Linda Anders's Posts (1)

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We cannot rely on the American News Media. They do not tell us what is happening and what is coming. In fact, it seems to be their job to prevent us from finding out what is happening and what is coming.  

It is in our best interest to use our resources, which right now seems to be the internet, and find out what is happening around the world, and what people are saying about America.  For example, did you know that in 2013 there were 1651 people killed in the name of "Islam, the peaceful religion?"  Did you know that today in Iraq, sixteen people at a café were ripped apart by a Shahid suicide bomber? 

A “Hearts and Minds” program was deployed in Afghanistan that cost the lives of countless American soldiers. In the Middle East, friendly governments were edged aside to make way for the political Islamists of the Muslim Brotherhood who were meant to serve as moderate role models for Al Qaeda by showing them that terrorist groups can take over a country by winning elections … instead of planting bombs. At home, every arm of the government, including NASA, was retasked to handle the formidable challenge of enhancing Muslim self-esteem to keep Muslim teenagers from becoming surly acne-ridden suicide bombers.

The liberal prescription of defeating Muslim terrorists by isolating them through the appeasement of every other Islamist group was and is the single most insane foreign policy ever perpetrated. And it has now culminated in arms being sent to Muslim Brotherhood terrorists. ( Frontpage Mag -August 12, 2013  By Daniel Greenfield

If America is lost, there is no other place to go.  The Muslims have a plan to take us over, and it is being implemented as I type this blog, and the man who calls him self our president is helping them to do it.  There is no doubt in my mind that he is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, but I know that is not a popular thing to say. I do not know what it is going to take to get Americans to begin writing letters and emails and making phone calls, and going to town hall meetings, and running for local, county, state, and Federal offices.  Join a Conservative voting recruitment center, make phone calls to people to see if they are registered, volunteer as a poll worker.....Get involved!  Glen Beck is begging us to get organized on Freedom Works.  Do accurate research on currant events and get the messages out to people.  

Take some time to look at the following website and just think about the possibility that everything you are reading is happening right here in our own country....because if the Muslims have their way.... ( and it is starting in Michigan) this is what our news is going to look like.   God Bless America


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