhaps because they knew the personal server that the head of the State Department, namely Hillary Clinton was not following the regulations, and that culture of ignoring the regulation spread throughout the State Department. Ignoring the security protocols in the State Department was intentional. The regulations promulgated in NIST Publication 800,used for all government agencies, including the military was ignored.

The Progressives will continue to say there is nothing there, and gloss over any law breaking and the Department of Justice will absolve Hillary of any wrongdoing after the FBI finishes the investigation. It will not matter what they FBI finds, it will be swept under the rug, and the American citizen will lose interest. Progressives will continue to say that this is a political attack and not an effort to send money to the Clinton Foundation.

There are questions that must be answered. Why was Bryan Pagliano hired from within the State Department to perform maintenance and repairs on a “rogue” server that the State Department did not know about? There is no explanation for hiring a State Department IT adviser who had no security clearance. He had worked on the Clinton campaign, but did not have the degree of expertise needed to ensure the server was secure. And why have State Department officials not explained what they knew about the Clinton server or showed any concern about its use.

In the words of Mark Toner, a State Department spokesman “ That’s not our role in this process to really answer that question publicly” This is the same State Department that withheld records for communications from Mills and Abedin because they were not included in the original FOIA, and would be submitted to the commission in the future.

The FBI has found thousands of e-mails supposedly deleted and considered personal. The DOJ, which is overseeing the investigation refuses to even admit there is an investigation. The position of Inspector General of the State Department, who may have caught these crimes, was not filled by Obama until after Hillary’s term as Secretary of State in September 2013 by Steven Linick. Howard W. Geisel, the “acting” IG issued audits showing the challenges and weaknesses within the Information Resource Management Bureau.

But there was some much to be done, so many problems, Hillary said she really didn’t think about what e-mail to use. The head of the State Department didn’t take the time to think about national security? The State Department IT department did not even know of the server, so how could they have approved it before then?

The criminal investigation by the FBI of Hillary Clinton and what she knew about Benghazi is ongoing. The questions that are being asked are important to understand the outcome of the Benghazi debacle.

Some of these questions are:

Why were numerous requests for extra security in Benghazi ignored and denied?

Why were answers to the reason for the attack at the Benghazi compound tied to a video no one saw?

How does a Secretary of State not recognize what a Top Secret or classified e-mail looks like? Whether marked or not, or even if classification markings are removed, I would think a Secretary of State would have the experience to know what a classified message would be.

Spy satellite e-mails, discussions with foreign officials, troop movements and allocations are all “born” top secret with or without markings. With all her time spent in government, they want us to believe Hillary is ignorant of what is classified and what is not? The e-mails evidently contained classified information, because when they were turned over to the Benghazi commission they were heavily redacted and the State Department cited national security as the reason for the redactions.

Why did Hillary’s State Department staff initially refuse to turn over any documents and when finally confronted about the documents, turned over documents with large gaps in time?

The Nixon tapes were missing 18 minutes, Hillary has destroyed and lost who knows how many e-mails, and the progressives want to give her pass.

It is telling the Intelligence agencies are now operating under the premise that China and Russia have the e-mails because her server was unencrypted for months. This makes Hillary and the others involved in the mismanagement of security protocols a national security disaster that may take decades to recover. She has effectively put human assets at risk, causing massive changes to the intelligence community in methods to collect intelligence.

At a press conference in March, Hillary insisted she was well aware of classification requirements, and now claims what she sent and received was not marked classified, or even top secret. It has already been proven that Hillary wrote and sent at least six e-mails containing classified information from her personal server.

In 2009 the update of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations required records be kept of all messages sent and received on a personal computer. Clinton sent a memo with her signature warning department employees to avoid conducting official business from personal e-mails. It is evident that Hillary did not follow her own advice.

No one has asked why Hillary thought she needed a “private” server. Perhaps a better description would be a “secret” server. The point may have been to keep it hidden from the officials whose oversight includes classification of material. Foreign information is routinely classified because of the damage that it can cause to national security if leaked. It is known that Hillary personally gave her personal e-mail to George Mitchell, the Middle East envoy at the time.

