Preston Williams's Posts (3)

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TO: All fellow Patriots of TeaParty.orgSheriff Joe of Maricopa County Arizona, has determined through some of the most qualified experts in the fieldof computer documentation fraud, that the document Obama presented as his birth certificate, beyond any reasonable doubt, is a fraud. I wrote a letter to my Senator for Oklahoma, Jim Inhofe, and told him that I sick and tired of the blatant corruption and planned agenda of Obama, to turn America into a totalitarian dictatorship equal Nazi Germany when Adolf Hitler was in power. Secondly, I told my Senator, that the Transportation Security Agency, (TSA) is now detaining trucks and cars without probable cause and searching those same vehicles without a warrant. This is a blatant violation of the 4th Amendment that covers search and or seizure of private property. I for one will not stand for this, What's next, searching our homes without a warrant. I told Senator Imhofe, that if i TSA attempting to search my car without a warrant, I show the documentation that I am a retired Police Officer and my Firearms Permit, and advise that any attempt to search my vehicle without a legitimate warrant signed by a County District Court Judge, will be met with deadly force.If this make me a radical then so be it. The final concern I told Senator Inhofe, is that now Obama, and the Attorney General Eric Holder, believe they can kill American overseas and here in America, if they deem these people to be dangerous to America. This is a violation of the 5th and 6th Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America. I encourage all who read this to contact their elected officials in Washington and tell them what I closed my letter to Senator Inhofe, "If you do not immediately call for impeachment of Obama,based upon eligibility or at least for grossness of violating his oath of office, then you sir are just as culpable in the TREASON, that Obama has been allowed perpetrate upon the American people."Please feel free to use any or all of this blog.
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Warning from Homeland Security

Homeland Security continues to put out notices to Federal, State and Local Law enforcement agencies warning that all Militia's are Extremists. This includes people who are against legalized slaughter of unborn innocent life, for obedience to the Constitution of the United States of America. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler, did to vilify the Jewish population prior to and during WWII. The gloves have come off and we must and will continue to let our voices be heard and expose the NWO elitists for what they are and who they are.
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The title of this blog is the name of my book that has just been published and can be purchased on or from Barns and Noble.  I wrote this book primarily to honor all veterans present and past.

I also include in my book the need for a "wake up call" for all American's to get involved in perserving our Republic and moral values that this Nation was founded upon.

I am a member of the Norman, Oklahoma tea party and am honored to be a part of this tea party organization as well.undefined

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