

New Bern, NC

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Is America a republic?

I believe that Obama is the worst President we have ever had. I voted for Obama in 2008 and I realize now that it was the worst political mistake I have ever made. He knows how to "talk the talk." I have been a republican because I believe in small government and a balanced budget. If you live within your means you prosper. Entitlements must be reformed for our Nations survival. I believe in all the Tea Parties Core beliefs and most of all I believe in our Constitution. George Washington did not want parties because he wanted to be free of party loyalties to debate important issues. He could not stop the two that were created while he was president. His Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, believed in less government control and started the Democratic-Republican Party. Washington's Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton believed in more government control and started the Federalist Party. Washington gave in he first joined the Federalist Party and soon realized less government control was best and joined the Democratic-Republican Party. Our country is so out of control that for the first time I am frightened. I see the fall coming and feel hopeless. The social media is no help they coverup and lie about the truth. The tea party is my hope for the future. George Washington once said, “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master”. I think that says it all!

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Pat Bennett posted a blog post
This is a good article from the Tzemech News Service that I came across.  It provides a clear but brief picture of what happened to Israel and how Palestine came to be.The History and Meaning of "Palestine" and "Palestinians""There is no such thing…
Dec 1, 2012

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