A former Defense Intelligence Agency Director, Gen, Michael T, Flynn feels that Hillary’s security clearance should be Immediately suspended. He called the use of a private server for national security business was “unprecedented” and caused untold damage to national security.

by John Velisek USN (Ret.)

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Proud to be an Extremist

In the progressive mind it is the right, notably the Tea Party that is “extremist”. It is fairly easy to see that once again progressives and socialists use the buzzwords of their socialist agenda.  The hate that has been put forth about such conservatives as Dr. Ben Carson, and the way women are treated in furthering the agenda if liberals is quite something to see. Think back on some of the comments you have heard and you will find that the progressives will attach any label they can to those who disagree. Conservatives are labeled as fascist homophobes and deranged Christians carrying out a “war on women” and, according to Debbie Wasserman Shultz, they want to kick all women out of the country. How can anyone of a rational mind seriously believe this?

Where are the arguments of a rational and debatable type that the progressives have won without replacing the debate with name calling and talking points. Declaring that the viewpoint the progressives hold is the only valid one does not win the arguments but attempts to stop the debate. The main reason for not allowing serious consideration of the conservative side of any argument is the fact that the progressive/socialist argument can never be won on the merits of the incoherent diatribes against those who disagree. The dead citizens of the socialist empires, close to 100 million, testify to the fact the socialism fails to replace a ideology based on virtue, morality, and individual freedoms.

So let’s take a look at what passes for “extremism” today from a progressive/ socialist viewpoint.  In 2013, the US Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training manual listed evangelical Christians as the number one extremist threat. Even anyone with a so called “Christian Identity” is rated as a terrorist threat, and on the list, more dangerous than Al Qaeda and Hamas which are listed lower.

Veterans Officials has tried to order volunteers at military funerals to stop saying “God Bless You” to family members at funerals and even went so far to have it removed from condolence cards.

Even in the active duty forces, military personnel have been ordered not to discuss the faith they follow or share the gospel in anyway.

We have the Council on American Islamic Relations Executive Director Faizan Syed declaring the “right Wing Extremists” are the biggest threat to the nation. In the mind of Syed, the attacks that have occurred in this country are just jihad, and not terrorism. Claiming that chances of an Islamic attack in one in a million, it is apparent that Syed has chosen to ignore the fact that there have been over 26,000 Islamic attacks since 9/11. This can be hidden from the public by this administration because of the Muslim Brotherhood alliances formed within the White House.


Being called an extremist because of being conservative is a badge of honor. I know I would be considered an extremist by this administration, as would any conservative who attempts to speak out.

If fighting against the Islamization of our schools, where Common Core spends more time on Islam than Christianity and attempts to indoctrinate our children into sharia law and Islam makes me a extremist, then fine. I can live with that

If not supporting the Strong Cities Network, another invasion on our sovereign rights by the United Nations to combat the UN’s definition of “Violent Extremism”. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has spoken of Domestic and global terror threats without ever mentioning what the United Nations will do when conservatives reject this socialist global policy. I would be one such conservative. If my rejecting global governance that would invade every aspect of our lives makes me extremist I would proudly wear that mantle.

If expecting the laws to be uniformly enforced for both government employees and citizens is “Extremist” than I suppose I am. I do not think I am the only citizen who is angry about Hillary getting away with totally demolishing out national security, or Lois Lerner basking in her taxpayer retirement and not in jail, or our President looking to sweep the Bowe Bergdahl desertion under the rug. Bergdahl caused serious injury and death to his brothers in arms. As a former veteran I feel that life in prison would be a good start, firing squad even better. But it will be all forgotten soon as the media will not cover much about it, and the Congress will turn the other way. After all it should be embarrassing to Obama that he once again lied to the American People. I have given up on both parties who only seem to give our President what he wants to get along. Time to get along is long gone. We need a principled, conservative way back from the hell this President has caused. If that makes me “extreme” then label me as such.

