In Obamas book, '' Dreams of my Father '' Obama out lined his fathers hatred of colonialism, hatred of the west, and over whelming hatred of the United States. Obama stated his fathers hatred of the Americas dominate position in the world do to our economic power which fueled our spreading American culture, and our American military over match against any nation or group of nations. Obama clearly stated that his fathers desire to see America economic and military power curtailed. He also stated his father hated democracy,capitalism and any other religion of then islam.
Obama clearly stated that he wishes to fore fill his father desire to see the United States fall. To over see see a redistribution of wealth. By primary to bleed the United states dry transferring economic power to third world countries. Primary muslim countries, tribal nations that are run by dictatorships and murder there own people as a matter of social policy. Obama and his father have a clear fundamental aversion to democracy to the United States, and are clueless that capitalism clearly is superior socialism and democracy serves the people. And Kingdoms thiefdoms and dictatorships are the stuff of nightmares for a modern, educated, civil, democratic, western society.
Obama overt need to satisfy his drunken, poorly educated, irresponsible, father who abandoned him shows a serious psychopathology. Obama desire to win a approval of a dead reprehensible father shows extremely poor ego development, immaturity, and a lack of insight on his part; do to a less then mighty intellect. His behavior as President and his ant-americanism and just plain stupid polices is proof he is trying to win approval of a dead father, who abandoned him. Obama has cloned himself into a anti-american communist, jihadist as his father wished himself to be who. Obama clearly does not have the slightest understand of America's role in the world, the inter-relationship between allied nations. which keeps the world at peace and provides safety and security for all nations. Plus a basic misunderstanding and hatred for the American dream, the American practice and belief that personal innovation and hard work equals success. Obama lacks the insight and the lack of prejudice to understand that American power is a force for good for American and the rest of human civilization. Obama does not need a election Obama needs a psychotherapist.