By: Juan Reynoso, WTP Activist -
Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty.
Truth and knowledge diffused among the people are necessary for the reclamation and preservation of our Democracy, rights, freedom and liberties.
Fellow Americans, now is the time to give thanks to our Lord Jesus, for given us “BERNIE SANDERS”; a Presidential candidate, a real statesman, a believer of Democracy, freedom and social justice that will fight for the average American and make a reality “Equal opportunity for every American”. Americans do not want handouts, what we want is, real equal opportunities, so we can be the best we can be.
It is a shame that our government has billions of Dollars to expend in the wars and hundreds of military installations all over the world to protect the interest of the American’s corporations but do not have the money to give the citizens of our country a free college education that will contribute to our country’s prosperity. 700,000 college girls turn into prostitution so they can pay for their college education.
Bernie Sanders, will stop this, the establishment propagandized the idea that college degree will insure a bright future and success in life. This is a lie, no everyone has to go to college; free college education will give Americans a choice to go to college without the burden of becoming an economic slave.
We are the future of our country, we must support Bernie Sanders; join the political revolution.
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Bernie Sanders will work for American’s self-determination; our government should be the facilitator so people can be the best they can be, not the controller or dictators of the people’s future.
Free College
Get Money out of Politics
Break Up Too Big To Fail Banks
Fight Climate Disaster
Fight Income Inequality
Healthcare is a Right
Defeat the Oligarchs
Tax the Billionaires
Tax Wall Street.