TIME magazine wrote of the growing threat to law enforcement in September 2010. What is surprising is that TIME stated that the threat would come from “Right Wing Extremists” and militias. A TIME contributing Editor at Large Barton Gellman even went so far as to say these groups” have a dangerous ideology which includes patriotism and a strong belief in the Second Amendment”. In his column, Gellman makes no mention of Black Nationalists, Marxists, prison gangs, or communists.  These groups and entities like the Soros Backed Black Lives Matter and Islam terrorists who have worked with those groups since Ferguson will never be discussed in TIME or any other progressive magazines or sites because they do not fit the “conservative as extremists narrative”. By progressive standards, if you see this as a challenge to what this country was founded upon you are an extremist.

If you find fault with a UN that claims “conservative and extremists resistance” needs to be confronted in the gender equality of the world, but Islam is never mentioned you may be an extremist.

If you feel that the Christians being slaughtered by ISIS in the Middle East should receive amnesty, and not be deported back to the Middle East to face certain death is a travesty while Islamic terrorists are being brought into the country by the thousands is wrong, you may be a conservative extremist.

Now that illegals are being welcomed into our country, being given social security cards, driving licenses, and soon the right to vote, if you feel a challenge to all the unconstitutional gerrymandering should be put through Congress, you are very much a conservative extremist.

If you still want to know what happened at Benghazi, you are definitely a conservative extremist.

If you feel that Obama, through his pen and phone is doing his best to use the Cloward-Piven strategy to destroy our country, to turn this country into a third world banana republic and put the citizens of this country in serious danger then you most definitely are a conservative extremist.

So let people like Congressman Van Hollen call us “tea party Extremists” and state that the departure of Boehner will make it even more difficult to pass funding.

Or Harry Reid calling conservatives “ anarchists” because they want to rein in spending

Or Joe Biden, perhaps running for President, calling the Tea Party “a bunch of terrorists”

Politico, a far left site stated “It has always been commonplace to call Tea Party members hostage takers, but they have now become full blown terrorists. Even the New York Times, a bastion of progressivism got in on the action writing that the Tea Party was waging “jihad” on the American People.

Low information voters will take this at face value, nodding their heads like good little children. They will firmly believe that if you want to save our children and grandchildren from insurmountable debt, if you dislike having the government control every aspect of your life, if you want to be able to stand up for your country and the principles it is founded upon, you are an extremist.

If believing in the greatness of this country makes you an extremist, count me in. I am proud to stand with my fellow citizens who see through all the name calling to let the elites know they will go no further. I am proud to be an extremists as are countless others who will not fail our country.


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How Much Tolerance is Too Much?

This is not the America I know. Our culture that has always been a shining beacon for the world has been toppled, broken, crushed. It started long ago with a loss of pride in our country and a loss of individual responsibility. Those in our country with a lack of moral clarity bordering on the criminal have been allowed to overtake our institutions from academia to politics. The economic and moral support given to the charlatans has been given by an underclass whose sole purpose is to take from others and those of us who are going about our day to day lives trying just to get by. They find themselves without the clarity to think about such things as freedom, achievement, values or morals.

Crime and violence has been the response to the devaluing of the currency of morality. What was unthought-of 20 years ago is now commonplace. Our cities, mostly under Democratic control have become war zones, law enforcement is being stalked and ambushed, and the Obama administration has embraced the thug culture by actively criticizing law enforcement.

It is Obama who has caused a great deal of the turmoil that we see today. From the “Black Liberation Theology” taught in a church he attended for twenty years but ostensibly never heard the denigration of America while there, to Frank Marshall Davis his communist mentor while growing up, our Community Organizer has always had a deep seated bias against any authority, particularly white authority.

With a Department of Justice used for the implementation of revenge type social justice this bias was allowed to blossom into the full time bias we observe today. Holder discussed race only as far as blaming whites for the challenges blacks face even going so far as to call us cowards who would not discuss race. But his cowardice and bias was on display when he cancelled the Philadelphia Black Panther case. It showed that Holder was nothing more than one of Obamas thugs used to push a progressive socialist agenda.

