Homeland Security continues to put out notices to Federal, State and Local Law enforcement agencies warning that all Militia's are Extremists. This includes people who are against legalized slaughter of unborn innocent life, for obedience to the Constitution of the United States of America. This is exactly what Adolf Hitler, did to vilify the Jewish population prior to and during WWII. The gloves have come off and we must and will continue to let our voices be heard and expose the NWO elitists for what they are and who they are.
I hear war drums and I've seen smoke signals for a long time . It' time we prepared for the day of a patriotic rebellion in the instance oh'BUMMER were to win re- election . We cannot let that happen we must shed the blood ol TJ talked about . As part of the preparation we should fight fire with fire . oh'BUMMERS DHS is keeping a cdata file on we who dissent . Among her data bases are Facebook , Twitter . Conservative/ constitution supporting websites , Conservative/constitutional bloggers and the list goes on . We should be forming a data base of leftwingers / democrats / communists in media , in education , in Government local,statewide and national , politicians and bureaucrats . These are people that should be targeted for incarceration and trial for treason . We must not allow Martial law to be declared without armed resistance . If we allow it we have lost our freedom . NO TO MARTIAL LAW . oh'BUMMER and his czars cannot be trusted not to interfere with this coming election . he will do anything to stay in power and maintain his tyrannical kingship . The military for the most part will be loyal to the constitution and take the part of the citizens . I believe that there are only two things that have prevented tyranny from already taking place and they the second amendment and oh'BUMMERS distrust of which way the military will go . One of the BIG THINGS we have going for us is the military's hatred for oh'BUMMER . I am a retired navy vet and I understand the restrictions put on active duty people but oh'BUMMER's putting alot of those people back into the civilian population which is to the patriots benefit . Thousands of people will be released from active duty soon , and they're not going to happy when they can't find a job . All to our benefit as it may cause the regime to rethink it's attempted tyranny . Watch out for the political moves that oh'BUMMER is taking and will take to get re-elected . Eygpt will release the hostages to make oh' BUMMER look good . The muslims like one of their own in the blackhouse . They don't want it turned back to a whitehouse and becoming energy independent . Live by the boy scout motto and BE PREPARED !
Let's join together in an effort to educate our sheriffs with sheriff Richard Macks Book and point out that the county sheriff is the utimate law enforcement officer position throughout the the USA . The primary duty of the oath taker is to support defend and protect the integrity of the constitution and en equal responsibility to make sure that no one in his county is without constitutional law protection . It is the sheriffs sworn duty to protect all citizens of his county's constitutional rights and arrest anyone including federal authorities who try to interfere with one or more of his citizens rights . Lets use the act that allows arrest without warrant and no habeaus corpus protection . That is an unconstitutional law , an unlawful law , an illegal law . The state can nullify it and the county sheriff can nullify it whether the state does or not . Let's arrest any federal agent that attempts to enforce that illegal law under the parameters of that law . Throw them in jail with no communication with their master and let the masters wonder what happened to their agents .
I hear war drums and I've seen smoke signals for a long time . It' time we prepared for the day of a patriotic rebellion in the instance oh'BUMMER were to win re- election . We cannot let that happen we must shed the blood ol TJ talked about . As part of the preparation we should fight fire with fire . oh'BUMMERS DHS is keeping a cdata file on we who dissent . Among her data bases are Facebook , Twitter . Conservative/ constitution supporting websites , Conservative/constitutional bloggers and the list goes on . We should be forming a data base of leftwingers / democrats / communists in media , in education , in Government local,statewide and national , politicians and bureaucrats . These are people that should be targeted for incarceration and trial for treason . We must not allow Martial law to be declared without armed resistance . If we allow it we have lost our freedom . NO TO MARTIAL LAW . oh'BUMMER and his czars cannot be trusted not to interfere with this coming election . he will do anything to stay in power and maintain his tyrannical kingship . The military for the most part will be loyal to the constitution and take the part of the citizens . I believe that there are only two things that have prevented tyranny from already taking place and they the second amendment and oh'BUMMERS distrust of which way the military will go . One of the BIG THINGS we have going for us is the military's hatred for oh'BUMMER . I am a retired navy vet and I understand the restrictions put on active duty people but oh'BUMMER's putting alot of those people back into the civilian population which is to the patriots benefit . Thousands of people will be released from active duty soon , and they're not going to happy when they can't find a job . All to our benefit as it may cause the regime to rethink it's attempted tyranny . Watch out for the political moves that oh'BUMMER is taking and will take to get re-elected . Eygpt will release the hostages to make oh' BUMMER look good . The muslims like one of their own in the blackhouse . They don't want it turned back to a whitehouse and becoming energy independent . Live by the boy scout motto and BE PREPARED !
Let's join together in an effort to educate our sheriffs with sheriff Richard Macks Book and point out that the county sheriff is the utimate law enforcement officer position throughout the the USA . The primary duty of the oath taker is to support defend and protect the integrity of the constitution and en equal responsibility to make sure that no one in his county is without constitutional law protection . It is the sheriffs sworn duty to protect all citizens of his county's constitutional rights and arrest anyone including federal authorities who try to interfere with one or more of his citizens rights . Lets use the act that allows arrest without warrant and no habeaus corpus protection . That is an unconstitutional law , an unlawful law , an illegal law . The state can nullify it and the county sheriff can nullify it whether the state does or not . Let's arrest any federal agent that attempts to enforce that illegal law under the parameters of that law . Throw them in jail with no communication with their master and let the masters wonder what happened to their agents .