



San Antonio, TX

Please answer this question: What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?

July 4, 1776 officially

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Kevin Hals posted a blog post
All of the bus companies world-wide are unionized. (So are the truckers and the dock workers and the entire supply system for America!)If they want to flood America with illegal aliens to shut down the system, all Andy "the Andy Christ" Stern (SEIU)…
Jun 9, 2014
Kevin Hals posted a blog post
We Must Not Fail to Rise UpOrganization is critical now. The “administration” will ramp things up soon and while the so-called “healthcare” law gives them vast powers, they know their time is short to get the U.S. past the point of no return. It may…
May 23, 2014
Kevin Hals posted a blog post
IMOThe Union McCaliphate -not about MinWage- its about Unionizing McDonalds for Profit and ControlImmigration, ObamaCare, Benghazi, VA scandel, IRS scandel, Crooked politicians refusing to step down, Wisconsin Walk-Outs, War Memorial baracaids, The…
May 21, 2014
Kevin Hals posted blog posts
May 19, 2014
Kevin Hals posted a blog post
Is Andy "the Andy-Christ" Stern the power behind the WH? Fundamental Transformation? ANDY STERN AGAINST CHECKS AND BALANCESWeekly WH Visitor Against U.S. Constitution In an op-ed former SEIU president Andy Stern wrote about the “Founding Fathers”..…
May 16, 2014
Kevin Hals posted blog posts
May 15, 2014
Kevin Hals posted a blog post
From ACLJ Chief CounselIt's been an astonishing week in Washington, with revelation after revelation exposing the Obama Administration's incompetence and duplicity. First, Secretary of State Kerry slandered our ally Israel, the Middle East's most…
May 2, 2014
Kevin Hals posted a blog post
http://operationamericanspring.org/TO: Patriots (black, white, red, yellow, brown, male, female, civilian, military, truckers, bikers, militias, veterans, old, young, every American that loves freedom and liberty)Mission: Restoration of…
Apr 30, 2014
Kevin Hals posted blog posts
Apr 26, 2014

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  • Where the fair wind of Liberty blows! That is where she blows my friend. Let Freedom ring!

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