First Step to Fixing Government

Elected Officials should be 1 Term only with no Pentions and Medical benefits when they leave office. Then you will see who really wants to help the country when you take these gigantic insentives away. I had a life long friend who was an elected official. I asked him why he wanted to do this job. He replied to me. " How long do you have to work to get a Pention."  I said, 30 years. He then replied, " In 4 years I'll have a pention and medical benefits. How can you beat that. " Do I have to say any more. Why don't you Americans get it. It's what your all working for. Isn't it ?  Believe it or not, it's one of the huge perks for getting into office. As you know there are many others. Do you really think they give a grap about you. The new republicans will go bad with the rest of the bad apples. It's just the law of nature.
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  • Phil,


    You make a good point about the Health Care Bill. You say you have read it, and still find it incomprehensible. I have not read it, nor, honestly, would I care to attempt to. It is simply TOO large. They tried to create an omnibus Bill and, in so doing, can only have created a boondoggle.

    Bills, those articles written and presented for ratification, by our Congress to become the Law of the Land, should be clear and concise. There should be little, or no, ambiguity about them.


    I would like to see a few simple rules implemented.

    A Bill should be written in such a manner that it can be understood by any High-School graduate; of course that also means restoring our educational system to something close to what it was near the end of the 1960's at least.

    A Bill proposal MUST be able to pass a test of Constitutionality and cite specific Constitutional provisions that allow for it to become Law. This test approval Must pass with three-fourths consensus from Each House. 

    A Bill should cover as little material as possible to accomplish a specific purpose. Of course this would mean that almost every different facet of something such as the Health Care omnibus Bill would need to be placed into its own neat little package: Patient care coverage in general, Specifics on specialized types of care covered in as many separate Articles or Bills as needed, Prescription coverage, Expenses and payment means, Litigation, etc. Each dealt with as separate sub-topics to be deliberated and voted upon, by Both Houses, separately. After each of these facets achieves final passage through the Full Congress it could then be included for final passage in what could then properly be considered an omnibus type package.

    Federal Funding of ANY Bill must be predicated upon Funding ALREADY available in the Treasury to cover the initial cost of implementation regardless of any favorable cost saving projections.


    Then Phil, we can consider your idea of opening that transplant clinic. Yo Scarecrow!

  • I agree with the part about elected officials not taking any benefits with them when they leave office.

    They should get no pension whatsoever, unless they earn it outside elected office. And not while in office at the same time.


    Why do you say "YOU AMERICANS?" Are you not a Citizen of the United States?

    If so, then you are of of the U.S. Americans who is allowing this to happen.

    If not, what is your stake in it? 

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