Elected Officials should be 1 Term only with no Pentions and Medical benefits when they leave office. Then you will see who really wants to help the country when you take these gigantic insentives away. I had a life long friend who was an elected official. I asked him why he wanted to do this job. He replied to me. " How long do you have to work to get a Pention." I said, 30 years. He then replied, " In 4 years I'll have a pention and medical benefits. How can you beat that. " Do I have to say any more. Why don't you Americans get it. It's what your all working for. Isn't it ? Believe it or not, it's one of the huge perks for getting into office. As you know there are many others. Do you really think they give a grap about you. The new republicans will go bad with the rest of the bad apples. It's just the law of nature.
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Posted by Pat Ganley on September 13, 2010 at 6:24am
I would like to know if the Tea Party knows why Politicians and Government employees get huge pentions and medical benefits when they retire and most of the average working class don't. They are getting all of this with our money. How outrageous ! This is one of the most unfair practices going on in this country today. I have to pay for their benefits with my hard earned money and I don't get any where close to what they are getting. Most average American workers that retire without being in a Union, Government employee or a Politician get next to nothing. This number is in the millions. Hello, how about me too !
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