Law enforcement has been forced to back off any situation that may be construed as volatile for fear of the federal government and the media creating a circus out of any decision law enforcement makes that the PC crowd does not agree with. Under Obama, Holder, and the media, the destruction of the rule of law has been ongoing for six years and is a fundamental building block for the chaos to come. If the chaos breaks down what is left of our cultural society, the radicals will be making the rules and deciding who will prosper under an “ends justifies the means” society. It is to be expected from an administration that has flaunted the rule of law, ignored both the judicial and legislatives branches of government to rule by executive order and has ignored the will of the country as a matter of routine. We have a President who lives in his own narcissist reality, claiming the economy is fine, and we are well loved by all in the world.

The customs, principles, traditions and moral values of our country is what makes us who we are. These teachings of religious principles have been overtaken by those in the politically correct movement. The Ten Commandments were a foundation to base the etiquette and conduct for many generations. The expectation of generally good conduct was within our society. Today things have changed. We use scantily clad women to sell hamburgers, children can use words to their parents that would have caused stern discipline in days past, and everyone except the white heterosexual male is a victim. Unwed mothers are given everything they need to live a life of dependence with no input from the babys’ father, and the taxpayer is made to foot the bill.  &2% of black children and 30% of white children are illegitimate. But we have no one to blame but ourselves. If we allow the media, and progressives to tell us that traditional values and morality are not moral absolutes and that what is or is not moral is a personal decision, this will continue. In schools, students learn values clarification, undermining both parents and religious teachings. Where does this lead? It is one of the reasons why, in a great many states a teenage girl can now get an abortion with parental consent with the assistance of the school she attends. It is why schools have bowls of condoms in the nurses office so the students can pick one up whenever they like without any questions. We live in a country now where more and more people are being placed in positions where they must depend on the government for help, where more small businesses have closed than have opened, and where people are being told by the media only what the government wants them to know.

The different agencies of this government have taken it upon themselves with the blessings of this administration to pass regulations with the full force of law that have never been voted upon in Congress. Both the Democrats and Republicans are to blame for allowing the executive branch the powers given to Congress, allowing them to pass laws and then charge those who break these laws and levying enormous fines without benefit of trial. This allows our government to be accountable to no one.

Tolerance is no longer expected by those on the right. The progressives speak of tolerance, but only of the opinions and “truths” that they hold dear. There is a simple test to show how all encompassing this thought control is. Go into any school and mention God. You know what the response would be. We now are so tolerant that we allow satanic displays next to the manger during Christmas. To be honest in some places we can’t say Christmas anymore, it has to be Happy Holidays. Stores that require Happy Holidays do not get my business.

The tolerance expected of the American people is reaching a breaking point. What of the father of three kids who wakes up in the middle of the might worrying about how he is going to feed his children the next day without a job. Or the family who has to pack up the belongings they have and store them with friends until they can find a place to stay.  How can either of them explain to the children that most of the jobs since the last collapse have gone to illegals, and there is no work to be found. And how can you explain to these same children that Obama refuses to deport these illegals until the job market improves.

Tolerance can only go so far. This country was based on certain values, and tolerance was one of the. But tolerance stops at the barrier of social degeneracy, tyranny, and victims of their own stupidity.

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by Guest Post • May 24, 2015

US Flag

By John Velisek USN (Ret)

I think back on the days of my childhood, days when all the kids in the neighborhood I lived in would get together for a game of stickball. All colors, all nationalities, everyone would play. Some better than others, but everyone would play until our mothers called us home at dark for dinner. The only break would come when the ice cream truck came by, and if someone didn’t have the dime for ice cream, someone else would buy it for them.

Times have changed, but the basic principles of how I was brought up have stuck with me. It doesn’t make for a tranquil way of life these days. There is a choice which must be made by every one of our citizens. Do we keep those old values, or do we toss them to the side for a more modern way of living our lives?

For me, I’ve had enough. There are certain things I am tired of:

I’m tired of partisan politics, of politicians working only to line their pockets and those of family and friends.

I’m tired of election promises never kept and the lying that has somehow become an accepted part of their everyday lives.

I am tired of state and federal masters who believe they have the authority to decide what I may say or do, whether I am allowed to carry a gun or favor Christianity over Islam.

I am tired of the “It Takes a Village” mindset which claims special insight in what our children should learn and how they must be taught.

