Rudy Tirre's Discussions (593)

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The Real lowlife-Kamala Harris

The Real lowlife-Kamala Harris
By Daniel John Sobieski ~{ }

So drubling lips liar-Joe Biden has picked the runt of the litter, an also-ran loser in the Democratic primaries who never won a primary, barely escaped sitting at the kidd

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Why the Talk of Canceling Debates?

Why the Talk of Canceling Debates?
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by Byron York ~{ } 

There are three presidential debates scheduled before the Nov. 3 election. The first will be on Sept. 29 at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. The second will be on Oct. 15

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Rush Limbaugh, Exceptional American

Rush Limbaugh, Exceptional American

What can you say about Rush Limbaugh that he already hasn’t said about himself? The Big Voice on the Right. America’s Anchorman. The Doctor of Democracy. A living legend. The harmles

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