I am tired of a federal government that shatters the Constitution and Bill of Rights to protect us from ourselves. I am tired of regulations that cost money, jobs and cause damage to the country in order that some crony or lobbyist can make a bundle.

I am tired of people wanting something for nothing and blaming others for the life that they made for themselves.

I’m tired of voters being called uninformed when they are really just stupid, lazy or greedy.

I am tired of being called racist because I am against illegal immigration. We are a country of laws, or used to be. Illegal is illegal. What part of that gets lost on the administration and media? Our Republican lawmakers have lost the integrity and backbone their constituents expect them to have.

I am tired of being told that in our modern culture, family does not matter. The foundation of this country was based on Christian principles. If you want that to change, count me out. I don’t care about your new ideas, or new way of life. It doesn’t matter to me. If that offends you, I am NOT sorry and I will NOT change.

I am tired of people being perpetually offended; offended by anything you say or do. The new buzzword is “microagression”. What exactly is that, other than a way to silence the people who disagree with today’s victim class. It won’t work. I and many others will not be cowed into silence.

I am tired of people believing I have to apologize for being a Christian Atheists out there who get so upset about someone being a Christian, I ask why? If God doesn’t exist, why does being a Christian make you so angry? Here’s a fair test: tell a Muslim that his religion is wrong, and let’s see what happens.

I am tired of a school system which indoctrinates rather than educates. Don’t indoctrinate our children into acceptance of socialism or homosexuality. Alumni who give to these systems are just as guilty as those who teach in them or run them. And parents, take the time to see what they are teaching your kids; from global warming nonsense to sex they are teaching your kids things that will make you angry. Stand up and opt out. You should decide what your child needs to know and what he is to be taught.

I am tired of slavery. My family never owned any, I never lived through it and no one alive has either. If there are reparations to be paid, they won’t get a dime from me. The first slaveholder in America was a black man and the slaves were rounded up by blacks in Africa and sold to him by Muslims. Ask those people to pay.

I am tired of Bowe Bergdahl being treated as a victim or hero, while Amir Hakmati languishes in a prison in Iran. Mr. President, do what is right by having a Rose Garden ceremony for Amir, with his parents and Amir standing next to you.
I am tired of class warfare. The middle class has been devastated over the past six years. Redistribution, like all other aspects of socialism does not work, never has and never will.

There is so much more. It is time for this administration, and all politicians to wake up to the fact that people in this country are fearful of where it is going; that all people, black and white want the opportunity of a better life for their children. It is up to us, the people of this country to stand up and tell those who believe they are above the law that there will be a reckoning.

Responsibility, accountability and respect must be integral to the education of our children and citizens. Today, our priorities are in free-fall. The nation is falling into third world chaos as a result of the deliberate actions of the New World Order crowd. No victims, no excuses. The time is now, and only time will tell what the citizenry of this country really wants.

Those quiet days of summer and ice cream still await. What will you do to bring them back?

John C. Velisek USN (Ret.)
Follow on twitter : sjspecialist
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The Climate of Climate Change

Climate change has been a subject that has bounced back and forth with both sides bringing out facts and figures to substantiate the claims they make. One side puts forth apocalyptic scenarios, and the other side claims there is no merit to those claims. Politics and money play a large part in the battle. Grants are given to both sides and the common man is deluged with the findings that those grants were meant to find. So let’s take a look at the information available from both sides and try to see what the ultimate truth is.

First off, I am not paid by anyone to discuss climate changes. I have no skin in the game. And my opinion is just that, my own.

There are deceptions, and outright fabrications on the side of global warming or as it is now called, climate change. The name change is instrumental in being able to blame any weather, hot or cold, wet or dry on the climate.  No longer able to point to global warming as the coming disaster that has been voiced to the American people for twenty years, the name change was needed to further the agenda they had already laid out.

Informative is the trip of global warming activists to Antarctica to show the disappearing Ice Cap. They were caught in a thick sea ice they claimed was not there. A rescue ship was sent, which also got iced in. And this was in the Antarctic summer, when sea ice is at a minimum.

The BBC claimed in 2007 that all arctic Ice would be gone by 2013.The arctic ice, rather than totally disappearing has increased by 533,000 square miles about 30%. The Northwest Passage has been blocked by pack ice the entire year, the exact opposite of what global warmers were claiming. And in spite of pictures now shown to be photo shopped of polar bears on thin ice, the population of polar bears has increased by at least 45%.

Climate computer models are only as good as the information that it relies on makes the conclusions it renders. Through bad information or an omission of information the conclusions reached will be skewed. One such omission is the oscillation of climate inherent in our climate.  The changes take thousands of years, and are for the most part minimal. If the computers are not allowed to use these oscillations, the information is essentially useless. Up until the past few years, climate changers refused to even admit there was a little Ice Age

The little Ice Age, and other cold eras may be related to sunspots. This is the hypothesis being discussed among climate skeptics, and although correlation is still to be proven, there is a great deal of investigation to back up the hypothesis.

Climate Change supporters, after finally admitting that there was a Little Ice age, then moved forward with the discussion of carbon dioxide being the primary cause of the glacier melt that ended the Ice Age.  It has since been proven that the rise in carbon dioxide actually occurred after the glacier melt, and the cause may have been a rise in ocean temperature. During most of the history of our planet, there was much more carbon dioxide  than there is now, and the variation from era to era of carbon dioxide did not affect the climate, as the basic climate was stable and mostly cool.

Still the religion of climate change is being pushed upon the American people. There are various reasons for this. One is the effective use of climate change as a mean to redistribute wealth. Already there are calls from the United Nations and African nations for reparations for the damage done to the third world from the industrialized nations. Al Gore, a multi-millionaire from the buying and selling of carbon credits  was awarded the 2007 Nobel  Peace Prize for a movie that has since been discredited by the British High Court for factual errors. The IPCC who shared the award has been criticized by a majority of scientists for exaggeration. Yet the basic agenda of these false reports are still being taught in our schools as fact, indoctrinating our children into the socialist premise that global warming is Americas fault.

We are told to recycle, to buy smaller cars or a Tesla, to buy solar panels. None of these make a marked difference in the climate, and do nothing for those in poverty ridden third world countries  It doesn’t give them the cheap energy to move forward, and do not have the capability of renewable energy meeting the needs of the entire continent of Africa.  

In this country what should be taken into account if the factor economic growth compared to emission reduction. It makes no sense to force emission reduction if it disables the manufacturing growth of the country and the day to day quality of life the citizens.

Our climate is not in freefall, there is not a cataclysm ready to befall us. The climate is changing, as it has for thousands of years, and whether mankind makes a difference or not, it is miniscule. I was in the Philippines when Mt. Pinatubo erupted. At the time it took a lush green area of the country and the cities in the area and turned them into what I suppose hell would look like. Three years later the green lush growth was back and the cities were in the process of fully rebuilding. It was reported that the eruption put more ash and pollutants into the atmosphere that mankind would do in over 1000 years. Where are those pollutants now, the skies are blue, the water is pristine, and the atmosphere has recovered.

The EPA, the strong arm of this administration, has forced regulations on small business and coal plants that make no sense and based on information that the EPA will not let others see. There was a clean up of this country long before the EPA was set up in 1970. Environment and change in the energy process takes time, not a revolution to push through regulations and processes that do not work. Coal plants are closing down all over the country because they do meet federal regulations, and have no way of doing so, because the equipment needed isn’t out of research and development. 

In the past 16 years, there has been a slowing of global warming, even though carbon dioxide has increased. Warmists tell us it is a glitch, a hiccup, and we don’t really see what we see. Associated Press has  obtained documents that show that governments are concerned about the warming and have pushed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to refute the claim of the slowdown. Basing all the climate change hysteria on computer models that are factually incorrect is being used for implementation of regulations  up to and including cap and trade and carbon taxes on industrialized countries. And now, we even have scientists, not able to prove the facts to skeptics who will not allow false “facts” to run over the American economy with jail for disagreeing with those false facts. The data doesn’t live up to the facts, and any who question those facts are to be jailed.

So much for scientific consensus.


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